Sunday, November 3, 2013

11x36/37 Not Ready To Make Nice—RECAP

Without spoilering Clare’s plot in this episode from the on-set when this episode was in production and behind the scenes twit pics began to surface I was really starting to think that Clare’s plot would have been something else….something that the show hadn’t and still hasn’t tackled before but I really wish it would cause it would be an interesting plot. Anyway at least part two is a Ramona Episode which means it’s bound to be good.

Jake is commenting to Clare at breakfast how they should really coordinate their schedules as to who is running late on which day so they can continue their pattern of avoiding one another cause it’s clear that they aren’t trying to work on the whole sibling thing. Jake comments how Clare is always locked in her room all reclusive and she comments how hard it is now living with two strange men especially when one said man is her ex. She comments about an empty milk carton in the fridge as Glenn steps into the room apologizing that it’s a bad habit and wishing his son a Happy Birthday. Helen didn’t know it was his birthday and we find out he’s only turning 17 yet the last crop of seniors were all turning 18 in their senior year though then again their Birthdays all happened in the latter end of the school year so Jake being the baby of his class would make sense especially if like in parts of the US, Canada had cut off dates for Kindergarten registration. Anyway Glenn asks if Jake plans to invite his ‘new girl’ to dinner causing Clare to roll her eyes as this is the first she’s hearing about it. Jake tells him they are just friends but she’s welcomed all the same.


Owen, Drew and KC are tossing the football in the hallway as Conner catches a ball.  KC is impressed at his friends catch and Conner says how he’s thinking of trying out. He tells him how at his class he learnt how to assimilate to his surrounding social patterns and thinks it’ll be good for him. Owen says as long as you can play and aren’t all talk.

Clare comes into class and saunters over to Alli and Jenna with a death glare in her eye. She congratulates her ex friend on waiting no more than five minutes to sweep Jake up from her. Alli says the night at the cabin was a one-off thing and whomever Jake sees is none of her business since they are over. Clare wonders who the girlfriend is then as Jenna slinks away and Clare begins to flip out.

Imogen and Fiona have to build a miniature house worth 40% of their grade…who said life skills was an easy A. They are talking about the assignment as Eli joins them teasing about how with all that quality time they can plot revenge on Katie and Marisol as it’s clearly fallen by the wayside. Fiona asks Eli if he has any ideas being a master of revenge however Eli’s days of doing that are over and the girls are on their own.

Clare’s wandering down the street and is looking at some books outside a book sellers. The owner comments on Clare’s interest in Vampire Fiction and how they are her best sellers. Clare says how sometimes she just needs an escape. The seller nods having one of her employees go unload more books from her van. The seller asks why the need for the escape and Clare unloads about how her mom got remarried her step dad and step brother moved in and how her brother is her ex. The seller, Summer hands her a book about a Vampire Psychologist and they laugh about how lame that sounds. Summer comments how Bree the employee just left a bad home situation and her and her husband run a home for troubled teens and give Clare her card in case she needs to escape beyond the books….. makes you think that we are finally getting a good old fashioned cult plot……you’d sadly be wrong about that cause like I mentioned before…’s not what it seems and that kind of sucks….though at the same time makes you think albeit with rolled eyes about a future plot point but we’ll get to that when it arrives.

The boys are commenting about the view of the cheerleaders from across the field and they tease Mo saying how it sucks that none of them are looking back (ha ha) Mo teases saying not everyone could of dated the hottest girl in school last year and it’s brought up how Anya is a sore subject. Weather they split or he’s just bummed about the distance is unsaid however they tease him about her however Connor doesn’t get it….why are they bringing him down when he’s their teammate? KC says they are just joking around with him and soon Mo, Connor, Drew, Owen, KC and other minor extras are on the field.

Clare’s reading her new book as Jenna and Jake are walking by her room and Jenna’s teasing Jake because he has lint on his bum. She’s swiping it off as they spot Clare. Jake thought she was at the paper but she decided to skip her meeting. Jake says he and Jenna are going to listen to music. Jenna offers to go but Jake says no it’s his birthday and all and then kindly invites Clare to join them. Clare refuses and then screams out loud to no one.

Fiona and Imogen are working on their house. Fiona’s impressed at Imogen’s sketch work and she tells her that when her dad isn’t working at the university teaching he’s helping out designing urban landscape projects pro bono. She comments how she moved around allot and Fiona says so didn’t she and Imogen says they must be soul mates. I must admit I adored these two together both as friends and girlfriends.  Fiona however asks Imogen when she’s going to ask Eli out. Fiona brings up how she was obsessed during the play and she agrees but she’s moved passed those feelings, locked them into a box and then sent the box to the moon….metaphorically obviously.

