Monday, September 30, 2013

10x13/14 You Don’t Know My Name—RECAP

Drew propositions Alli in the hall asking for her to walk him to class. She comments that if he keeps this up people are going to think they are a couple. Drew says they aren’t a couple cause labels are pointless and they are different and you can’t break up something that isn’t there. Alli asks if they are friends with benefits and Drew says well if you have to label us then…..we’re going to be late for class.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

10x11/12 Try Honesty RECAP

Holly J is lying in bed having flashbacks of her time in New York with Declan before having an early morning Skype session with him. He tells her that it’s ‘go see’ week for his school and he plans on having a trip to Yale with his friends and wants Holly J to come. Holly J explains how she can’t just up and leave. Declan comments how he’ll try to just not have too much fun with all the single girls on the trip.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

10x09/10 I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself RECAP

Sav is dancing around the house to the radio and he ends up being the nth caller to win four backstage passes to Dead Hand’s reunion tour however it’s out of town and on a school night and his dad is forbidding him to go.


Friday, September 27, 2013

10x07/08 Better off Alone|| RECAP

The episode opens up on action shots of the football team playing and from the crowd pans to Sav, Alli, and Clare on the side lines it’s presumably the same opening game from 99 problems. Jenna asks KC if she’s still mad at him (for taking his phone) and his mom calls out. It’s been three years and she wants to talk. Armstrong calls the team to go back on the bus and KC dismisses himself but his mom says the coach okayed it.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dorm Life: Episode 1 Meet The Roommate

While I haven’t went back to re-cap/commentate on any prior minis (though I may go back and do Degrassi of the Dead and Cruse of Degrassi closer to Halloween and If Jay Can’t Be Happy and any other Christmas webisodes are on the DVDs when it gets close to Christmas) I think I may make posts on the Dorm Life spin-off web series…..

While I won’t be doing a formal re-cap I’ll be giving postmortem like feedback below a read more cut for each episode…..

The premise of this series is to follow fan favorite Eli as he heads to NYU without going the route of seasons 6/7’s university house arch which was fairly watchable and season 8/9’s Smithdale arch which was a total uggg…..

10x05/06 99 Problems||RECAP

Riley and Zane are exercising, doing some stretching and generally getting frisky however not so much. Schools back now and whatever romance blossomed over the summer between the two boys has to have an ellipsis put around it. Riley’s a senior and QB1 and a shoe in for captain and if the guys think he’s gay….well that just isn’t going to happen now is it….no offence to present company. He promises when football season is over things will pick up (albeit still in secret I’d gather) but for now….it’s complicated. Zane comments that they can still hang out and perhaps even his soccer skills will transfer to the gridiron. Riley comments how Zane would look hot in a jersey. Snapping out of his haze however Riley says he needs to get back to training and had a blast over the summer.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

10x03/4: Breakaway RECAP

It’s it….. it’s here…. The introduction of the most over rated character in recent seasons who I can’t help but sip the Kool-Aid and love Eli Goldsworthy….. okay sure he comes at the bitter end of part two and doesn’t get much major play until a few episodes later but still…..oh and there is more continuity about the election and Fiona too….

The episode opens as we see Fiona walking the ledge on the Vanderbilt prep roof as Tinsley AKA the girl Bobby was screwing with says hi to Declan and comments how he’s heard about the Coynes and how intense they are. Declan assures her they are normal and she comments that Fiona’s on the roof. His cell rings and it’s his sister and from the comment he makes saying on the roof again it seems like it’s not the first time Fiona’s done this. She comments about how Declan was right about Bobby being no good case not only is he a player but he’s hurt her in a more physical of nature. Declan asks if she’s sure it was intentional and asks if he can talk to Bobby. Fiona says she can handle it herself and he asks her to climb down from the roof.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10x01/02 What a Girl Wants||RECAP

So here we are up to a double digit season number and also a supersized forty four episode season….yea, you read that right. Though to be fair technically it’s twenty two two-part episodes and that’s how I’ll be posting them all….With this season we also get the dropping of the ‘Next Generation’ subtitle and the intro also of   fan favorites   Drew Torres introduced in this episode and Eli Goldsworthy introduced in the next pair. Also you’ll note the season is more fast paced and there is allot more character/story arcs happening thought the season as opposed to one episode then done.

