Monday, September 16, 2013

9x13 Holliday Road—RECAP

Emma and Kelly arrive at Degrassi as part of a bike-a-thon to recycle old bikes. She and Kelly stay there and she wishes the others on the team luck with the next school. Holly J greets her along with Declan and Chantey. They ask if she’s ready to address her Alma matter on the PA and she nods as Kelly plans to speak with Simpson. Kelly promises not to talk about some forbidden subject……are they engaged? Did they elope? Is Emma with child only a few years more than her mother was when she had her? Well we’ll soon find out.


Kelly must have been dragged to do the announcement with Emma. They are promoting for the students to bring in their old bikes the following Thursday for Kelly to tell them how to refurbish them. Holly J starts to ask Emma about Smithdale as it’s one of her top university choices however Emma evades the topic. It seems that the taboo subject must be school related. Kelly tells Emma he’s glad to finally be sleeping under a roof and Emma comments how they’ll be sleeping on le-pull out couch. Kelly comments how it’s better than a tent. Emma tells him that first they have to put up posters however he’s not into that. He’d rather them invite people over and have a little party.

Chantey and Danny are sharing a salad. The two weeks are almost up and they soon will be able to be official.

Kelly’s playing video games with Conner and Jack as Emma’s showing her video blog to her parents. Christine comments about how the two of them look cozy as Emma says they need to be if they are going to survive their cross country adventure. Simpson comments about Emma not getting a summer job but the cause is the job. Christine asks if this is Kelly’s idea because Emma goes crazy for guys and Simpson asks about tests. Emma then evades the question. At night, Kelly wants to throw in the towel and not go cross country and his dad keeps texting him about getting a real job. Kelly comments Emma needs to tell her parents about school eventually as Eggers crawls into bed with them.

Danny and Sav are mixing music and Danny comments about Chantey saying that they are official. Sav checks the blog but it’s all about Holly J and Declan….Danny sighs seeing he’s only being referred to as ‘the other student’

Emma is having a barbeque at the house while her parents and Jack are out. Spinner offers Kelly a steak and Kelly comments how Emma’s made him go vegan. You can tell Kelly hates it.

Chantey asks if Sav liked the music mixing on their first date. Danny comments oh this is a date I thought I was just ‘another student’ Chantey then comments about them going half on their date however then Danny turns around saying no your order was more than half the bill so you should pay more.

Kelly and Spinner are eating meat and Emma is pissed, not that he’s eating animals but because they broke into a bottle of something that her parents were saving. Emma comments about how she’s sick about him making all these comments. He’s sick of making them and tells her that his dad got him a job and he’s leaving. Emma tells him she’s not telling her dad about her flunking out and she doesn’t want to see Kelly again. The next day, Kelly takes a cab to the airport. Emma tells Christine that she needs to call the school and cancel the lecture because she can’t fix bikes without a mechanic.

Sav informs Danny about Chantey’s blog which comments about how Danny didn’t want to evenly split the bill and now everyone thinks he’s cheap.

Emma shows up alone. Holly J asks where her boyfriend is and Emma snaps before trying to do the seminar on her lonesome.

Mr. P calls for debate topics and Danny brings up the article….should couples pay their own or split 50/50.

Emma shows the video then asks for questions. Alli and Clare start asking Emma questions about college life. Emma then breaks down and ends up telling Simpson she’s flunking out and doesn’t want to go back.

Chantey pulls Danny back after class commenting that she guesses their relationship is a bust. She didn’t post her blog to be malicious she’d posted that comment as a question of ethics.

Emma’s all wallowy and depressed and loitering at the Dot. Spinner asks if she wants another coffee or tea and is sorry they don’t sell the stronger high end stuff. She orders a double bacon burger because she doesn’t think that things matter anymore so why not binge on beef. Emma asks him how he felt watching all his friends go off to school while he stayed a townie. He admits it sucked at first but he’s got a job, the loft, the band, Jane, everything worked out and he couldn’t be happier. Considering what happens in the season ender movie perhaps the ship that shall never be named wasn’t pulled out of the writers asses after all. Holly J comes to work and is late….she apologizes mentioning her two jobs (I’m assuming she means here and the babysitting and not the mentor thing) tae kwon do, and meetings for student council she was pressed for time. Emma apologizes for the outburst and comments how at least Emma kept her cloths on in reference to the Purple Dragon thing. Holly J envies how she stands up for what she believes in.

Christine and Simpson are angry about Emma wanting to quit however between Manny moving to LA and Liberty in the Sorority (I assume she got into the one she’d been a legacy of) she let herself slip and it’s just not her. Emma comments how school isn’t for everyone and comments how her mom dropped out. Her mom says it was cause of a single mom and she never wanted to be a hair dresser. Emma tells them she just wants to help people and find herself and proposes taking a gap year. Her mom brings up a valid point how she doesn’t need a man to be happy.

Danny gets Chantey tickets to some sold out show in a few months….if she wants to go. She asks how much and he tells her the price plus fees minus the cost of the latte and Chantey promises to run all further pieces about Danny by him first.

Holly J made some calls and got Emma a massive bike donation. She tells the younger girl to keep in touch and who knows, she may be in town to bother Holly J for her senior year. Emma then heads off to finish the tour.

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