Jenna’s sitting down with the Edwards-Martin’s and Glenn is commenting about how Jake said she is into music. Jenna brings up how she is just getting back due to a hiatus and when asked why she took a break she mentions how she had a kid. The look on Helen’s face is PRICELESS. Jake says how she gave it up last spring and Jenna says how it was the hardest thing ever. Glenn and Helen go from being WTF shocked to being all wow that must have been tough and a real character builder but you persevered and Clare is livid. If she were in Jenna’s shoes she’d of been disowned that’s for damn sure. Clare calls her mom out on things and Glenn tells Clare to show respect in ‘THERE’ house. Clare says he’s not her father and tells Jake he better stock up on condoms so he’s not baby daddy number too.

Laura sees the house and Fiona comments how the plan was all Imogen’s she then admits she has another straight girl crush and Laura is like no shit you do sweetie. But she can’t have another straight girl crush and besides Imogen needs to be with Eli. She then tells Laura how she’s going to try to set the two of them up to deflect her feelings.

The football team roster is out and Conner is staring nose tackle and Mo is second string. The senior boys and KC then go to hang out but Mo tells Conner he’s not invited….he may have made the team but Conner so doesn’t feel that way.

Clare’s waiting on the school steps and Randall picks her up. He’s glad she called wanting to see him after everything. He wants to know how things are with her new family and she says how she hates it and needs a change of scenes. Randall tells her his place is small and she says she is willing to sleep on the couch. He says he’ll have to talk with Irene who must be the other woman he was seeing. Her kids are there every other weekend and it’s a full house but he can see what he can do before changing the subject and asking Clare if she still likes Chinese Buffet for dinner.

Eli meets Fiona at the Dot mid-run and Fiona asks him if he still has feelings for Imogen. Eli is wondering why Fiona is meddling and Fiona can tell he likes her. He says how he had feelings however after everything the ship is doomed to sinkage. He asks why she’s so keen on setting them up and Fiona just wants her friends to be happy.

Mo is teasing the team saying the one thing better then cheerleader girls are band geek girls especially ones who play French Horn….you know….cause he’s a quarter French on his mom’s side and he’s pretty much saying he wants a band girl to give him a blow-j. Owen and a few guys start laughing and Conner soon laughs too and Mo starts to call out Conner for his behavior when he was just trying to assimilate to his surroundings.

Helen comes into Clare’s room wanting to talk about dinner the previous night. Clare brings up how if she were pregnant she’d of been disowned and Helen says she wasn’t going to chew out a guest and that Glenn is her husband and she didn’t want to cause drama with him about Clare’s behavior. But Clare’s her DAUGHTER. Helen tells Clare sure there are changes but there for the better and she wishes she could help. Clare says she can’t and she’s staying with her dad. Helen says Randall wouldn’t have said she could and Clare challenges her to call him knowing she won’t and soon she moves in with Summer and her husband.

KC asks Conner if he’s okay and Conner says how he doesn’t get why Mo is picking on him. KC says cause if they are picking on him they aren’t picking on Mo. Conner nods and has a plan to get back at Mo…..that’s right…..another CATFISH plot…..he’s going to give Mo a girl so he can forget about football and focus on her.

Clare comes down for breakfast at her new place. They eat together at every breakfast and dinner to help purge all the negativity….and as Clare’s cell rings she’s told the house has a no phone policy and so she tosses her perfectly good smart phone in a fish tank. …TBC

Summer drops Clare off at Degrassi and she thanks her for letting her crash and escape her family however she doesn’t know how long she can play her parents against one another. Clare says how maybe she should try again with her mom, Glenn and Jake and Summer says how she can go and let the negative energy back in but it’s not a healthy thing to do.

Fiona’s on her cell with her mom talking about her plans to set Eli and Imogen up. Hanging up Fiona tells Imogen how Eli is totally into her and is ready to become official and Fiona is so excited about it.

Jake asks if she got his text that morning and she says she must have missed it….yea because your phone was sleeping with the fishes. Clare tells Jake he’s free to let Jenna come around whenever now but Jake informs her how Helen spend the night in tears. Hearing this, Clare tells Jake she’ll see Helen over free period.

Conner has made a fake facerange profile for Teresa who is flirting with Mo as he and KC speak. Conner has Teresa meet with Mo the following day after school the same time as the season opener.

Clare shows up at lunch to talk to Helen. Clare comments how she just needed space and Helen comments how in time she’ll get used to the idea and perhaps its best if she lives with her dad and with the distance hopefully she’ll think of Jake as her brother and not ex.

