Saturday, August 31, 2013

8x12 Heat of the Moment---RECAP

Holly J is looking in at Mia now captaining the squad looking upset. Alli and Clare come up behind her and Alli makes a comment about how maybe Holly J can use her newfound free time to find true love. It didn’t seem to me that Alli’s comment came off as malicious however Holly J then comments about how thanks but no thanks she doesn’t need relationship advice from a niner and then asks if Alli is even dating. Alli explains yes but when asked who claims she’s keeping it on the DL….cause yea you know her bad boy senior boyfriend is totes ashamed of her. Holly J comments how cute it is Alli has an imaginary boyfriend so she says it’s Johnny. Holly J walks to Johnny and ask if it’s true and he comments he’s a senior…yea right and Holly J tells Alli looks like she should be looking for true love too. Alli vows to kill her.


Friday, August 30, 2013

8x11 Causing a Commotion recap

Shep announces he’s Principal of the year as the kids are coming into the lab. Conner puts a desk lamp by his computer to stop the reflection from bothering his eyes. Shep comes into the room and offers a day off school for two ‘geeks’ to help him out. Alli and KC take on the task of documenting him for his award and as he leaves he trips over Conner’s lamp cord saying it’s hazardous and it needs to be removed cause he doesn’t plan to give preferential treatment to anyone. Clare comments except for football players and lands a detention.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

8x10 Bad Medicine. recap

The football team is celebrating a win and Riley who’s not got a haircut is the player of the game. He looks over toward Peter and Mia with a sad look in his eyes as he has feelings. Cut to him at home with various weight training magazines and pills on the ground.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

8x08/09 Lost In Love recap

This was originally aired in the states as a block opener and was billed as a ‘Valentines Special’ even though obviously in cannon the episode took place sometime mid-fall.

Jane and Danny arrive at school and its ‘Love Week’ Jane comments at how the school is decorated and Sav says he hopes to impress Anya. Jane says she’ll be solo because Spinner has to work and Alli comments that it must suck because her boyfriend won’t be around. Jane explains he’s saving up for the Police Academy (because you know on his aptitude test it did list Policeman alongside Clown and Lumberjack) and she plans to be pre law.

Spinner wakes up and finds a letter from the Academy on the table under a post it from his mom saying good luck. He doesn’t get in.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8x07 Money For Nothing recap

Holly J has big news however first Chantey points out they have an audience. Holly J goes to tell Blue it’s a closed practice though he wants to know if she’ll go see Pink Floyd with him. Seriously what teenager even four or five years ago listens to Pink Floyd? He tells her the cost of the tickets and she tells them it better be good or a second date is out of the question. Holly J’s announcement is that they made it to a major completion in Florida that’s $350. This is a huge achievement since last time the squad tried to compete well World War 3 nearly broke out.

Holly J comes home and her mom tells her she has bad news. Her dad made some bad investments and they are going to have to make changes. Her mom cuts up Holly J’s credit card and she flips.


Monday, August 26, 2013

8x06 With Or Without You recap

Some of the students are about to go off on a school sponsored camping trip as Sav tells Danny that he and Anya have been dating for six months and he’s ready to take it to the next step (cue the box of Trojans) On the other side of the parking lot Connor is excited about collecting moths but Johnny is not amused. Alli is giddy she gets to go cause it’s an educational opportunity though now this makes Sav her babysitter preventing his sexy times. Little does he know that she’s planning sexy times of her own….


Sunday, August 25, 2013

8x05 Man With Two Hearts recap

Before you guys get too excited no….this isn’t about some mad man in a blue box who comes to Toronto and takes an unsuspecting female character on an epic journey through time and space though that would have been totally EPIC. Though this episode does kick off Riley’s character arch and plants the seeds for one of my favorite (non cannon) SLASH ships.

Speaking of…..Riley and Peter are going for a run. Peter trips and Riley helps him. Riley comments that if he has any guys then he’d go try out for cross country. They get back to school and Mia says she has some free time before a shoot and asks if Peter wants to walk her to set. He tells her no he’s going to go to the meeting and Riley comments about blowing off a hot model once Mia walks away. Peter comments about how he just got his heart stomped on by Darcy and doesn’t want to get involved (Spoilers he does and she leaves him for the CW too) Riley tells Peter he can relate and Peter nods asking if he has girl troubles too….. (Oh you can’t imagine)


Saturday, August 24, 2013

8x04 Didn’t We Almost Have It All recap

Liberty is worried about making a first impression for the sorority. Even though she’s a legacy since remember her mom went there…..she still needs to look good. It’s all about connections. She’s approached by a girl from another sorority who knows all about her. The dean of the university is an alum and she comments why settle for a safe bet when you can compete to be part of an elite group.


