Tuesday, August 6, 2013

6x05/6 Eyes Without A Face--recap

I’m so glad I’m FINALLY up to this episode not so much cause of its content but this is the first appearance of any of the current season thirteen student cast members as we spot Clare Edwards who would be in grade eight unless she is younger here and was later SORASed to be a freshman in season eight (note this season and next are the same school year)

Speaking of the episode opens with Darcy and Spinner making out in the car as Spinner is dropping Darcy off. They are worried that her parents or worse Clare. Spinner comments how both sisters are saints. Darcy tells him Clare’s the saint (oh if only she knew how just a few years later Clare would be having Skype sex with her boyfriend….yea). Cut to Darcy being on her ‘MyRoom’ page and Baby!Clare asking her why she is addicted to her stupid blog that no one reads. The sisters have a sisterly moment where Darcy tells Clare she does have readers and Clare comments that it’s nice to know she has friends even if they are invisible.


Chantey, Manny, and Darcy are talking about new uniforms that they want to order for Spirit Squad. At the mention of crop tops and short shorts to help them move better Darcy is all resistant. She has an idea of her own to help them get to Regionals…..boys.

Peter says hello to Emma in the hall however she doesn’t want to talk to him and frankly I don’t blame him. Miss H tells him to go to class.

JT is acting like a class clown stuffing gum in his mouth when he hears an announcement that the TV station is looking for a new children’s host and he tells Liberty he could get his old job back. Also on the announcements Darcy makes a plea for Males to audition for the squad.

Chantey asks Darcy why she’s so against short shorts. Darcy tells her that they have an image to maintain and she doesn’t want the squad to look trampy. Peter interjects commenting that Darcy has pretty short shorts on in the photos on her blog and Darcy defends herself saying that the uniforms would show a sliver more thigh and Peter tells her that’s not bad she’s got good thighs. He tells her the blog is good and the quizzes are fun.

JT is talking to Toby about how Liberty seemed annoyed when he told her about the job and Toby brings up how he’s always talking about her. He tells Toby that obsessing about Liberty would be like obsessing over lint or oatmeal and this line is a rather important one because it comes back in a chilling way later on. As the boys talk Mia approaches telling JT how she knew he looked familiar. She’s seen him on the kids show and her daughter is a huge fan….in fact she think’s JT is his first crush. And before I go on I just want to remind you about season two….remember how I said it was interesting how JT was all coddling the guinea pig named Isabella and now he’s going to be involved with a woman who has a baby named Isabella. When Mia walks away Toby points out she is NOT OATMEAL she’s a SPICY MEATBALL SUB….again remember the line.

The boys try out. Danny and Derek are pretty much goofing off and when Peter comes in Manny wants to call the whole thing off. Peter however is pretty good. The tryout officially starts. When it’s over and everyone has changed Peter thanks Darcy for giving him a chance. She asks why cheerleading? And he tells her that because of house arrest it’s just school and home and if he joins a club it’s a few more hours he can spend outside the four walls of his room. Peter tells her he’s bored he’s got straight A’s and has been reading all the boring blogs of the entire student body….hers isn’t boring and he plans to link her blog to his so she can get hits.

JT goes to audition for his old job back. He’s asked why he wants it back and he tells her he misses the respect he got.

Spinner drops Darcy off and she asks why he can’t kiss her more and he tells her that if he kisses too much he’s a horn dog if he kisses too little he’s not filling her needs. She asks if he’s tired of being good for her and that she just needs more….something. She comes home and Clare tells her that she keeps getting new e-mails. Their mom calls in the distance saying that she needs help setting the table and Darcy pushes Clare away. Darcy reads a message from a guy asking for more pictures and so she scans some of her in a bikini from what looks like camp or a retreat.

The next day at school Spinner gives Darcy a bracelet he made for her and she tells him she’s lucky to have him. She goes to look at her site before class and Peter comments about how popular she’s getting and how he linked his blog to hers like he said. Darcy asks who that ‘Adams’ guy that keeps messaging her is. He tells her that they are friends and used to go to private school together…he’s cool.

They are having practice and Peter is doing amazing. It looks like he’s used his time under arrest to research moves and practice.

JT tells Mia that he got the job back and that she should come to a taping with Isabella sometime. As they are talking Liberty is watching through the glass window slightly jealous.

Manny, Darcy, and Peter are cleaning up mats after practice and they teasingly call Darcy Mother Teresa. She says she’s no ones mama and Peter disagrees saying she’s a Hot Mama and Adams thinks so. Manny asks who Adams is and Peter says he’s a friend who likes some of the photos Darcy has posted online. Manny laughs at the thought of Darcy being sexy and soon Peter and the girls have an impromptu photo-shoot. After the shoot Darcy loads the pictures onto her page and leaves Spinner waiting for her.

JT is filming his premiere episode and when it wraps Mia and Isabella are there. Mia asks if she wants to go out to dinner with them and he nervously pauses. She then thinks he’s rejecting her and tells him its okay because it’s almost Bella’s bedtime anyway.