The season opens where the movie left off in New York at the Coyne penthouse. Its Holly J’s going away party. It’s not really goodbye it’s see you in a few months when you arrive at Yale. Fiona finally arrives at the party after her exhale in the Hamptons all renewed and refreshed with a new boyfriend. Declan just doesn’t trust Bobby…maybe it’s cause he’s Fiona’s first (and only) real boyfriend or maybe just maybe it’s cause of something else.

WHATEVER IT TAKES---I think it’s the same background vocals as last season….90% sure of it. The credits are a mix of old and new clips and faces…it opens with new shots of Peter, Sav, Clare, and newbie Eli. Then it’s the old Coyne Twin and Leia/Holly J scenes. A new one with new teacher Miss Oh, Connor and Wesley. The old Chantey/Anya and Jenna/Dave scenes then more new content with Adam and Bianca (newbies) along with Simpson and KC followed by newbie Drew, Riley and Alli with the pimp spot...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Degrassi Takes Manhattan RECAP

I don’t know if this set of episodes/movie had an alternative title or not for what for all intents and purposes would have been episodes 20-23 however it’s interesting to note that while it’s packaged with the season nine DVD (wrapping up the seniors plots by showing the graduation of Danny, Peter, Jane…) it also served as the launch of the first of three summer ‘Novella’s’ that Degrassi had (mainly setting up Fiona’s arch for the first few episodes of season ten) The movie also brings up the ship that shant be named in the Degrassi fandom though like I said looking back at ‘Holiday Road’ maybe it wasn’t so WTF that came out of nowhere after all. And speaking of the ship that shant be named this movie (so far) is the last appearance of any of the season one student cast sans a season eleven webisode appearance of Paige.

The film opens on a deserted and messy hallway, it’s the last day of school and the seniors are returning books and getting ready to blow the school forever. Spinner closes down the Dot for an hour and Jane, and Danny are pulling Sav out of his final class wile Peter is setting up equipment outside on a stage. The final bell rings and the band is playing an impromptu show.
Declan and Holly J meanwhile are in the lab counting down until New York and generally making out.

Clare comments asking how Alli could fit all her skimpy school cloths in her locker (which aren’t all that bad like I’ve noted in the past….though definitely not what her parental would approve of) she mentions someone is coming and Clare gets all blushy saying goodbye to Declan. Holly teases him asking if she’s going to stalk him to the city and he just laughs it off.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (well a title card comes up)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

9x19 Keep On Loving You recap

Much like last season, this one has an ending episode but then the finale/movie. And like last season this episode will be tagged as the finale and have the character rank you’ve come to love.

Declan gives Holly J a bracelet and they start to talk. They’ve been together three months and she’s been on the pill. She loves him and she thinks it’s the right time for them to make love.


Friday, September 20, 2013

9x18 In Your Eyes recap

Peter is roleplaying with Riley in his anger management group. Peter asks Riley if he’s talked to the councilor about his other little issue….namely the fact that he’s gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it just that it would help if he came out to someone else aside from just his friend. Anya comes into the room after the meeting is dismissed wanting to interview the school’s most eligible bachelor for the video yearbook….Riley.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

9x17 Innocent When You Dream---RECAP

The episode opens as Clare is having a vivid Twilight/Vampire inspired dream about her and Declan. She wakes up from it and picks up the book she fell asleep reading which is a YA vampire series


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9x15/16 Why Can’t This Be Love--RECAP

AKA Promises Prom-Misses
As you can see this is another episode packaged with an alternative name at least stateside and also makes me once more question the wonderful world of Degrassi timeline….Okay so the graduating class of season 5 didn’t even have a prom episode and it just had graduation which seemed to be an afterthought to the relationship dramas at that. The class of season 7 had Prom then Graduation in the same episode, same as the class of season 12. Meanwhile the class of season 11a had Graduation first then Prom in the following episode….I’d like to assume it was due to the problems that had stemmed from Vegas Night that school year but who knows….. Anyway this season we’re now onto the Prom Episode (though they refer to it as the formal) HOWEVER there are three more regular episodes this season with graduation being no more than a five minute after thought in ‘Takes Manhattan’