8x03 fight the Power recap

Jane is trying out for the football team and Darcy and Spinner are showing their support.  There is some trash talk because Jane is much better then Derek on the field. Jane asks if she’s in but Shep has to get it green lit by the board as to if a girl can play on a boy’s team.

Friday, August 23, 2013

8x01/02 Uptown Girls—Recap

As a new season begins Degrassi’s new football team and the newly rebranded Power Squad are practicing/holding tryouts during the last week of summer. Mia’s late and hopes she can still try out however Holly J is now in charge of everything cause the new Principal, Principal Shepard AKA ‘The Shep’ who ran a pre-fire Lakehurst is now in charge and he’s always had a sweet spot for Holly J. She tells Mia she’s not going to let her try out because she’s unreliable.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (so the titles are back to the seasons 3-5 format though the backtrack vocals are new. The opening includes 8 new characters, Clare (though she was technically introduced back in season 6), Alli, Connor, KC, Kelly, Blue, Leia, and Riley as well as three minor characters bumped up to titles (Bruce, Johnny, and Chantey) All the graduates  sans Emma, Liberty, Manny and Spinner are gone as well as Christine (Emma’s mom) and Darcy. It’s common in the fan communities to refer to any character introduced after this Generation 2 (and some even refer to Maya, Tristan, Tori, Zig, Campbell, Miles, Zoe, and Winston as Generation 3….)


Thursday, August 22, 2013

7x24 We Built This City recap

Toby comments she thought Liberty would be studying for finals however she tells him she’s been busy with Prom and Grad plans. Speaking of plans he asks if she’s up for a post grad rededication of the ‘JT Yorke Memorial Zen Garden’ Miss H approved that the two of them, Emma and Manny can have a private get together after graduation. Damian buys tickets for Prom for him and Emma however he and Liberty end up flirting. She gets a phone call the school just won a radio contest and Natasha Beddingfield is playing at prom (and que Pocket Full of Sunshine)

WHATEVER IT TAKES (bye bye instrumental opening it was nice knowing you….wish you returned in season thirteen instead of the dreck we have now)

13x08 Young Forever Postmortem

7x23 If This Is It recap

Jimmy and Spinner are in science class and they have a choice do the written test or do a physical project. Spinner needs to ace the test or he won’t pass the class and graduate. Jimmy asks if they can do the project together so Spinner can pass and its green lit. Oh and Spinner is getting his final test results after school about his cancer.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

7x22 Don't Stop Believin' recap

Ellie is out speed dating as Marco and Eric are watching her from the kitchen. It’s confirmed they have been dating for a couple months now and Marco tells him he’s ready to go exclusive. The speed date is ‘only’ article research (sure) yet she’s bummed out of fifteen guys she’s only gotten two callbacks. Marco comments that when she makes editor she’ll have her choice of assignment but Ellie knows Eric has that job on lock. Paige arrives with exciting news. Her dad is paying mortgage on a condo for her…..that’s great but as Ellie reminds her she JUST redecorated her room at university house. Paige tells her she has to be out by the end of the month and so Marco and Ellie need to find a new roommate before they re-sign the lese for the house.


7x21 Everything She Wants recap

Study guides are being passed out for the science final and Anya and Mia plan to study together in a couple’s only study date. Lucas is in trouble again and he comments that someone said she was the second prettiest girl in school. Jane comments about how he better behave at dinner and he tells Mia that their mom is having her latest internet date over. Mia suggests she and Isabella come for backup.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