The next day Manny and Darcy are talking about the site and Darcy tells Manny not to worry as its password protected to see the pictures but she did send it to someone….Adams….who left $200 in Peter’s pay pall account for them.

Liberty is asking JT how the show went when Mia asks to cut in. She tells him I know I have a kid and that’s guy kryptonite and she’s sorry. He tells her he likes kids….and her….and asks them out for ice cream. Liberty hears and is jealous.

Another practice and they get the new uniforms and there is a continuity flub. Cause they comment how Paige always said she’d get them but she never did when they DID get new uniforms in season four unless she had told them that those were already obsolete off screen in the timeline of season five and we never knew.  Chantey asks how they got the money and Darcy tells her she’s been selling chocolate bars on the sly. Manny knows that is not the case and tells Darcy what if Simpson saw them or Miss H or someone who could get them in trouble. Darcy and Peter assure Manny it’s a private site and even plan to do another shoot….. To Be Continued
Darcy is in class presumably the next day IM’ing Adams. As the bell rings Simpson calls her over to talk to her. He comments that the computer use is monitored and looking at MyRoom is not school appropriate and plus her grades are slipping.


In Math class Peter makes a creepy comment and then invites Darcy over for a photo-shoot just the two of them. He tells her she’s where the money is and they can use the money for the men’s uniforms. In the locker room Manny tells Darcy she needs to be careful with Peter.

Jesse waits for the office to empty out and office hours are over they start to make out however as they get too intense she keeps pushing back. She tells him that she needs to make a deadline and he extends it. She asks what if others come back and he offers moving to his place.

Ashley asks what he’s like at the apartment and Ellie says how he’s 22 with experience and she’s only had two boyfriends one being gay and how she’s still a virgin. Ashley asks if they’ve talked about….it and Ellie says she can’t because she’s embarrassed and Ashley tells her she should at least be prepared and go to student health for condoms.

Darcy and Spinner are making out in front of her house and Spinner comments about how some days it feels like she’s jumping out of her skin. She tells Spinner she wants to show him something and so she goes inside kicks Clare out of their room and shows Spinner her pictures. He asks why they say MyRoom on them and she says they are linked to her page but it’s private. Spinner tells her that there is no such thing as privacy on the net and other guys are looking. He tells her to take them down but she doesn’t want to. He is just in shock and can’t deal and leaves.

Jesse bumps into Ellie who is coming out of the health office knocking down the birth control and multiple condoms from her hand. She tries to cover saying they aren’t hers….well they are but she was doing a research paper on the clinic and they just gave her all the items.

Darcy is IM’ing Adams before going to Peter’s for a shoot. He asks if her fight with Spinner was a fight or THE fight. She doesn’t know and he admits it’s been lonely since Emma left.  Walking into the bathroom she changes into Clare’s uniform and poses in just that and her bra. The next day Danny and Derek approach her telling her that they saw her page….the private one and are showing her the pictures they printed. Derek hacked into the site and plan on showing the photos around unless she gives them $20….and a boob shot.

Darcy goes into the lab and Adams is IM’ing saying he can see she’s online however she doesn’t respond and instead deletes her account. Cut to her at Friendship Club praying to god for forgiveness. She tells Spinner she took the page down and Spinner shows her the printed page telling her it’s over calling her a hypocrite for cheating on him. She asks who sent him the pictures and Spinner says it’s Peter.

Miss H approaches a random older man asking him why he’s there….he tells her he was looking for someone but will go.

Darcy yells at Peter for showing the picture to Spinner. He tells her why be with some boring Christian guy when she can be with him. He then tells her that Adams was never his friend just some looser with money he met in a chat room.

Clare asks Darcy why she’s been quite on their walk home and asks if it’s because of the pictures. Darcy is mad Clare saw them and Clare comments that they were on their computer. Darcy tells Clare to promise she’ll never do that and I just can’t stop thinking about ‘Scream’ and ‘Summertime’ and yea….yea….yea…yea…. Soon a male voice calls out Darcy’s name and creepy old dude who was at the school shows up. It’s Adams and Darcy tells Clare to go inside. She asks how he found her and he tells her that her uniform had the Degrassi logo so he followed her from school. He wants to get to know her one on one. From the porch Clare looks on scared shitless as Darcy mouths for her to call 9-1-1.

At the pitch meeting Ellie decides to pitch a series on sexual health on campus….most likely to cover up for what happened. Jesse tells her no.

Adams is still all creepy with Darcy while she’s keeping him at an arm’s length. Soon a cop comes to apprehend him.

Ellie wants to resign from the paper and Jesse’s life. She was making an ass of herself and he was just laughing with the other writers. Jesse asks what she was really doing with the birth control and condoms. He wants to talk about them if there still is a them and she cancels her resignation.

Darcy explains to Clare that the cops are going to take the computer for evidence. She’s sad because everyone knows she’s a hypocrite. Clare tells her that if anyone gives her trouble she’ll punch them. She tells Clare she’s good and Clare tells Darcy so is she that she just got turned around but it’ll be okay. And right now I’m just going to lie in a ball crying that Shenae Grimes got cast on 90210 so we really didn’t get epic sibling moments. 

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