Tuesday, August 13, 2013

7x4 It’s Tricky—recap

I remember in a season one re-cap I’d gotten this episode title and season six’s Can’t Hardly Wait Confused. I think it’s because both had Jimmy/Ashley plots and to be honest with over 300 episodes sometimes titles just blur together.

Spinner is listening to Craig’s first album that dropped and I’m LOLing that the cover art is a season four gallery still. Toby comments how if Craig were still around the talent show line up wouldn’t suck and Emma points out how some of his songs are clearly about certain people. She’s The Ash (Ashley) Thong Girl Wrong Girl (Manny) Red Headed For Trouble (Ellie). He’d wrote all the songs in rehab except for My Window which Ashley says she wrote. Jimmy is giddy because he got a shout out in Craig’s liner notes….Ashley didn’t even though he used her music. Toby tells her he’s putting her up to play at the showcase.


Jimmy is looking at her test scores. They are going to get into Law School….or not. Ashley has a change of heart….maybe she should go follow her music dreams. Jimmy asks if she’s sure she’s doing it for her and not to get back at Craig. She’s sure and tells Jimmy just how talented he is as well.

Holly J pulls out toys from her and Mia’s locker telling her this is High School not Daycare. Mia doesn’t want to locker share either but they need to compromise. Sav comes up to them in a slow hall walking montage and Sav comments on Holly J’s locker local. He says how Mia looked familiar and she comments how she used to go to Lakehurst. Holly J then brings up how Mia has a baby.

Jimmy and Spinner are playing ball. Jimmy tells Spinner how he’s got many talents and Spinner teases him about being Degrassi’s latest superstars new boy toy and asking what he’d do if Ashley were to ditch him to go solo. Anya and a few other girls come up fangirling because she used to go out with Craig Manning.

Ellie and Ashley are commenting over the song titles while Griffin is moving in. He tells Marco he should bring his friends to open mic night. Marco comments that’s one of the few things he knows about him. Ashley asks Jimmy to freestyle with her song because they should chase their musical dreams together.

The next day Ashley is mixing in Jimmy’s rapping to her track however she doesn’t think its working cause it’s not the way it sounded like in her head. She’s clearly regretting her comment about chasing dreams.

Manny makes a comment how Sav is hot and Mia tells her she likes him. Manny comments not going after grade tens but she was totally lusting over Sav in episode one. I guess it was before she knew just how young he was eh. Manny tells Mia to go for it and Holly J comments many have tried. Mia mentions Holly J’s full name and Manny’s jaw drops….Sinclair like Heather Sinclair the faceless name  mentioned 22 times prior to this episode (I’ve counted them myself) Yes….Heather is Holly J’s big sis and thought her everything she knows. Why Holly J who is a grade ten at the time was at Lakehurst while it was implied Heather was at Degrassi were in different schools still remains a mystery. Manny tells Mia that Holly J may be a problem if she’s anything like her big sis.

At the talent show Danny and Derek are doing a juggling act on stage as Jimmy asks Ashley if she worked out her issues. She tells Jimmy she went with an earlier cut because his rap just didn’t click. Toby introduces Ashley as his step sister so I’d assume some time off screen Jeff and Kate tied the knot. She’s getting booed and the crowd wants her to cover one of Craig’s songs. She continues on and Jimmy wheels on stage and decides to rap anyway…… Ashley ain’t having none of ‘Drake’s’ rhymes …..the bitch please face says it all. Jimmy has a post-show high and tells Ashley how Toby burnt a copy. Ashley is pissed cause he ruined her song and says that they didn’t see her only him.

Ellie listens to the track and says it’s good. Ashley comments to her that people already think she’s Craig’s sidekick and she doesn’t want to be Jimmy’s too does it make her a bitch? Griffin shows up asking whose singing and Ashley says it’s her. He asks who was rapping and she says Jimmy. He asks if they are going to open mic and that they should and that Jimmy should rap….Ashley can join him if she wants thus proving Ashley’s point.

The grade ten English class are doing debates. Mia and Holly J are debating foreign adoption. Thinking about a future plot of Holly J’s is highly intriguing especially since she’s the one against it.

Ashley tells Jimmy that Griffin wants Jimmy to play at the open mic….just him. He doesn’t want to do it without Ashley because they are a team.

Mia and Holly J continue to debate however it starts to get personal as Holly J starts talking about the fact that Mia is a mommy.

Griffin asks where Ashley is….never mind he has a CD. If things go good it could be good for us….er Jimmy.

Mia shows up at the Dot with Isabella and they join Sav. She’s sorry for acting up at the debate and he tells her it’s just Holly J being Holly J. She asks if he and Holly J are together they aren’t (but eventually will be) and Mia is happy.

Drake….er Jimmy stars rapping at the club to Ashley’s music at the club. Griffin goes to Ashley who is in the shadows saying him and the track are doing great and Ashley nods saying it’s better than her being on live. After the show she tells him she was there but he needed to do it alone. A music guy loved what he heard and Griffin said they should send in a demo. Jimmy tells Ashley wherever he goes she’s coming with.

The next day Mia says hi to Sav who seems a bit passive. He had allot of coffees the night before he couldn’t sleep. He tells Mia she’s great but he doesn’t want to date till he gets comfortable with Degrassi. Holly J teases that Mia’s step daddy search is failing and Mia evicts her from the locker cause that so can be done.

Ashley tells Jimmy she’s just fixing up the demo to send out to the producer and by fixing it she means deleting his rap track.

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