Rant aside the episode opens with Sav opening his locker to a wave of confetti telling Anya that he’d be honored to go to the formal with him. She comments about how her parents want pictures of them both dressed up and would love his moms beautiful garden as a backdrop for photos. Sav doesn’t say anything and when she leaves he explains to Danny his conundrum. He told his parents he and Anya were done for good and so she can’t come over for formal photos. Danny comments saying when Anya finds this tidbit out it’s going to get messy.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9x14 Start Me Up RECAP

Peter is running down the halls like crazy… he high again? No, he just got his acceptance to TU and he heads to tell the others. Danny was accepted to TU as well among others while Jane still is waiting to hear. Sav asks Peter if his dad is going to pay for it all and he shakes his head. The economy took its toll on his dad and while they will help he’s going to need to get a job. Jane asks if he’s ever done anything before and Peter comments how well he did have the band….


Monday, September 16, 2013

9x13 Holliday Road—RECAP

Emma and Kelly arrive at Degrassi as part of a bike-a-thon to recycle old bikes. She and Kelly stay there and she wishes the others on the team luck with the next school. Holly J greets her along with Declan and Chantey. They ask if she’s ready to address her Alma matter on the PA and she nods as Kelly plans to speak with Simpson. Kelly promises not to talk about some forbidden subject……are they engaged? Did they elope? Is Emma with child only a few years more than her mother was when she had her? Well we’ll soon find out.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

9x11/12 Heart Like Mine--Recap

Remember how I commented that after the movie we wouldn’t see the trio of Ellie, Paige, and Marco again sans a season 11 webisode with Paige and a season 9 episode with Marco…. Well we’re at the latter.

The basketball team is playing and KC makes a game winning shot leading them to make finals. Cheerleader Jenna jumps into KC’s arms and he twirls her around in a hug. His GIRLFRIEND Clare says she wants a hug and twirl too or at least a kiss and KC just realizes he has two girls wanting him.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

9x10 Somebody RECAP

This episode like I said before was initially aired as a one hour episode at least stateside and so there is major plot continuity of the Dolly J (Declan + Holly J) Variety.

The episode opens up as Declan is giving an emotional breakup speech to Trisha outside of Degrassi. She calls him a player and soon after she walks off he goes to Holly J and she asks how the other girl took it. Declan says like he expected and after declaring being official Declan comments how he’d never of guessed he’d be in love with Holly J a week ago to which she teasingly asks ‘what’. He laughs saying he just wanted a reaction. The bell rings and Declan asks for a goodbye kiss. She teases school Holly J starts when the bell rings however she kisses him anyway before being beckoned with school related duties


Friday, September 13, 2013

9x09 Waiting For a Girl Like You--recap

While initially packaged in the states an hour long special event called Love Games (not to be confused with the later episode titled Love Game) and marketed as a Valentine’s Day special much like season eights Lost In Love I’ll be recapping these as two solo episodes….though you’ll be surprised that there is enough plot continuity that’s going to make you way why didn’t they make this a 2 part

Holly J is passing out adds for a matchmaker service with all proceeds going into financing the school play which is apparently a full on production and not just a workshop like it made you seem it was going to be. Declan comments to Holly J how he booked the music atrium after school on Friday  and she politely informs him she’s changed his time to lunch since she gets final say with bookings being the president and all. Declan teases asking if this is a dictator ship and Holly J says if you come after school you’ll be double booked with the steel drum band. Holly J walks away and Declan smarmily comments that she’s a girl worth fighting for. Sav casually approaches asking if Declan has health insurance.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

9x07/08 Beat It—RECAP

I hope this recap lives up to your expectations (and mine) because when I first did it I accidentally deleted my clipboard in the process of copying this from word to this site and so I have to re-re watch this one. On the plus side the episode isn’t a weak one but on the minus side it is a two parter so it’s twice the length. Since I’ve already seen it within the past 24 hours I can tell you ahead of time that this is an ABC two parter instead of an AB/AC one with plots centering around Riley, The Niners, and Anya…..

