Sunday, August 4, 2013

5x18/19 High Fidelity

Wow time flies and we’re now at the end of another season….five down and seven more to go….well eight if you count season thirteen already in progress. Also fun fact…. Part two of this episode makes the hundredth episode can you believe we’ve gotten this far already….for the record as of this posting 322 episodes have aired (320 since I’ve actually typed this up and placed this post into the queue)…..

Manny and Emma ask why Darcy didn’t come into the Dot for coffee however Spinner shoos them away so he can have time with Darcy. Darcy tells Spinner she got a councilor job at bible camp and is going to miss Spinner all summer. He’s going to miss her too and they start to make out however before they get too far Darcy stops him telling him they made an abstinence vow to stay virgins till marriage……yea Spinner is one of those.


Manny, Emma, and Peter are in the lunch line. Manny apparently was on the phone till four AM with Craig. She then makes a comment about Emma being in line and her therapy and Emma says compared to the hospital food the school café gets a bad rep.  Manny then is flipping out over how much she has to do for the variety show and Peter and Emma tell her to take charge. She makes an announcement she needs help and Spinner thinks that volunteering himself and Darcy is the perfect distraction from his libido.

Miss H is telling the seniors that graduation is upon it and with it a post grad prep class. Paige comments how her first choice has plenty of scholarships but she’s yet to get an acceptance. Alex is living in the now thinking about getting a tattoo or picking up the bass.

At work Paige gets her letter and is excited….she and Alex are so out of there. Paige tells Alex she should move to Kingston with her….she could transfer to work at a theater there. As she’s talking to Paige about things Alex flips at a customer and gets fired.

Spinner and Darcy are at a theater and they pull back. Darcy asks if he wishes she were Manny. She then gets to talking saying that perhaps Manny should re-verginize herself. Spinner gets a refill and sees Paige’s letter. Spinner congratulates her.

Alex tells Paige about being fired but she doesn’t want to talk about new jobs just yet and tells Paige she’ll see her tomorrow.

Spinner gives Darcy a ring. It’s not an engagement one in fact he has a matching one it’s to symbolize their commitment to one another.

During the pageant rehearsal Manny comments to Darcy how Spinner has a thing for cheerleaders and that Darcy’s his third and a lock to get head when Paige graduates. Darcy tells Manny that the door is open for her at Friendship Club and look how it’s changed Spinner. Manny congratulates Darcy for taming Spinner pretty much implying he’s a horn dog and that he’s been lying about his virginal ways.

Kwan hands out final grades and Jimmy admits he’s a few credits short and his future is up in the air. Alex comments to Paige to see….Jimmy doesn’t have it all figured out and the sky isn’t falling. Alex suggests a senior skip day.

Liberty talks to Manny about how inconsistent the timeline for the show is before asking Spinner to step in for Nate (remember Dracula last season?) who has mono. Spinner and Manny do a stage kiss and Darcy calls her out on still liking Spinner. Spinner backs out and goes back to the lighting board and Darcy tells her that it makes sense no one would work with her cause she’s the school slut and they start to fight. Darcy then confronts Spinner about how he liked about being a virgin.

Marco is working on his valedictorian speech and comment on how sad Spinner is. He tells them about Darcy and Paige tells him she’s jealous of the past.

Paige and Alex have their skip day at the mall and Paige asks if she’s thought about Kingston yet because it’s good to have a plan. Alex says it’s also good to have fun and convinces Paige to shoplift a CD. Paige says no and Alex ends up tossing it into her bag anyway.

Spinner asks Marco and the Friendship Club to revirginize him.

Paige is embarrassed about what Alex did. She needs structure and plans. Alex tells her that it’s good but it’s still Paige’s future not Alex’s. She needs to figure her own life out and can’t follow Paige to Kingston just to work a minimum wage job. This is her way of breaking up.

Spinner and Darcy have a picnic and Spinner comments who would have thought he’d be a virgin again after last summer. Darcy comments that he was with Manny far before then. Spinner admits Manny was his first but not his last there were two others but that was before he found her and Christ. He tells her he’ll never be good for her and its over.

Alex comes home and Jay is there. He’s not there for her he was there to see the ballgame with the mom’s boyfriend. Alex tells him that Paige and her broke up and he offers a shoulder to cry on a mouth to make out. Alex tells him she’s not bi or confused she’s a lesbian and she broke up with her first girlfriend and it hurt. Jay tells her he’s sorry and is genuine about it then asks if she wants to see the game and hang out just as friends and they do.

Spinner’s at the Dot and Paige is there. She tells Spinner she and Alex split and Spinner tells him so didn’t she and Darcy and Paige should be glad to be getting out. Paige is worried she’s going to not be cut out for Banting and Spinner tells her that she’ll be amazing….nope Paige is the right one. He offers to drive her home and they end up making out….to be continued.

Marco is running lighting queues with Spinner and asks if he had a hot date with Darcy. Spinner tells them that he and Darcy broke up and after the breakup he made out with someone else…..Marco puts two and two together and realizes it was Paige. Spinner is flustered as Darcy approaches sorry for being a jealous freak wanting him back.