7x20 Ladies Night recap

Degrassi is hosting some kind of fast/lock in for Free The Children and if you listen closely you can hear the same African/Lion King-esque stalk music from season three. Anyway Anya is the one who has organized the event. She welcomes everyone to the event and tells them that Studz will be playing. The event coordinator tells them to finish with their pancakes because there are only seconds left before the twenty four hour fast begins. Now before you say that’s irrational and unhealthy just know that in many customs people fast for that long (sometimes even longer) for various religious celebrations. Anyway Anya is nervous about the event and wants it to go smoothly. Holly J comments that she isn’t going to boil everyone’s water because it’s already clean cause they aren’t actually in a third world country and she calls Anya a Diva and Attention Whore… Holly J….Anya is TRYING to do a good thing here. She tells Holly J how Sav rand this fast last year and she knows what she’s doing. Anya then suggests Sav help Holly J with the water to get to know her better


7x19 Broken Wings recap

 Jimmy is having a flashback/dream sequence of him playing basketball out of the chair as he’s in the gym coaching the girls. He dismisses them and begins to shoot free throws as his parents show up at school. He’s gotten a letter in the mail and they couldn’t wait for him to open it. It’s from Hudson University and he’s been accepted into their pre law program. His dad comments about one day being law partners and his mom comments how it’s a dream come true…whose dream is yet to bee said.


Monday, August 19, 2013

7x18 Another Brick In The Wall recap

Damian is over at the house in secret with Emma while she’s babysitting Jack. Simpson and Christine come home early since the waiter made him paranoid. He gets a call and it was the lawyer. He announces who has two thumbs and is no longer a pedophile….THIS GUY


7x17 Talking In Your Sleep recap

Paige is humming at University House as she’s looking at paint swatches because things are going good and Andrea gave her a raise so she wants to redecorate Dylan’s old room. Ellie and Marco are eh but Griffin is down for it. Marco and Ellie finally say okay to painting and Griffin asks Paige if she’s still up for the bed thing. No not sex though Paige seems to want it. Griffin is just taking her furniture shopping at IKEA.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

7x16 Sweet Child O' Mine recap

The episode opens as Mia is re-auditioning for Spirit Squad. Manny is glad she’s finally back in her rightful place however Holly J is a bit skeptic because of Mia being a teen mom. Not because it’s a sin like Darcy had thought last go but because she’s worried that she’ll shirk on her squad obligations. She wants Mia to prove her worth. Lucas goes to Mia commenting how she has it all yet something is missing.

7x15 Got My Mind Set on You--recap

This episode was all but grating to watch and once you hear the subplots you’ll understand why.

The episode opens as Mr. P is taking over teaching MI at least for the period since Simpson is still out and it was his free period. He looks at Simpson’s lesson plans and assigns a four person how to assignment. Peter asks Danny and Derek to work with them since Darcy is away for the week. I’m going to assume due to the timing she was out in Cali auditioning for the CW lets just be real here. They propose doing their how to about picking up chicks and Peter laughs. He bets that the boys can’t get past Hello with Rachel a Lakehurst transfer girl with no significance past this episode. They end up coaxing Rachel to be the fourth of her group.


Saturday, August 17, 2013

7x13/14-Bust A Move--recap

AkA Degrassi Spring Break.
Now we’re up to the part of the series where various episodes would be packaged/marketed as specials or movie events and at least stateside this episode is one of them.
Jay is at the garage filming an audition tape for Manny’s university interview. Jay wants to film a sex tape to tide him over while his ‘fiancé’ is off at university despite the fact that this little arrangement is supposed to be null and void the moment caps fly in the air…..or not…..


7x12 Live to Tell--recap

Johnny, Bruce and Darcy are in detention. The boys are making comments about Miss H and Darcy comments oh they like older women that much be why they don’t have girlfriends to which the boys reply about how she still where’s her ring when she and Peter have ‘had sex’ since that’s the story the student body knows. Johnny and Bruce earn another week and Simpson gives Darcy time off for good behavior since it’s her last day. She gives Simpson a hug thanking him.


Friday, August 16, 2013

7x11 Owner of a Lonely Heart--recap

Marco and Ellie are out at a bar and Ellie is bitching about Jesse, SERIOUSLY she is….I don’t know why I thought I liked her but she’s getting pretty annoying or maybe it’s just the ship that sucks. Anyway Marco is bitching about poor service and heads to the bar to order but not before bumming cash from Ellie. He meets a guy named Devin who tells him that he needs more than a ten to wave to get attention and foots the bill. He also invites Marco to a campus PRIDE event though tells him not to bring Ellie.


