Tuesday, September 24, 2013

10x01/02 What a Girl Wants||RECAP

So here we are up to a double digit season number and also a supersized forty four episode season….yea, you read that right. Though to be fair technically it’s twenty two two-part episodes and that’s how I’ll be posting them all….With this season we also get the dropping of the ‘Next Generation’ subtitle and the intro also of   fan favorites   Drew Torres introduced in this episode and Eli Goldsworthy introduced in the next pair. Also you’ll note the season is more fast paced and there is allot more character/story arcs happening thought the season as opposed to one episode then done.

The season opens where the movie left off in New York at the Coyne penthouse. Its Holly J’s going away party. It’s not really goodbye it’s see you in a few months when you arrive at Yale. Fiona finally arrives at the party after her exhale in the Hamptons all renewed and refreshed with a new boyfriend. Declan just doesn’t trust Bobby…maybe it’s cause he’s Fiona’s first (and only) real boyfriend or maybe just maybe it’s cause of something else.

WHATEVER IT TAKES---I think it’s the same background vocals as last season….90% sure of it. The credits are a mix of old and new clips and faces…it opens with new shots of Peter, Sav, Clare, and newbie Eli. Then it’s the old Coyne Twin and Leia/Holly J scenes. A new one with new teacher Miss Oh, Connor and Wesley. The old Chantey/Anya and Jenna/Dave scenes then more new content with Adam and Bianca (newbies) along with Simpson and KC followed by newbie Drew, Riley and Alli with the pimp spot...

 Sav enters the New and improved Dot where Anya is just leaving and giving him the cold shoulder. It’s going to be a long year…..also….sidebar…..I liked the older color scheme and feel of the Dot much better than the new….Peter comments that Sav will make some new friends this year….enter Drew in all his douche glory. He places an order and says he’s planning to be a regular at the grille since he’s transferred to Degrassi. He and Sav introduce one another to themselves and Drew even spots Sav for whatever he’s drinking…or was it the other way to tell. Anyway Drew leaves and Sav just rolls his eyes thinking that if Drew is his potential new friend….yea this is going to be a fun year

Clare with an adorable new haircut greets Alli while Simpson is looking out to the students…after all these years he’s finally principal. Conner then looks over to Dave wanting to talk to him about that ‘Thing’ he was supposed to do to try to impress Alli….there is a glitch though Dave doesn’t care cause he’s going to be the grade ten class representative and woo her with power.

Holly j’s heading out but Fiona wishes she didn’t have to leave. She’s in a better place thanks to the salty air and a good shrink. She hopes Holly J and she can become great friends and she wished that Holly J could stay because the double dates would be amazing. Declan tells Holly J the months will fly by and he gives her a magazine to read on the plane.

The grade tens enter the media class and all the chairs are missing. That doesn’t stop Clare and Alli from standing at a computer where Alli is pissed that she’s ranked 42 in the girls of Degrassi list Dave made. Connor whispers to him how he told him there were issues with the algorithm. Simpson then comes in saying how as Principal he’s instated new things and one being yoga balls in the lab to improve posture. He also wants to introduce the new MI teacher Miss Oh who is the new ‘Hot Teacher’

Declan and Fiona enter Vanderbilt and Fiona comments how she missed how privilege felt like. Fiona stays back saying Bobby is going to show her around. Declan tells her while Bobby is her first boyfriend he’s had many girlfriends. Bobby promises that while the school is a hotbed of secrets and lies he promises to be honest to her. She comments about the ugly uniforms and Bobby comments how he’s talked to the board about it and that they’d love to see her changes at the benefactor’s brunch. She asks Bobby to help her with them however he’s got plans. He tells her she should be happy he did this.

Holly J comes home from the trip and begins to unpack and by unpack I mean knocking off a shelves worth of things and placing a photo of her and Declan on it. Stepping back she sees empty boxes….that’s weird.

Mrs. Bhandari asks how the first day of the most popular guy in school’s senior year went. Sav claims he’s not popular he was just riding on the coat tails of the band and plans to just keep a low profile. His mom tells him he should embrace it and run for president.  Sav says Holly J is going to go for a second term. But she’s running unopposed and a little healthy competition never hurts…..Sav’s told to think about it.

