Thursday, September 26, 2013

10x05/06 99 Problems||RECAP

Riley and Zane are exercising, doing some stretching and generally getting frisky however not so much. Schools back now and whatever romance blossomed over the summer between the two boys has to have an ellipsis put around it. Riley’s a senior and QB1 and a shoe in for captain and if the guys think he’s gay….well that just isn’t going to happen now is it….no offence to present company. He promises when football season is over things will pick up (albeit still in secret I’d gather) but for now….it’s complicated. Zane comments that they can still hang out and perhaps even his soccer skills will transfer to the gridiron. Riley comments how Zane would look hot in a jersey. Snapping out of his haze however Riley says he needs to get back to training and had a blast over the summer.


Alli comments about how it’s a beautiful day where anything can happen. Clare sarcastically comments yea, like something not deep friend in the cafĂ©. It’s nice to know after all these seasons the students still berate the food. Anyway speaking of lunch Alli asks where they are going to sit and Clare says the student council office cause she’s got a yearbook meeting and Alli’s more than welcome to join her cause they are still looking for photographers. Alli + Photography being a nice continuity nod. Alli says thanks but no thanks and not cause of her past experience behind the camera but because she doesn’t want to waste Sophomore year casually observing other people who or living, she wants to live too. She looks at Jenna who is on the power squad and is living her dream life and Chantey is still holding tryouts.

Riley is signing up for the football tryouts and so does Drew. A part of why he transferred to the school was he heard how great the team was. Zane then comes to sign up and he comments how he wants to prove gays can play sports. Drew is all…you’re gay and you can tell he’s not saying it in a mean way more of a curious one. Riley introduces Drew who is new at the school to Zane who is….in his math class. Cut to Drew and Riley in economics and Drew is clueless (but really isn’t he nine out of ten times and that’s what makes him so interesting to watch and poke fun at). Riley uses girls as a metaphor and how when he had to date Fiona he had to spend more than he would if he were dating one of the ‘Jessica’s’ Drew gets it and explains that once a girl hears he’s QB they are usually putty in his hands. Riley is all you’re QB? Since you know that’s his spot and Drew says how he was Varsity despite being an underclassman.

Chantey is talking about various Power Squad activities for the rest of the year as Alli is looming onto them making comments. Chantey comments how she doesn’t belong there and Alli pleads to get a try out. Chantey cracks saying to meet her after school with a latte and some gum.

Armstrong wants KC to join the football team however after the whole Carson thing he’s skeptical. Jenna tells him not to let some pervert control his life.

Riley and Drew are at the gym conditioning with Armstrong and competing against one another for QB1. Armstrong gives Riley a complement and Riley tells Drew better luck next year. He’s till training along with Zane now in the gym where we first meet Owen who is teasing Zane about his girly yoga pants which are super fabulous. Now, re-watching the show now kind of brings the character of Owen into a fresh perspective granted five episodes into season ten Tristan was probably not even a glimmer in the writers eyes hell Owen was only a day player at that point however you can still in a way justify his homophobic and bully some behavior by thinking that perhaps while he always suspected his kid brother was gay, it was now in what would be Tristan’s grade eight year that he officially came out off screen and Owen’s denial of the situation is what’s projecting him to be a dick to Zane and later transgendered Adam. Drew comments how it must be tough for Riley’s buddy….he’s totally cool with things but what would the rivals think if they knew the kicker liked boys.

Alli shows up at the practice with Chantey’s gum and latte in Darcy’s old uniform. She asks what now and Chantey says to run the routine but Alli isn’t picking it up.

Riley sees Zane practicing kicking in the gym and he comments about how Owen is still going on about him being gay. He loves it that Zane is on the team but wouldn’t of encouraged it if he knew it would be so risky. As they are talking about things Drew happens to overhear and while he may be okay with Zane liking boys in hearing that his rival for the top spot does too….well it’s the perfect ammo to get what he wants. Riley continues to comment to Zane about how he can’t be seen talking to him or the guys will start questioning his sexuality and how there are two Riley’s… season Riley and his Riley. He just can’t lose to Drew he just freaking cant. Zane said he thought he’d join the team to spend time with him but now he just likes it and he doesn’t plan to let football Riley treat him like a leper.