7x10 Pass the Dutchie--recap

Spinner and Jane are playing pool at the Breakroom (Lakehurst’s hangout) and Jay shows up. He teases Spinner asking how long he’s been rocking the mullet as Spinner pulls off his ball cap which had a wig attached to it. The Mohawk from his last appearance is gone and he now has a shaved head as he tells Jay he has cancer. Jay apologizes because he didn’t know. He tells Spinner the Brightside is medicinal marijuana as it’s better than the stuff on the streets. Spinner tells him that they don’t prescribe it to kids….he’s asked….Jay tells him if he wants a hit he can hook him up. Jane wants to move venues however Spinner wants to relax because he has chemo in the AM.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

7x09 Hungry Eyes-recap

First off I love this episode because it’s another bottle episode where the majority of the plot takes place at Degrassi and how the A and B plot both revolve around the same event (the intermural tournament)

 Emma and Manny are heading toward the school and Emma is commenting how she hasn’t heard from Sean in a while and that she’s been stuck on her admissions essays… I know I’ll comment about this when I get to season twelve too but timeline wise it’s most likely February or March not that you can tell from the weather outside or the wardrobe and by now letters would start coming out cause application deadlines were like December or January…..anyway rant aside the school is being taken over by Purple Dragons and not of the friendly little Figment variety no…. it’s a corporate sponsor for the school badminton tournament….. Seriously maybe it’s just a Canadian thing but I’ve never heard of people playing it intramural in school before. Liberty is set against this but Damian thinks it’s great and rally hopes Emma auditions to be one of the sample girls. Manny agrees and tells Emma she needs to spice up her boring life.


13x07 Honey Postmortem

7x08 Jessie's Girl||recap

Jesse hangs up the phone at the Core office and wants the presses to be stopped and Ellie’s story to be dropped from the cover. He just got Bill Nye to be a guest speaker at the school for some big Q and A interview. Ellie’s pissed because he’s been promising her a cover spot and she worked her ass off. He tells her it’s just business and to take it for the team.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

7x07 We Got the Beat--recap

The episode opens with Manny (now back as a brunette) practicing dancing with her cousin. She’s practicing for her ‘Debut’ it’s a family tradition for her eighteenth birthday though she’d rather just hit up a karaoke club.  She’s told all the family will be there and that they give her money which will go to pay for university. Her dad says if she doesn’t want to waltz with her cousin he’d gladly step in and she shakes her head. Her cousin is fine.


7x05/6 Death or Glory||recap

The café is still crowded due to the merger. Jimmy asks why they are all chaotic all the time. Spinner doesn’t know there are perks about Lakehurst….. Like Jane. It’s Anarchy around school and they comment how they wish they had political spearheads like Rudy Giuliani or George W Bush to help with the chaos. You can tell this and past seasons where people like Bush were brought up over whoever the Prime Minister or President or whoever is in charge of Canada that the show is beginning to skew more into being Americanized which both has it’s perks and it’s downfalls but we won’t go into that topic unless any readers wish to discuss in comments. Anyway Spinner decides to take matters into his own hands and steps in between Bruce, Johnny, and Lucas telling them how he’d like them to stop. Johnny throws a punch but Spinner’s super hero like reflexes grab the fist and he’s met with a rounding applause.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

7x4 It’s Tricky—recap

I remember in a season one re-cap I’d gotten this episode title and season six’s Can’t Hardly Wait Confused. I think it’s because both had Jimmy/Ashley plots and to be honest with over 300 episodes sometimes titles just blur together.

Spinner is listening to Craig’s first album that dropped and I’m LOLing that the cover art is a season four gallery still. Toby comments how if Craig were still around the talent show line up wouldn’t suck and Emma points out how some of his songs are clearly about certain people. She’s The Ash (Ashley) Thong Girl Wrong Girl (Manny) Red Headed For Trouble (Ellie). He’d wrote all the songs in rehab except for My Window which Ashley says she wrote. Jimmy is giddy because he got a shout out in Craig’s liner notes….Ashley didn’t even though he used her music. Toby tells her he’s putting her up to play at the showcase.


7x3 Love Is A Battlefield--recap

Paige is bloodying her hair. She’s got a busy day. Dropping Jimmy’s keys off, doing errands and having a job interview. She tells Alex she deserves a rest after landing a perfect GPA in her victory semester at Degrassi though a 4.0 wasn’t enough to sway her mom from dumping Chad and so long as he’s in the picture Alex isn’t.
Marco asks Paige how long is Alex going to freeload and Paige tells him they are lucky to have supporting parentals.