Meanwhile speaking of Holly J she’s skyping with Declan and he’s asking her if being incoming president it gave her privilege to skip day one. She says how she wouldn’t miss much anyway and asks Declan about how his day went.  Holly J’s mom comes in and the couple call their Skype session short. Holly J instantly asks about the boxes and her mom says how they sold the house and found an apartment a few blocks away. Now  back in season eight it was sad how the dad made some bad investments and so they had lost allot of money which was why they needed to tighten up and Holly J stopped being a spoiled brat and got the job at the Dot thus beginning to make her a well-rounded and likeable character. Well the mom is saying now how the dad is still out of work and how their financial advisor ran off with their entire nest egg including Holly J’s college fund. I assume her dad worked in the financial sector somehow which is why the job loss. Mrs. Sinclair says how there are plenty of local schools and they are moving to pinch pennies to send her to one.

Declan says how they had some good cleanish fun at their guys night and he was wrong about Bobby. He seems like a nice guy. He asks Fiona about the uniforms and Fiona is proud about them. Laura is great that the kids are hitting it off back home.

Sav starts to talk to Holly J saying how he didn’t think she’d be back from the city and how he was thinking of running for something. She informs him a secretary job is open however he wants to go for the big leagues….Holly J thinks he’s joking however when he introduces Holly J to Drew as his competition for the job Holly J knows he means business. Holly J says that he’s not presidential material but she’d be honored to have him as her vice. Sav shakes his head.

Bobby shows up and is sorry for being late. He had fun the other night but what happens with the guys stays with them.  He then ends up grabbing Fiona’s arm with force.

Holly J speaks to the cafĂ© as the incumbent president asking students to vote for their class Reps. Sav decides to but in and announce his candidacy…..oh it’s WAR.

Dave’s upset about Connor messing up the rank. At least before Alli had friend-zoned him however now he’s persona non grata to her.

Holly J is bitter about this Sav thing and starts venting about it to his ex. How will Yale look at her if she’s only runner up, she could lose Declan…..plus well as Anya brings up who would watch over the students at the school. Anya then asks what she can do to take down Sav since she’s bitter about how he dumped her at prom just after swapping virginities….who knows what would happen if she got pregnant.

Bobby is looking at Fiona’s snow globe collection and she tells them they are dorky little gifts from her dad. Bobby then comments as she brings out her dressers dummy shocked that she’s actually making a sample and by hand no less instead of just showing them the drawings. Fiona comments about how she’s going to make a change but Bobby instantly corrects her pronoun to we. He starts to kiss her however she’s got to get back to work. He doesn’t care and drags her toward the couch and begins to forcefully kiss her saying how her parents would love it if they walked in on them together because they are a perfect match. She slaps him in self-defense to get him off her and he slaps back….hard…giving her a black eye.

The next day Holly J wants to apologize to Sav. She tells him he’s only running because she told him he couldn’t. He asks why she wants to be president and she says to be in charge. He says that’s why he is too. She then brings up college and a future….a future Sav isn’t going to have because he’s going to be a teen dad. That’s right…Anya is going to have his baby.

Laura is calling Fiona to the brunch where Bobby just arrived with a huge bouquet of flowers as Fiona is putting cover up on her eye….TBC also factoid moment gone are the freeze frame endings and instead it just cuts to a black screen leading into the credits and outro.

At the brunch Fiona is straightening up Bobby’s outfit saying how it will be the first new uniform in 50 years and she wants it to be perfect. He notes the bruise on her eye and apologizes. Fiona’s giving her presentation and her dad whispers to the mom about how he thinks it’s too much pressure on her. Fiona shows a new design for the school crest and one of the board members says it’s blasphemous to change something that traditional.

Holly J wants to know if Anya talked to Sav because Holly J has a favor. When she talks to him play it up that she’s pregnant with his child. Anya doesn’t know about this but Holly J comments how it’s perfect….no one will elect a baby daddy to run the school and Anya did want to extract revenge.

Dave’s talking to Wesley about impressing Alli and making her his girl. Alli is in a particular chipper mood because she’s decided to put out her own list…. A looser list to which Dave is number one.

Dawes is assigning a pottery assignment when Anya goes into the art room asking if it’s true and Anya is pregnant. She tells him yes but she’s got a project to work on and it’s not like they were talking for her to tell him. He asks if she’s keeping it and she says probably. He comments how she took the morning after pill but she says she must have had it too late and unless he wants to go all ghost and sing Unchained Melody he needs to go.

