Friday, August 23, 2013

8x01/02 Uptown Girls—Recap

As a new season begins Degrassi’s new football team and the newly rebranded Power Squad are practicing/holding tryouts during the last week of summer. Mia’s late and hopes she can still try out however Holly J is now in charge of everything cause the new Principal, Principal Shepard AKA ‘The Shep’ who ran a pre-fire Lakehurst is now in charge and he’s always had a sweet spot for Holly J. She tells Mia she’s not going to let her try out because she’s unreliable.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (so the titles are back to the seasons 3-5 format though the backtrack vocals are new. The opening includes 8 new characters, Clare (though she was technically introduced back in season 6), Alli, Connor, KC, Kelly, Blue, Leia, and Riley as well as three minor characters bumped up to titles (Bruce, Johnny, and Chantey) All the graduates  sans Emma, Liberty, Manny and Spinner are gone as well as Christine (Emma’s mom) and Darcy. It’s common in the fan communities to refer to any character introduced after this Generation 2 (and some even refer to Maya, Tristan, Tori, Zig, Campbell, Miles, Zoe, and Winston as Generation 3….)

Christine and Simpson are dropping Emma and the other girls off at Smithdale. An RA approaches them and informs Manny and Liberty are on her floor….Emma she believes is two floors down. Emma thinks somethings wrong because she filled out that her and Manny were roommates.

Mia comments to her mom about how it seems like Holly J is out to get her cause she runs every club and won’t let her be in any of them cause of Isabella. Her mom tells her that if she can promise to make it her year she’ll watch her granddaughter more since she’s working from the home and Isabella is in pre K.

It’s the first day of school, Spinner is dropping Jane off, Sav’s sister Alli is pulling off a long skirt and unrolling jeans and changing shoes on the steps and Darcy introduces Anya to a young naive minor niner Clare in her glasses and catholic school uniform. Clare, Alli and Connor, Simpson’s god son who has moved in are all in the gifted program together. There is no class just getting schedules and an assembly of Degrassi’s finest girls (AkA the Power Squad + Mia) having a fashion show escorted by the new football team. Leia watches as Mia and Danny talk and she comments to Mia how she thinks Danny likes her. Mia then asks if Leia would like to have lunch and coming from a dance school she’s relieved to be with friends who eat, Mia’s just glad for a friend.

Emma approaches Manny with great news, she talked to housing and they are roommates now. Manny however has already gotten to know Gwyneth her new roommate and they have so much in common.

The school Fashion Show happens and Mia and Danny show off.

Liberty shows up in the room and Emma tells her that she, Manny, and some girl named Kelly are going to be roommates. Liberty and Manny already have made friends with their roommates and are upset and to make matters more awkward Kelly is a dude. But housing is booked up so the arrangement is going to have to stick.

A modeling recruiter comes to Mia and Holly J is upset because she’d been the one to set up the recruiter coming to the show anyway.  Mia meets up with the modeling agent and gets a mini makeover and gets booked for a few interviews. When she arrives home Isabella asks who her best friend is….her grown up best friend. Mia admits she hasn’t got one however when she becomes a model everyone will love her.  She walks down the hall with her new look (straightened hair, designer cloths and heels) and the popular girls (Holly J, Anya, and Chantey) want to hang with her.  After school she goes to a few ‘go sees’ and the next day at school Holly J comments about how she hasn’t gotten a call back and perhaps she doesn’t have what it takes and is fooling herself and ends up planning to hang out with Danny.

Emma brings her roommates an apology breakfast however everyone goes on their own ways.

Danny tells Mia that Holly J is jealous however Mia begins to doubt herself, that’s till she gets a call about a go see for a famous QB’s new shoe line. Danny encourages her to go and they kiss. She goes to the tryout and thinks she chokes especially when the agent says we’ll see how things go and we’ll take it from here.

Emma wants to go home and sit out Freshman Week however Kelly coaxes her not to leave.

Danny is flirty with Mia the next day as Holly J tells her if she doesn’t book a gig soon she’s going to lose the popularity she’s building.

Emma ends up having fun with Kelly and starts being social.

Mia ends up showing up at the QB’s house on the pretense of getting an autograph however she ends up sleeping with him as she thinks it’s her last chance to get a modeling job and she’s desperate to keep her popularity at school…….To Be Continued

Part two begins the next day….or rather at eleven at night as Mia is doing a walk of shame. Tom the QB gives her money…..for a cab. She heads home and curls into bed with Isabella.


Mia’s mom comments about getting home at midnight and how she needs to be responsible for their arrangement to continue. Mia then gets the call saying she got the job.

Clare and Darcy arrive at school and Clare is rambling off facts. Darcy comments how different they are and why can’t she dress normal like other girls. She drops her books and KC helps her pick them up smiling at her and crap my Klare feels are starting to resurface. Anyway Darcy comments that someone like him would like her if she dressed normal and Clare comments she’s there for school not boys…. (lol I’m cracking up….though to be fair unlike Alli Clare does have some character arcs not about her love life….not allot but some) Speaking of Alli, Sav is commenting about what the parents will think about her costume changes. She tells him if he tells on her he’ll tell the parents about Anya. When Clare and Connor go into the MI lab KC is in ‘Connor’s Seat’ and Clare asks if he’s in the right class as it’s the gifted class. Simpson then introduces him to everyone and asks Clare to show him around. Shep then wants to speak to the class and basically calls them weirdoes.

Everyone wants to hear about how Mia got the job.

Clare shows KC around and notes they are neighbors. KC comments that Clare may need to show him how to open his locker and they start to banter cause Clare thought that he was stupid and he thinks she’s a stuck up snob cause she wears the private school uniform. She tells him she doesn’t care what people think.

At Lunch Alli can’t sit with Sav and his friends so she joins Clare and Connor. KC joins the trio and challenges Clare to go up on stage to perform if she doesn’t care about what people think. She sings a hymnal and gets jeered.

Leia congratulates Mia who invites her to join her at a PR event. Tom shows up at Degrassi and picks Mia up. At the event she walks the catwalk to a huge applause and afterwards she introduces Isabella to Tom as her sister and not daughter. She goes to an after party telling her mom it was part of the job and she does whatever it takes like drinking and kissing another girl while Leia is uncomfortable and leaves. The next day she’s late for school but sweet talks Shep into a late pass and a homework excuse pass. Leia asks what happened when she left and Mia replies ‘business.’ Leia realizes Mia slept her way into the job.

Clare and Connor spend lunch in the computer lab because Clare is too embarrassed to go to the café after the disaster the day before.

Danny asks Leia what Mia thinks of him and Leia informs him what Mia did for the job.

Shep goes to the niners commenting that they need to eat in the café. Alli comments about the fine entertainment the café has to offer and singles out Clare and everyone laughs. KC apologizes to Clare after class about embarrassing her. She tells him that it’s just well Darcy is the pretty popular one and she’s just the smart one. He tells her she’s more than the smart one (and my heart flutters)

Mia is tired as she goes to the photo shoot and comments she just thought the social aspect was part of the job. The agent says she’d been the first choice since the audition and mentions Tom has a wife. At the shoot Mia informs Tom there is no more mixing business with pleasure and she’s just there to sell the product.

Clare and Connor join Alli and KC at lunch the next day and a friendship is formed.

The girls look at Mia’s proofs and invite her onto the squad while Danny and Leia look at her disapprovingly insuring that they’ll never tell.  

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