Monday, August 12, 2013

7x1/2 Standing In The Dark—recap

New Season, New Characters, New Distributer of the DVD Boxed Set…..but still the same school year.

It’s the first day back from break and its pretty bus heavy outside of Degrassi. Manny is now Blonde (though don’t get attached by episode seven it’s back to normal….I believe she changed if for her role on Instant Star don’t quote me though). The reason for the buses is because Lakehurst burnt down and so now the students are going to Degrassi. Peter and Darcy are still sneaking around from their parents but she really wants him to tell Miss H.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (the opening is the same instrumental soap opera style one as last season though the title card has been updated with a group shot. Other changes are Sean, Alex, and JT and in their place is a Danny/Derek, Holly J/Mia, and Damian/Jane card.)


Sunday, August 11, 2013

6x18/19 Don’t You Want Me—recap

Paige is over at Alex’s house when there is a knock on the door. Her mom’s boyfriend Chad is getting arrested for credit card fraud. Alex tells her that she should go.


6x17 Sunglasses at Night—recap

Marco is playing online poker as his dad is setting up a new security system for the shirt shop. He invites the boys to the horse track but they decline. It’s been about a week since Dylan left and Marco is sad. Spinner tells him he needs to stop being a hermit with a computer and Spinner declares he just won $200


Saturday, August 10, 2013

6x16 Love My Way recap

Dylan is having a going away party at University House and Paige approaches Jimmy saying how she hears he’s looking for a marketing manager and she’s wondering if he’d hire her. As she’s talking to Jimmy, Spinner is longingly smiling at her. Across the room Ellie and Jesse are fighting yet again this time about how she doesn’t like dancing….(god I didn’t realize just how annoying this ship is….sigh) Alex shows up telling them Carla blew her off for pottery class and Paige smiles saying that at least she has someone there.


6x14/15 Free Fallin’—recap

The episode opens with Paige taking an exam…..or rather attempting to however the time limits for the questions keep on going past and she’s not written a thing. Anxiety has gotten the better of her and she goes into a panic attack and walks out.


Friday, August 9, 2013

6x13 If You Leave|| recap

The episode opens with the spirit squad having practice. They are good but it’s important to note that the male team members are now gone. They finish up and know they are going to win at finals. Emma tells Manny how this doesn’t feel right with JT only dying two weeks ago. She’s still on edge from it all and asks Manny out for coffee. Manny can’t cause she has an important date…not with new boyfriend Damian but with her mom as she thinks it’s about time she comes back home.


6x12 Bitterest Pill--recap

The Episode opens as JT’s funeral has just ended and it’s informed that Drake (and maybe Johnny too though he becomes a character as of next season) are in jail. Emma and Manny ask how Liberty is and she walks off. She tells Toby how people are expecting her to be breaking down like Mia however she can’t. They talk about how JT wouldn’t want a stuffy service like what they just sat through to be it for him and plan a celebration of his life at Degrassi.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (also like to note out that Ryan is still in the opening and not cut like certain other actors were when they were written off/killed off in season twelve)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

6x11 Rock This Town

This episode I’ve been dreading getting to since I started this season. I knew it was coming and still it hit me with all the emotions it had when I first watched.  I just want to note that this episode has a MAJOR character death and if you are going into my recaps blindly I won’t spoil it.

Manny is aggressively ripping up photos of Craig from her locker. She dumped him and is happy though she doesn’t look happy and admits she’s going crazy. Emma tells her the house is going to be empty all weekend and Manny suggests they have a party…..Why? What’s there to celebrate Emma asks and JT soon informs the girls it’s Liberty’s Birthday…..BINGO!!


13x06 Cannonball Postmortem

6x09/10 What It Feel Like To Be A Ghost--recap

Manny is at the airport and is excited. Craig is back in town for a few days and she’s not seen him in ages and he hardly takes her calls anymore. They have a moment however soon Craig ushers her to a party that Ellie and Marco are throwing for him at the University House.  At the party Craig sings one of his songs and Ellie comments on the profoundness of the lyrics and sings some more despite Manny wanting to spend some one on one time with her boyfriend.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

6x08 Crazy Little Thing Called Love—recap

Sean is finally free from jail thanks to Emma getting him representation which lead to a lighter sentence and two years’ probation. He’s glad to get back to the perfect girl who doesn’t deserve him…..and bacon double cheeseburgers (so much for season one Sean who didn’t eat Beef after visiting the slaughter house huh) Emma tells him she can put her carnivorous objections aside for the night and has a present….a photo from their first date six years ago (see Friday Night). He wishes he could go back to then….back to a time she was proud of him..