The episode opens at the pool (cause you know that here at Degrassi they got a hidden one LOL but seriously the outside facade shots for this pool are not the norm) Riley along with Chantey, Blue, and a few random characters (including one Mark ‘Fitz’ Fitzgerald but I think he’s played by a different actor) are taking lifeguard classes with some college student named Sam. Sam is telling Riley how he’s an athlete too and being a lifeguard last summer really helped him with his speed in the sports field.  Sam then practices mouth to mouth on a dummy and Riley gets really into it and he ends up getting a boner. Jumping into the water to hide it he tells them that he’s fine though everyone laughs at him.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9x06 Wanna Be Starting Something—Recap

Holly J is gushing to Leia about some sale at the mall. Leia tells her she can’t cause Sav and Anya had a fight. Holly J rolls her eyes saying he’s going to apologize any moment and like clockwork Sav shows up singing the ‘Anya’ song. Holly J asks if they can still go to the mall cause she’s been saving up her paychecks for weeks but the two couples are now going to go for Ice Cream. Holly J can be a third when but it’s two for one cones so….


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9x05 You Be Illin RECAP

The trinity of Alli, Clare, and Jenna are breaking into the school to get Johnny’s phone back to delete the photos so Alli can move on. Clare suggests Alli perpetuate the trope of getting an ‘Important Haircut’ to get over it but Alli wants to get the pics and erase him from her memory. Jenna has tools to break in however the locker is open and Clare finds it’s more normal then she thought…. Alli pokes and prods and finds photos of her and Johnny and they look so happy and she pauses wondering if perhaps he still cares for her.

Monday, September 9, 2013

9x04 Close To Me—RECAP

Drama class… it’s not a bird class. Anya suggests Pippin while Declan suggests something sexy like Chicago. Jane comments on his choice and he asks what does she want Mama Mia? She calls him condescending. He asks if she has a passion for drama. She says onstage yes off stage not so much….well…it sucks for him


Sunday, September 8, 2013

9x03 Shoot To Thrill RECAP

So when this season initially aired while episodes aired in order state-side, in Canada episodes 3/5 and 4/6 aired in an hour-long block and once we get through these next four episodes you’ll see it’s because each of these pairs have major plot continuity together and it’s almost as if they could have been written as two hour long episodes. Anyway this episode opens as it’s clubs fair sign up at the school. Johnny is sitting on the steps and Alli goes up to him and sits on his lap playing with his hat. Bruce shows up and it’s off she goes. She has to meet Clare anyway to sign up for an activity and she wants Johnny to go. He promises he’ll meet her there. As the girls make it to the film club booth it’s full (I’d say Clare wanting to join this club is foreshadowing her relationship with an aspiring director but I believe it’s simply coincidental) Miss H is back as Principal and she’s running a tight ship so the girls choose photo club instead. Sav and Anya scored film clubs last spots and engage in PDA whole KC arrives and he and Clare kiss as well. Alli is jealous cause Johnny is all no public touchy. Johnny just has other interests….. Like watching Bruce harass Connor….Clare just doesn’t know him like Alli does….


Saturday, September 7, 2013

9x01/2 Just Can’t Get Enough RECAP

The season opens just weeks after the events of last season/the movie special as Studz hot off their theatrical debut in Mewsical High are rocking it at Degrassi. As they are singing in the gym cut to a limo pulling up in front of the school as two well-dressed students exit from it. They are Declan and Fiona Coyne, their father is some sort of diplomat and it’s unclear whether they are American, Canadian, or duel citizens as while they call New York their ultimate home they are world travelers. Chantey introduces herself to the twins’ camera in hand ready to vlog. They ask who the important people are…. Holly J the president, Studz Degrassi’s own movie stars and the lead singers girlfriend famed model Mia just home from Paris. I assume the shoot that was canceled/delayed in the movie happened and she flew from LA to Paris then back home which was why she had millions of dollars of cloths with her on the bus….see it all comes together. Holly J tells the band they are on the set list for the Winter Beach Bash while Peter comments they ARE the set list and informs Mia he’s so close to landing a spot in the music master class.

