Friday, August 29, 2014

13x11 You Oughta Know

Clare is excited cause she has a meeting with Meredith Fox the editor of ‘News magazine’ which is a big deal and she’s trying to pitch to Drew an idea for a piece about youth unemployment assumingly for the school paper however Drew is not amused as it’s not up his ally. As she’s pitching she’s out of it with her details however she says its nerves.


Miles is trying out for the basketball team (though it being the start of the year so wouldn’t it be Football season first?) Armstrong (who is probably the most tenured teacher there aside from Simpson at present) says that the final roster will be posted the following day and Miles comments he better make starter. Tristan comments how it’s a bit ambitious for a sophomore though Miles says he has to cause of his dad. Tristan asks what Miles likes to do for fun and Miles says just the usual shenanigans. Tristan loves shenanigans and accepts an invite to come over.

Drew tells Clare she needs to tell Jenna they can’t afford beanbag chairs in the office he’d tell her but he really wanted them too. Clare comments about how she’s been working on her pitch it’s just her brain feels like baby food mush. Drew suggests she talk to the doctors about it. Clare comments she wrote the same thing four times and Drew offers to help. He’s not going to write it for her and not cause he’s not smart and tells Clare to dictate and he’ll type for her.

Tristan is telling Maya about the tryout and Maya forgotshe never saw Tristan as an athlete and Tristan says he just wants to broaden his horizon. Maya reminds him Miles doesn’t play for Tristian’s team and Tristan says he just wants a best friendwell a male one. Maya reminds him that he also has a BFF in Winston and Tristan says he was invited over. Maya says so was she and that Miles is throwing a party.

Imogen is pitching the idea for Degrassi Television to Drew and he green lights it however he wants to know who her on-air personality is. Imogen says it’s just her and Drew tells her she should really find a partner to be on camera.

Clare shows up at her interview and blanks on Meredith’s name. She gives her pitch and is told every magazine already has a piece on the unemployment crisis and that she wants Clare to pitch something on the fly. Clare draws a blank and starts pitching something about Celebrity and soon the magazine agrees to have her write a freelance piece about Zoe.

Winston is having an audition for the television station and once it’s over Imogen tells Drew she’ll never find an anchor and then Becky shows up. Becky gives her audition story about Texting and Driving which was a bit of a low blow for the parties she was auditioning with. Drew liked her however Imogen is quick to give her the brushoff saying she’s too perky. Drew asks if this has to do with Adam and Imogen says it’s not.

Clare is freaking out because her article is due that night and she’s a mess. Clare admits she hasn’t asked Zoe about things yet and takes Alli’s latte to give to Zoe. Clare tells Zoe she’s writing about her and Zoe is in, her agent loves free publicity. Clare asks if they can meet at the Dot but Zoe says she’s going to a partyClare can come.

Imogen approaches Becky who asks when she’s going to make her choice. Imogen says she already hasWinston; he blew her away with his charisma. Becky asks if her choice had to do with the summer and Imogen says no before going to tell Winston the news.

Clare shows up at the Hollingsworth’s to talk to Zoe about the fact that she’s a celebrity who is now attending a regular school.

Winston, Miles and Tristan are hanging out as Tristan comments how the basketball roster came out. Miles takes the phone and reads and sees that they both made it before walking off. Tristan wonders if he said something and Winston says don’t take it personally. Miles is upset because he made the team but he’s not a starter and so he’s a disappointment to his dad. He wishes he had something to give him an edge and comments how the students at his old school took steroids.

Clare bumps into Winston and asks him about Zoe for her article only to find out everything Zoe said was false. Winston then asks Clare out as he does it to every girl he talks to cause one time he’s sure to get a yes.

Maya begins to talk to Tristan about how Miles wants to do roids as Zoe joins in the conversation. They bring up something that happened to Zoe’s character Gatsby.

Clare is on the phone with Eli and Clare tells him that her interview was a bust. Eli says she needs to stop being hard on herself. Clare says how this wasn’t the plan, he was supposed to go to NYU and then after a rocking senior year she was supposed to go to Columbia however with her cancer diagnosis she’s worried she won’t get in. Eli says not to worry things will work out and then Clare asks who the female is in the background. Eli says its Lenore his classmate and friend who he’s throwing a party with to cram for midterms however if you’ve seen the ‘Dorm Life’ series you’ll know there is more to that relationship. Clare then works on her article.

Winston is trying to interview Drew however he’s adlibbing and it’s awkward. Becky then approaches asking Imogen if she can’t be on air can she do something else because she’s trying to keep busy.

Tristan gives Miles steroids that apparently Owen gave him though I find that highly doubtful. The boys then head off to practice.

Alli reads Clare’s article and says it’s great and Clare says thanks but the article isn’t true. What Zoe told her was all lies and what really happened was boring. The bell rings and Alli asks if she wants her to turn in the paper due for class. Clare forgot to do her homework saying she was just so perspired to write the article she didn’t check her agendaAlli corrects her saying doesn’t she mean inspired and Clare comments about how she didn’t get much sleep. Alli calls her out saying she’s just being forgetful and it’s been happing allot and Clare worries the cancer is back.

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