6x07 Working for the Weekend:

Darcy apologizes to Spinner for the breakup it was the right thing to do and she hopes they can still be friends.  Spinner seems sad that she’s saying this when didn’t HE break up with HER cause of the pictures….I mean I know it was just last episode and it’s been maybe a day, day in a half for me between viewing Eyes Without a Face and this but….yea.

So Spinner goes into Simpson’s class just squeaking by and there is a special guest. The guidance counselor is letting them know the results of their career aptitude tests are in. Jimmy got Criminal Lawyer while Ashley got Criminal Law. They talk about going to NYU for Law school and maybe opening up a practice together one day. Spinner’s isn’t as ambitions….his first choice career is Clown though for foreshadowing purpose it’s important to note his second choice is Police Officer and later on he does try to get into the academy.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

6x05/6 Eyes Without A Face--recap

I’m so glad I’m FINALLY up to this episode not so much cause of its content but this is the first appearance of any of the current season thirteen student cast members as we spot Clare Edwards who would be in grade eight unless she is younger here and was later SORASed to be a freshman in season eight (note this season and next are the same school year)

Speaking of the episode opens with Darcy and Spinner making out in the car as Spinner is dropping Darcy off. They are worried that her parents or worse Clare. Spinner comments how both sisters are saints. Darcy tells him Clare’s the saint (oh if only she knew how just a few years later Clare would be having Skype sex with her boyfriend….yea). Cut to Darcy being on her ‘MyRoom’ page and Baby!Clare asking her why she is addicted to her stupid blog that no one reads. The sisters have a sisterly moment where Darcy tells Clare she does have readers and Clare comments that it’s nice to know she has friends even if they are invisible.


6x04 Can’t Hardly Wait—

 Way back in season one when I did re-caps I’d made reference to this episode though I think I’d said it was season seven’s ‘It’s Tricky’ with this plot. I think I got confused since both are rather Jimmy/Ashley heavy and while they did seem like a super couple of sorts I’ve never really liked them together.

Ashley shows up and looks at Jimmy who is drawing and hands him a new whistle as he’s the coach of the JV girl’s basketball team. She then starts to look at his work and sees little sketches like the one screen printed on his shirt (Marco saw the sketch and thought it would be a good design and it’s a nice foreshadow into how Jimmy mass markets later on) as well as a drawing of ex Hazel. Ashley asks when he’ll draw his current girlfriend and from the looks of things she wants him to if I may quote Titanic….Draw her like one of his French Girls replacing the heart of the ocean for his coach’s whistle.


Monday, August 5, 2013

6x03 True Colors--recap

Emma is at the courthouse waiting to hear Peters sentence. He lost his license and got community service… plus he’s under house arrest at his moms while it’s said Sean is going to be tried HARD.


6x01/02 Here Comes Your Man||--recap

New Season, New Format, New Opening Theme….I know it’s the season thirteen tagline but it’s a whole new Degrassi….

Peter and Emma are at the country club after spending the day with Peter’s dad. The valet pulls up with a car that isn’t the one they came in and Mr. Stone tells Peter it’s an early Birthday gift as while its two days away he wants him to have the car for the first day of school. Peter and Emma goes for a joyride in a scene similar to that of the one Spinner and Paige did in season four complete I believe with the same audio backtrack. After the ride, Peter is telling Emma just how lucky he is when Emma hears her name being called. Sean’s back and he’s with Jay….don’t get your mind in the gutter he’s just couch surfing they are not an item. Emma smiles and introduces her new boyfriend Peter to her ex Sean.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (I’m still going to mark the opening with the theme lyrics however this season and next it’s a whole new opening. It’s an instrumental theme with a white background with reals of the characters in past scenes in a blue filter. In the foreground the actor in character is looking to the camera. It has a rather soap opera feel but it was a refreshing change and would of much rather seen the season 13 theme go this route instead of the hot mess that it is. Added to the opening theme is ‘Darcy’ as well as ‘Sean’ who is back for the season while ‘Hazel’ ‘Joey’ ‘Caitlin’ and ‘Craig’ are gone.  Also removed although still on cannon just demoted to recurring is ‘Toby’. ‘Ashley’ is also recurring despite being back.)