Imogen shows up at the loft to work on the mini house however a picnic dinner is set up. She sees Eli there and wonders if he’s helping on the project. They realize Fiona staged a set up and Eli walks out as Imogen confronts Fiona saying that they aren’t her project. Fiona calls Imogen stubborn for not going after Eli and Imogen tells her she can work on the house herself.

Clare’s living with Summer, Cash, and their family. Summer says how they have a ‘share circle’ at Dinner for all their newbies and wants Clare to talk about her. She admits how she feels lost and disconnected since the divorce and now that both parents moved on with new families she feels alone. Cash comments how they have work to do and Clare offers to help. Summer tells her to follow and Summer opens the door to a room and there are pot plants. They are herbalists and that’s how they get the money to help the less fortunate. Clare promises she’ll stay and not tell about the weed.

Fiona and Imogen give their presentation and Fiona apologizes to Imogen who thinks she was pushing her on Eli to get rid of her. Fiona says not true at all…..she’s her friend and she just wanted to see her friend be happy.

Jake is standing in front of Clare’s locker because she won’t return his texts and calls. She tells him her phone is broken and by broken it’s living in a fish tank and his negativity is stressing her. Jake tells her that Randall called wanting to see if she was okay and how he hasn’t seen her since dinner. Jake says she should be glad he picked up and not Helen and asks where she’s living. Clare says with a friend she met downtown a few days ago and how her and her boyfriend are like family. Jake says that it’s dangerous and he’ll stop inviting Jenna over to the house if it means she moves home. Clare then gives him the address in case of an emergency and says how they don’t like visitors and well….I’d like to wonder if perhaps Summer and Cash were his dealers or at least his dealers supplier and so the address was familiar to him and he was thinking oh shit. She tells him if he ever loved her he’d keep things on the DL.

The football team is gearing up for the big game and Mo tells them that he’s skipping out on the game because he has a thing and by thing he means date. Drew and Owen tell him he needs to show up or he’ll be benched while Conner says that Mo is second string and isn’t needed. Mo goes to meet the girl anyway.

Imogen and Eli call Fiona over and tell her that thanks to her nudge the two of them are going to go out on a proper date and Fiona smiles glad her two best friends are together however you can tell she’s faking it.

Clare comes back to the house and Summer is in the greenhouse on a cellphone freaking out. Clare asks what’s going on and she says they are moving that evening and she’ll inform Clare where they wind up.

Owen comments about how bad they are losing and how he hopes what Mo’s doing is worth screwing with the team. Conner mentions he has a date and Owen was all WTFuck I thought it was a death in the family or something but blowing the team off to meet a chick….seriously that’s unsportsmanlike. Conner asks if Mo is Owen’s friend and he says how every team needs a punching bag and Mo’s theirs. Conner comments how it was him just days ago as Mo shows up late and Owen tells him he’s heading on the field.

Jake busts in to get Clare and Summer and Cash comment how no wonder the cops are staking out the place cause Jake’s been loitering outside and must have tipped them off. He says he didn’t call the cops he just came to take Clare home. Cash and Jake engage in fisticuffs as the cops bust in the house zip-tying Clare and Jake’s hands together.

Conner comments how at least Mo gets to play however Mo is bummed he was stood up. Conner admits he catfished Mo because he didn’t like how Mo was picking on him when in reality Mo was only deflecting the picking from being on him. Conner tells Mo both of them are losers and if they become friends they can be losers together.

Clare and Jake are watching Summer and Cash be taken in. Jake tells the cops he was just getting his sister and has nothing to do with the operation (maybe not this operation but you have to be buying somewhere Jakey boy.) and he was just picking his sister up. The cops know as they’ve been casing the place for months and he explains their deal is they recruit troubled teens into being accomplices. The cop goes to get something to cut the zip ties and Jake makes Clare promise that next time she runs he can green light her living arrangement first. Clare says she doesn’t plan on running she just hopes her mom will let her back home. She then starts laughing at the situation Jake then starts to laugh too as the cops come to untie their hands. Jake asks if she’s going to be okay associating with them at home and Clare nods.

The team comes back on the field and Conner suggests they use humor and Conner and Mo start going into a dialogue and engage in the memantic ‘did you flip a switch and erase me from your memory, did you ever love me at all’ dialogue from all the way back in Love Game…..

Clare and Jake come home and Helen asks what’s up. Clare says she wants to move home and Helen says sure. She then asks if something bad happened at her dads and Jake comments how pull outs are just the worst. Helen goes to make tacos for dinner and Jake comments how mom and dad don’t need to know everything. Clare smiles and says she was bitter about losing a boyfriend she never realized how cool it would be to have a brother.

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