Thursday, September 19, 2013

9x17 Innocent When You Dream---RECAP

The episode opens as Clare is having a vivid Twilight/Vampire inspired dream about her and Declan. She wakes up from it and picks up the book she fell asleep reading which is a YA vampire series


Clare apologizes for being late to meet Alli before school but she’d been up till 3AM reading a book in the ‘Fortnight’ series which is a veiled in-verse rip-off of Twilight (though the latter is mentioned in-verse as well) She gets the next book from Alli who is saying how she’s caught up and now she’s stuck reading sub-par fan fiction till the next installment.  She asks Clare if Declan reminds her of ‘Edmond’ all broody and sexy and Clare swears she just reads the books for the plot.

At play practice Chantey is late and Declan asks Clare to step in and read from book during a blocking session.  Declan declares Peter isn’t doing it right and steps in to show him how with Clare causing Clare to get all weak kneed. Chantey however shows up.

Sav shows Anya and Leia a group grade they got on some project. Leia comments how since they broke up Anya’s been a great study buddy and Sav asks Anya what’s been going on since the breakup. You know, this that, drivers ed, the musical, LARPING….nothing special.

Simpson is asking Conner if his friends are coming over. Conner says yea and we get our first encounter of Wesley. Across the classroom, Alli asks Clare what she’s typing only to find out that it’s Fortnight FanFic and it’s pretty steamy. Clare says she was experimenting with making the girl the vampire instead. Alli comments about how it’s much better than the ones on the fan sites and encourages Clare to post it….Madame Degrassi is born.

Sav’s been working on music for Janie and the Studs Featuring Peter Stone to compensate for being a newly single man. The band thinks his remix is good and he comments about a viral video contest though the rest of the band has finals to study for.

Alli is commenting about the response to Clare’s fanfic….all four star ratings and an M for mature….what if her mother saw…..Clare comments how she’s written more however their celebration is soon cut short as Holly J is reading the fic out loud telling Chantey how it’s her guilty pleasure akin to Chantey reading Perez.  Alli comments if Declan’s read the stories and he says no but Holly J read them to him and Madame Degrassi is a great writer.

Peter asks Sav if he’s still working on the music and Sav says no. Peter tells him he can’t be stalking Anya and that the reason they broke up isn’t going to magically go poof if they get back together. Though Sav is just put off about how Anya has bounced back while he feels like shit. Peter says he can talk to the others about doing the video.

Alli is looking for Clare to go to Connors but Clare is too busy working on more fanfic. Declan likes it so she wants to write more. She also has Declan’s sweater and Alli tells her she’s obsessed and drags her to Connor’s. Alli starts a round of seven minutes in heaven and Clare and Wesley go into the laundry room. Wesley looks at Clare’s ring and comments how it’s pretty she explains it’s her purity ring but she still can kiss. She starts kissing Wesley but is picturing Declan from her head cannon if you will and ends up biting Wesley’s neck.

Clare is embarrassed and the next day Wesley tells her it was the best minute and fourty two seconds he’s had and asks her out for ice cream. She declines and meets with Alli to give her all her fortnight books back. The series is corrupting her thoughts and she plans to delete her fanfic. Sexual Acts Begin In The Mind. Alli tells her they are young and it’s normal to think. Clare just doesn’t want to do something she’ll regret like Alli did with Johnny.

The band shoots the video though they thought it was going to be a one shot take but Sav's got a whole storyboard plotted out.

Declan thanks Clare for coming to school on Saturday. Declan then wants to ask Clare an honest question….is he a good director? Clare tells him yea he is.

The band wants to call it quits because the seniors have finals to study for and Spinner has to be at work. Sav is upset and picks up his cell and calls Anya. The two of them take a walk and Anya comments how she was just acting like she didn’t care hoping that he’d realize what he was giving up and ask her back. Sav rolls his eyes at this….wow….wow….now he knows why he broke up with her….cause she’s manipulative. And it’s over for good…. No take backs.

Holly J and Declan are having a fight and he asks if Clare is ready for that talk…’s not real, it’s in Clare’s head and she wakes as Declan asks if she is ready to show him the props for the play. She leans over and kisses him for real this time and Declan asks if she’s…..Madame Degrassi. He was most likely going to ask if she was crushing but THIS….WOW. Alli can’t believe she did that and Clare apologizes for making the comment to her friend.

Sav ended up salvaging the takes he had intercutting them with shots of his cat cause you know cat videos on YouTube are timeless. The Cat is actually the studio mascot….I don’t know if it was a feral one the studio adopted or what but in season eleven it plays the cat of Fiona’s then girlfriend Charlie. The band asks if Sav wants to hang out after school but he’s made a hobby of making cat videos.

Holly J confronts Clare about being Madame Degrassi and how she took her stories down. Clare tells Holly J she’s sick and needs to get these thoughts out of her head. Holly J tells her it’s just puberty and if writing smut keeps her from sucking Declan’s face….er neck again then keep it up. She admits Clare is an amazing writer and she promises to keep her secret identity a secret but if she puts a move on Declan she’ll annihilate her. Declan also has no hard feelings and tells Clare he expects to still see her at rehearsal. Clare nods and the episode ends the same as it begins with Clare having a fantasy scene.

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