Declan and her parents are commending Fiona on a family party gone right as despite that guy’s comment it seems things went off without a hitch and there is a good chance Fiona’s designs are going to be considered. The family is in a good place and is ready for a year of normalcy. She excuses herself to refill the carafe of OJ when she spots Bobby making out with another girl.

Sav sits down at the ‘homework table’ and he has news. His mom does too; his father’s cousin is going to make him posters. His mom is so proud of him for running however Sav says he’s thinking of dropping out because things are complicated.

Bobby shows up at the penthouse because Fiona was absent from school though there was a Barney’s sale. Fiona says no she really had a migraine plus she saw Bobby with Tinsley. Bobby tells her that Tinsley threw herself onto him and he loves her. Later after Bobby leaves Laura gets a call from Bobby’s mom saying they want to have dinner with the Coynes.  Laura gives Fiona a gift from Bobby, a snow globe of Aspen and they wax nostalgic about when she, Declan and Bobby were little kids.

Sav’s transferred out of his beloved music and into art class so he could have more classes with Anya. She comes first right now and he’s there for her. He asks what happens now and she comments she’s going to get fat. She hasn’t told her parents yet but he wants her with him when he tells his. Anya can’t believe he’s being so awesome about this and Anya begins to wonder why she didn’t fake a pregnancy sooner.

Wesley and Connor are rapping to promote Dave and then Dave takes the mic however everyone is calling him a looser.

Alli is still bitching about her being 42 on the list SHUT THE FUCK UP ALLI Also Clare apparently made number 3. Anyway Alli is wining about how she is going to be undateable and her entire Sophomore Year has already gone down the tubes….Clare sweetie, I think you need to order some cheese from Peter to go with Alli’s wine. And what about Prom….it’s the most important thing in a young woman’s life…again you’re a SOPHMORE!  Dave shows up and tells Alli how the looser list was uncalled for and is ruining his bout for class rep. Dave tells her she was supposed to be number one….she’s the hottest girl in school with a bullet. She tells him he has her vote and he tells him that’s not all he wants. She gives him a peck but that’s all it is, a peck.

Declan is bribing Fiona to come to dinner with them however Fiona is faking sick. Declan comments how she promised no drama and she tells him she’s not being dramatic she just wants to be alone. Declan tells her to enjoy her snow globe and she dramatically chucks it across the room.

Sav is talking to Anya about the baby as well as other things. She comments about how he’s looking all presidential and decisive but he’s thinking about dropping out of the race. Anya tells him not too which so wasn’t in Holly J’s plan….whoops….saying that being president shows strong leadership qualities much like being president. Sav then asks for her baby name list. She says she doesn’t have one but  he calls her out on it saying he’s seen her writing one all the way back from when they first dated. Anya nods saying for a boy she’s always loved Victor.

Fiona skypes Holly J from Declan’s account. She asks why she can’t be happy like Holly J and Declan, why is she broken. Fi you’re not broke just not into penis just saying….anyway Anya shows up on Holly J’s end and Fiona apologizes for keeping her from her friend. Holly J tells her whenever she needs to talk she’ll be there for her and to take it easy on the drinking.

Anya tells Holly J the good news is she’s going to keep being pregnant and the better news is that she’s back with Sav. She’ll fake a miscarriage when the time is right…..it’s better than faking a pillow baby and the memantic ‘Whatever It Takes’ is spoken.

Sav’s hanging up posters and Holly J comments why he’s still going on with it with….you know.  Sav comments how he has a strong support system and takes Anya’s hand….that two faced bitch.

Bobby tells Fiona she missed a great dinner. He brings up how she’s still jealous over the kiss and he told her he meant nothing by it and moves her. His cell rings however and she asks who it is. He tells her it’s nobody and nothing however Fiona manages to grab the phone finding out its Tinsley. She throws his phone saying how she thought it was a one-time thing. She starts to scream and he comments to her asking if she wants people to thinks he’s crazy. She threatens to tell and he comments that nobody would believe her word over his. He’s saying this as he’s forcefully pinning her against a wall. She gets away and starts to run up stairs however he grabs her arm and she falls down them. She cries in tears that she wants to break up and he comments no she doesn’t.

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