Chantey holds Alli back saying if she wants on the squad she needs her to step it up. Alli says that she’ll do anything she wants Chantey’s life….she wants to be the popular one and not the one wallowing in the yearbook room wondering what if. Chantey nods and tells Alli if she wants to work for it then she’ll work for it and goes over the routine one on one with her.

Armstrong is giving the boys including KC a speech saying that there is a strict code of conduct that needs to be upheld. Drew suggests a tailgate barbeque for the team….and please bring dates. He’s so doing this to call Riley out on his sexuality and I can’t tell if this move is duchy or just downright devious.

Speaking of KC who was at the pre-tryout meeting, he and Jenna are now at the home where the facilitator is ranting about his achievements and how he’s turned things around from that dark patch the year before and he deserves a reward….an additional hour to curfew.

The roster is up for Power Squad and Alli isn’t on it. Chantey tells her she just couldn’t get it. There are five spots and twenty five girls and so while she likes her as a person she just didn’t make the cut. She encourages Alli to try next year but in the meantime where is Alli supposed to sit.

The team is having the barbeque and we meet Marisol who is again another day player who gets promoted to the cast next season. Riley is onto Drew and vice versa.

Jenna is glad that KC decided to join the team as are her fellow power squanders. Marisol comments about how everybody just loves football players and again unintentional foreshaddowment guess who KC ends up cheating on Jenna with in just over forty two episodes….why it’s Marisol Lewis herself.

Alli is wining about not making the team to Clare like seriously you could land yourself in the hospital with a pump in your damn stomach if you took a shot whenever Alli wines. I love the actress to death and she was one of the first cast members to ever tweet me back but the character sometimes   is insufferable. Clare comments about how she didn’t care about being on the squad until just days ago and Alli comments how it’s really not about the squad just that she wants to fit in. Clare asks why she doesn’t sit with Connor or Wesley and Alli is all ewe. Clare asks what to do when life gives her lemons and she says you chuck them at Chantey. Clare says no you start your own club and Alli is all great idea I’ll start a dance team that will blow those pom pom pushers out of the water.

KC’s phone keeps buzzing with texts and calls that he keeps ignoring. Jenna asks if she gave any of the other girls his number and he says just Marisol who is making a call list for the team. Jenna tells her how she collects boys like people collect ring tones.

Riley tells Zane that he doesn’t have to quit but they need to not talk in the locker room cause people (Drew) suspect. Zane says let’s not talk beyond the locker-room either. Drew then goes to Riley and blackmails him. You let me be QB1 or I’ll out you. Riley then asks Owen what he thinks about Drew. Owen thinks he’s a cocky little bartered who needs to know his place as a rookie and him the boys decide a bit of hazing is in order…TBC

The next day, Riley and Owen grab Drew and they gag him with duct tape over his mouth before stripping him down to his boxers and wrapping him around the flag pole in plastic wrap. Armstrong sees him as people are coming into the school and asks who did it cause he’s going to get to the bottom of it while Riley and Owen just pass by laughing.


Alli is handing out fliers and ends up asking Bianca if she wants to join ‘The Big D Dance Crew’ no pom poms no uniforms no try outs it’s the club for those who don’t do clubs.

The football team is called into the gym to talk about the incident with Drew where Simpson, Armstrong and Audra are trying to get someone to fess up. Riley comments saying wouldn’t Drew know and he says they were wearing masks. Audra threatens to tell the school board and reminds them hazing is a serious offence and that they could lose the program. Simpson asks Riley if he heard anything and he says no and Audra comments about how convenient it was that the guy trying out for his spot is the one getting hazed.

Alli has her first dance team meeting which is just a bunch of people dancing around freestyle. Bianca then shows up and commands the crowd with an intricate performance and to quote Taylor Swift….Miss DeSousa I knew you were trouble when you walked in. Alli loves it and says THAT’s what they are going for.