I KNOW I CAN MAKE IT THROUGH (and this is the last time we hear the famous theme lyrics until season eight as the next two seasons have an instrumental opening)

Paige tells Hazel that she and Alex split up and how she kissed Spinner. Hazel comments how she was just getting used to Paige being a lesbian and Paige tells her she wants to be free to date whoever girl or boy. I can’t tell if this means she’s classified as bi or pan but I love her regardless. Paige hands Toby his yearbook telling him what happens at yearbook table stays there.

Jimmy sees that Ashley is back at Degrassi after being in London for the past year. She tells him she loves London but missed being home and while she’s tried a few schools overseas   nothing comes close to Degrassi. Jimmy tells her he has his fingers crossed that he’ll be graduating and Ashley says it’s too bad because she was hoping they’d be classmates again. Jimmy goes into his meeting with Miss H who apologizes telling him he’s still short credits and won’t be graduating. He leaves the office and Spinner tries to help. Jimmy says he can help by transferring schools so they don’t have to see each other next year.

Ellie and Ashley have a reunion and Ellie asks Ashley who she’s seen. She tells her everyone but Craig. Ellie tells her Craig is in Vancouver living his dream but before she gets too excited he’s dating Manny. They both don’t like that factor. Ellie asks how Ashley’s London Boyfriend is and she tells her it’s over and asks about Ellie. Ellie tells her that she’s crushing on someone but it’s doubtful it will work.

Darcy tells Spinner he heard about the fight with Jimmy and he’ll eventually come around. Spinner tells her if she still is up for it they are back together and she gives him his ring back. Marco tells Spinner he needs to tell Paige he’s back with Darcy.

Jimmy and Ellie are showing Ashley her drawings and Ellie has to leave. Ashley asks Jimmy if he likes Ellie and he admits that he does however they are just friends and he doubts she’d be into him into him because of the chair. Ashley tells her that the chair isn’t noticeable and Jimmy comments its cause she’s sitting. Ashley tells him Ellie told her she’s crushing on someone too and she’s pretty sure it’s him.

Paige is looking at photos of her and Spinner in old yearbooks when Spinner shows up. Spinner wishes he had a time machine to go back before things all went to crap. Paige lets him know that for the record she never blamed him for what happened to Jimmy and they make out and have sex when it faded to black.

Paige gives Simpson a class gift from the outgoing seniors as Marco is receiving texts from Spinner saying how he and Paige had sex.

Darcy asks Spinner where was he last night and he lies saying how he was getting her something special as a going away gift and tells her to break away.

Then it’s the pageant celebrating fifty years of the school.

Paige tells Spinner thank you for last night and pretty much tells him last night was a one night stand.

Emma and Peter congratulate Manny on her performance and in a nice book end to the season opener Peter filmed Manny however this time he’s using his camera for good giving her the tape to show her agent.

Jimmy sees Ellie telling her that she looks great in a failed attempt to flirt. He tells her she’s become one of his best friends and wants to know if she’s interested in being more however Ellie is speechless. It’s not him….. Ashley asks what’s wrong she thought Ellie was crushing on someone and Ellie tells her not Jimmy.

Darcy asks Spinner to dance with her at the after party. Spinner is sad….cause the gift never came. Spinner excuses himself to get drinks and Darcy takes a peek at his phone on the chance she’ll see what the gift is and is greeted by the texts Spinner sent to Marco about the ONS.

Ashley apologizes to Jimmy because she thought the crush Ellie had was on him. She tells Jimmy he’s an amazing guy and deserves to be with someone who makes him happy. He tells Ashley girls won’t date guys in wheelchairs and Ashley kisses him.

Darcy tells Spinner she saw the texts giving her back the ring.

The class of 2006 graduates….. Graduates are Paige, Ellie, Marco, and Alex who stick around and Hazel who heads off canvas. Jimmy is held back because of missed credits due to rehab, Ashley who lost credits cause of London, and Spinner who lost pretty much a year cause of his suspension for being involved in the whole ‘Wack Your Brain’ thing that lead into the school shooting. As the class is graduating Jimmy apologizes to Spinner and they finally bury the hatchet.

Spinner heads to the bus stop to tell Darcy he was stupid for doing what he did to Paige and wants to make things up to her. She’s not sure she can give him another chance and she has to get on the bus. He tells himself if she turns around he’ll be okay and she does.

The graduating class is outside getting ready to throw their caps. There are hugs all around. Craig shows up to surprise Manny cause he didn’t want to miss seeing his friends graduate. Ellie glances over toward him and in that one look Ashley can tell that is who her friend was crushing on. The caps are thrown and the end credits roll….

And now the Character Rank:
  1. JT (+7)
  2. Liberty (+7)
  3. Paige (+1)
  4. Alex (-1)
  5. Jay (-4)
  6. Ellie (-4)
  7. Marco (-4)
  8. Manny (-1)
  9. Emma (-3)
  10. Spinner (+5)
  11. Darcy
  12. Jimmy (-1)
  13. Peter
  14. Craig
  15. Hazel (-3)
  16. Toby

Ashley, Sean, and Chris are gone from the list….

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