Sunday, August 4, 2013


5x18/19 High Fidelity

Wow time flies and we’re now at the end of another season….five down and seven more to go….well eight if you count season thirteen already in progress. Also fun fact…. Part two of this episode makes the hundredth episode can you believe we’ve gotten this far already….for the record as of this posting 322 episodes have aired (320 since I’ve actually typed this up and placed this post into the queue)…..

Manny and Emma ask why Darcy didn’t come into the Dot for coffee however Spinner shoos them away so he can have time with Darcy. Darcy tells Spinner she got a councilor job at bible camp and is going to miss Spinner all summer. He’s going to miss her too and they start to make out however before they get too far Darcy stops him telling him they made an abstinence vow to stay virgins till marriage……yea Spinner is one of those.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

5x17 Total Eclipse of the Heart

The episode opens as Paige, Marco, Ellie, and Alex are studying for finals. Dylan is brought up and Marco tells them he’s so over him and so they bring up Tim who has been following Marco like a lost puppy. Speak of the devil Tim shows up and wants to study and guess what other devil shows up….Dylan who is back in town and there to pick Paige up. Marco introduces his ex to new boyfriend Tim….AWKWARD


5x15/16 Our Lips Are Sealed

This is another episode I feel I need to place a disclaimer on cause I know people who get triggered when talking about eating disorders and this episode is pretty much all about it sans the Paige/Hazel/Alex B plot in part two…..

Emma is pretty much taking charge of the house as Manny comments how she’s getting so fat she can’t fit into her lucky jeans and she needs to cause the agent from hell who told her to lose her curves wants to audition her again after seeing the Kevin Smith movie. Emma comments that she too is feeling fat and blames it on all the fast food and take out they’ve been eating since Simpson left. They are going to lose weight and Emma is going to get control.


Friday, August 2, 2013

5x14 I Against I

There is a fair at the school for the various student activities to earn money for various endeavors. The Friendship Club has a dunk tank to earn money to feed starving children and Jimmy keeps knocking Spinner into the dunk tank to the point that Marco has to step in to stop telling Jimmy who is all ready to buy another ten dollars’ worth of balls that Spinner is shivering and wet and has had enough. Jimmy reluctantly stops.


5x13 Together Forever--recap

 Craig and Ellie are lounging around in the garage and Craig is telling Ellie about what his dream car would be. Ellie teases him about it and he asks what her dream ride is when they win at the Northern Sound Showcase. They start getting all flirty with one another and seriously between you and me I personally see so much more chemistry between Jake/Stacy (Craig/Ellie) then I did between him and Cassie (Manny) and Melissa (Ashley) but that’s just one’s opinion. Joey arrives to tell Craig that Manny’s on the phone. Craig tells Joey to tell her he’s studying and Joey shakes his head. When he leaves Ellie tells Craig they really should be working on a History Project though Craig clearly doesn’t have school on the brain just being a rock star.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

5x11/12 Lexicon of Love--recap

It’s time for the Jay and Silent Bob go Degrassi Eh premiere and Jay approaches Alex with a ticket to the big party. Alex tells him thanks but no thanks and she’s going with Paige. She doesn’t need jerks like him in her life.


13x05 About A Girl--Postmortem

5x10 Redemption Song-recap

Before I get into this episode I want to make a timeline rant. This is Toronto they have weather and if this episode is supposed to be a year after the shooting which presumably was in the late fall/early winter then why the heck are Darcy and the Friendship Club dressing all summery for their retreat…..

Like I said the episode opens as Darcy is bikini shopping for the retreat. Spinner makes his way into the fitting room and teases Darcy about giving Jesus a heart attack dressed like that. Jay shows up at the mall and runs into Spinner after this (I assume this is a different mall or Jay’s banishment from season three is null and void) and has some bro time with Spinner till Darcy shows up. Those two banter for a moment before Jay invites Spinner to a party at the ravine. Spinner is totally….possibly….not that into it.