KC’s late in meeting Jenna and he’s commenting about how Marisol was giving him her brother’s old playbook but she couldn’t find it and then her earing got caught in her cute little scarf and Jenna is clearly jealous saying Marisol is clearly flirting. KC’s cell rings again and he brushes it off saying it’s nothing. Marisol found the book and KC plans to get rid of her and in his absence, Jenna picks up KC’s cell and sees an ignored call log of the same unlisted number. She calls and a female answers. She asks who this is and if this woman goes to Degrassi. She says her son KC does and Jenna is flabbergasted telling Lisa she’s got the wrong number.

Riley thanked Drew for not ratting him out. Drew says he did it for the team since there is a zero tolerance hazing policy and if he named names it could cost them the season and how could he be QB1 if that happened since clearly he’s got a laundry list of ways to scheme and blackmail his way onto the spot.

Bianca is taking over the dance team running choreography and shooting down how Alli is telling them how they should all go to the game together like a team.

Riley asks Armstrong if he’s made any choices about the team yet and he says yes and Riley is the captain. He tells him that Drew should be instead. Armstrong says Drew is good but Riley’s better and he’s just nervous. Riley’s looking at the trophy case that’s filled with season eight promo stills of the football team from the last season as well as an MVP plaque. I couldn’t tell if it was for all sports or just football however if it’s the latter it’s a continuity fail as the prior season with Shep as coach was the team’s inaugural one. Also it’s interesting to mention that a time ret-con moving the series into real time has happened as there is a blank spot on the plaque saying 2010-2011 when it should be the 2008-2009 school year considering Sav, Anya, and Holly J were Sophomores when the class of 07 matriculated and Chantey has been at Degrassi since SEASON 4 (where I’m living in my bubble that in that season it was the final year of the Junior High program and she’d been in grade eight).

Jenna asks KC how class was and he says how he was going to text her but he lost his phone. He hears his ring coming from Jenna’s bag and she claims she borrowed his phone and ended up calling the number….she knows. He tells her his family is off limits and so is his stuff and it’s no wonder he has trust issues.

Alli has big news. Remember how Bianca said how the game would be stupid….well she’s booked the team for halftime. Bianca says they aren’t ready and Alli says she just wants people to know she’s got her own clique now and that she’s popular so that Drew will ask her to be his girlfriend because it’s always about some guy now isn’t it Alli.  Bianca comments how Alli’s got her shit figured out (sarcastically that is) before saying she’s not dancing. Alli says she’s cut then and Bianca walks out. Alli tells the other girls they have some work to do however they all follow Bianca’s suit once again leaving Alli alone.

Armstrong is announcing the team and Riley gets starting QB much to Drew’s dislike.

Jenna congratulates KC for getting a starting spot but he’s still mad. Jenna’s sorry she snooped but it’s his mom. KC says how she got out of jail eight months ago and he’s been trying eight months to avoid her.

Audra comments to Armstrong about the hazing and how Drew was a target for a reason and she’s going to get to the bottom of things and talk to the principal again. Drew tells Riley if he can’t play nobody will.

Alli asks Clare if she’s going to the game and Clare says not really and asks about the dance crew. Alli says how they abandoned her and so Clare says fine she’ll go to the game with her but Alli owes her.

Riley congratulates Zane for making the team however he’s not speaking to the other boy. Armstrong then gets a call and breaks the news that until things get found out about the hazing the team can’t play. Zane comments about how there has been all this drama because Riley thinks gays can’t play ball. Riley then makes an announcement…. He’s….he’s….responsible for what happened with Drew and he’s sorry. The team can play, Drew is QB1 and Riley is suspended for five games.

Sav announces the dance crew to dance before kickoff and Alli is shaking her head but he makes her dance anyway. She says how she’s a bad friend and dancer and club leader but she has great pride in the school and if the crowd does too they should join her. Clare then goes out to help along with Dave, Wesley and a few extras.

Zane comments how it should be him out there the football him and Riley comments someday it’ll be all of him

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