Saturday, August 24, 2013

8x04 Didn’t We Almost Have It All recap

Liberty is worried about making a first impression for the sorority. Even though she’s a legacy since remember her mom went there…..she still needs to look good. It’s all about connections. She’s approached by a girl from another sorority who knows all about her. The dean of the university is an alum and she comments why settle for a safe bet when you can compete to be part of an elite group.


Liberty is at the first Pi Gamma Pi pledge meeting. The president mentions she’s going to Harvard Law next year because the dean of admissions was also in this sorority. Two girls candidly whisper how they see someone that doesn’t belong in regards to Liberty as all the other girls are skinny white girls. Liberty lets down her hair and removes her glasses.

Danny tells Holly J that it’s undemocratic she’s class president and she tells him that it’s by appointment. The girls are whispering and when Holly J asks what they are talking about Chantey tells them Anya has slept with Sav and that the reason she’s out sick is cause she hearts from all the sex and that now finally the squad can be virgin free…..however Holly J is still a virgin.

Emma, Manny, and Kelly ask how pledging is going and she tells them of all the people she’s met. A sister pulls her toward the front saying that’s where they sit and Liberty ditches her friends. She goes to the house later and the president wants to introduce her to another black girl who she knows Liberty will have allot in common is. This girl is an athletic star and the blonde who was in class earlier with Liberty comments that between a star athlete and scholar she feels like an underachiever. They soon sit in a circle to share the toughest time of their lives. One girl comments about getting a mullet…she lived a charmed life. Liberty’s is about giving her baby up for adoption. They ask where the daddy was and she comments he was stabbed. The way they talk they assume she was an inner city kid when in reality she’s the daughter of a lawyer.

Holly J is making a list of people to lose her virginity with. Kwan asks some question and as Blue is answering Chantey whispers to Holly J that Blue has had many girls’ flowers. Holly J tells Mia to go ahead and hang a scarlet V on her chest. Mia tells her that sex isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

The president asks Liberty to teach them some hip hop moves. Emma rolls her eyes and Liberty tells them how they think she’s underprivileged and Emma laughs telling Liberty she should find a group who likes her for her.

In Art class they are doing a unit on the human body. Derek asks if they are going to be doing nudes and Miss Dawes regretfully tells him no ‘the school board are a bunch of prudes’ she replies and I’m sure if she had it her way there would be nudity. Chantey asks to be Holly J’s partner but she’s not interested and instead asks Blue telling him to meet him at the school tomorrow she has a key. He asks what’s going to stop her from taking advantage of him.

The Sorority is having a party and Liberty is hesitant about it. The president tells her she interned last summer and the ones that partied till 3AM with the partners got the perks and that Liberty needs to excel in all aspects of Greek life and so she starts playing drinking games and ends up in a bedroom half naked with a frat guy. She tells him she’s not going to hook up with someone she just met. He tells her he has a girlfriend back home and she understands what he has to do for the frat….or pretend to do and asks Liberty to hand him her panties. They come back downstairs and he comments ‘once you go black you never come back’ one of the sisters ask how it was but Liberty won’t kiss and tell.

Blue is drawing Holly J who hopes he’s not making her look stupid. She pulls down her hair and asks if he’s slept with many girls. He tells her it’s between him and the people he has or hasn’t slept with. Holly J takes off her shirt reveling a camisole commenting on how some artists hook up with their subjects and she starts making out with him….. Its okay she has a condom. He tells her he’s not having sex with her and she walks out slipping back on her button up and pulling back her hair.

Liberty takes a seat with her roommates as the frat guy passes her the panties he borrowed. She tells them she fake hooked up and ask if they still think she’s ghetto fabulous. Liberty invites them to the mixer to see that Greek life isn’t the devil. At the mixer Liberty is shitfaced as is pretty much everyone. A guy looks to her and the other black girl asking which one of them is going to be the one…..never mind. She knows she’s going to get in and her and the black girl and the dippy blonde decide to go streaking. The roommates arrive and tell Liberty she should come with them but she doesn’t.

Holly J is showing a new cheer as Chantey tells Anya she knows what she did when she was out. Anya nods saying it was Dayquil and Days of Our Lives and she’s never even met his parents. Mia asks if Holly J and Blue slept together and she says no and if she lets people know she’s a virgin she’s a dead girl. Blue shows up at the locker room saying they don’t have to talk but they need to finish the art project.

Liberty is in the hospital getting her stomached pumped. The other girls dropped her off and abandoned her. Manny then tells her about how the streaking made the cover of the paper. The other black girl was kicked out for what was done however the blonde and Liberty are told that they are strong leaders and to not repeat what they did…..they are in. When Liberty asks why the other girl got kicked out one of the sister’s comments they only needed one. They are looking for diversity and their funding depends on it. Liberty realizes she was just a token and tells them thanks but no thanks.

Blue tells Holly J he likes her and he unbuttons his shirt as an invitation in case she wanted to hook up still. He then shows her his picture and tells her if they do sleep together one day she hopes it’s meaningful.

The roommates are waiting in the class for Liberty who tells them she turned them down and tells them they were right she was a token to meet a quota and that’s not who she is.

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