WHATEVER IT TAKES this season it’s a new vocal track of the theme song as well as some new scenes as Derek and Mia are now gone and the four new characters this season are added. The changes are as follows: The Leia/Derek scene is now Declan/Fiona, between the Anya/Chantey and KC/Clare/Connor/Alli scene is now Leia/Holly J, then after the grade nine quad are new grade niners Jenna and Dave…. Finally with Holly J in a new scene the one of her and Mia is obviously gone….

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Degrassi Goes Hollywood:Recap

While I am tagging the previous episode as the season finale this movie can alternately be known as 8x19-22 Paradise City though for arguments sake I’m just going to list Danger Zone as the finale…. Anyway since this is two hours (probably about an hour and a half ish on the DVD since it’s without ad breaks) this may be lengthy. Also this is the first and for Ellie, and Craig last time you’ll see some older characters which have been absent since season seven (Marco appears next season while Paige appeared in a webisode during the back end of season eleven)

Anyway the movie begins with some scenery porn of California (I don’t remember if its location shots or stock footage but it’s stunning) Paige is on the phone with Marco gushing about her life as a Hollywood Stylist. He wants to visit but she tells him she’s swamped with clients….. though by client she really means a Diva starlet named Hailey who’s a part of the show ‘The Shores’ which is an inverse take on the Hills (despite Anya implying that the Hills is an actual show in-verse) to whom Paige acts as a personal assistant AkA glorified maid to. Hailey asks how her ‘acting’ is on the show and Paige tells her its reality TV. Hailey asks if she can help her with an outfit for some party…..for her dog. Paige picks up her cell and tells Marco….yea totally not the best time for a visit as the dog ends up taking a piss on her.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

8x18 Danger Zone—recap

This is another early A-B-C plot episode most likely because it’s a season finale.
Blue uses his art final performance piece to ask Holly J to the winter dance in a rather romantic way. She tells him she can’t cause she’s working and Chantey questions as to whether there is another guy and if he is he must be really special to of blown off Blue’s advances.


8x17 Up Where We Belong—RECAP

The Juniors are talking to the guidance counselor because they are getting ready to plan their schedules for the second semester which is a building block for their final year and future both at Degrassi and in the real world. Mia is failing English and she’s freaking out. She’s already a year behind cause of having a baby and she doesn’t want to be in school forever. (Sweetie talk to Spinner) the councilor suggests that maybe she needs to tone down her modeling to focus more on school. As for Sav he’s at a crossroads cause the music classes he wants to take conflict with the engineering ones his father wants him to do. Mia plans to handle both modeling and school cause she HAS to while Sav…..we’ll hear from him a bit later.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

8x16 Heart of Glass--recap

Alli and Johnny are making out in his car however it’s almost nine and he doesn’t want her to be late for her curfew. He’s trying to be respectful however she thinks he’s not into her. She comes home and her mom asks how studying at the library was and Alli wines saying it’s stupid. She then slumps in the living room puts on West Drive and calls up someone presumably Clare wining that she hates her life. Seriously Alli do you want some cheese to go with your wine….god.


Monday, September 2, 2013

8x15 Touch of Grey—RECAP:

A now brunette Emma is telling Kelly that she wants some couple time. As they walk down the hall everyone calls out to talk to Kelly with the RA causally calling Emma ‘Blonde Emma’ even though like I said she’s no longer blonde. It’s time for the floor Olympics and apparently Liberty and Manny were asked to help in planning it. Emma wants to prove herself as an individual in the hall and get noticed since she’s been there for three months and she’s only known for her former hair color and hot boyfriend.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

8x13/14 Jane Says RECAP

Jane is waiting outside the school for Lucas to arrive with the car so that she can go out and take her road test for her license. She comes home and shows her mom she passed and she’s excited that she did it on the first try no thanks to Lucas. Her mom doesn’t know what to do with him and Jane says that maybe if he can spend more time with Isabella he’d change his life around.