Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 I’m casually doing a re-watch… I’m up to season 9 right now and contemplating when/if I get to season 14 going back and recapping the last 11 episodes, the movie special post season and the four seasons of next class pending them still being up on Netflix 

Monday, May 22, 2017

14x14 Ready or Not

The episode opens at the hospital with a shot of a medical monitor. Tiny is in the hospital after being stabbed and Maya and Zig are bringing him donuts...Zoe paid for half cause she feels responsible. Tiny says he'll be better in a couple of days but snitches get stitches and they so they can't rat out Damon to the cops. Maya heads out cause Pill will bust them if they are late as Tiny tells Zig to chill


Thursday, March 23, 2017

14x13 Watch Out Now

So now we’re at the opener of the final televised arch of the series  meaning there are 12 more episodes + the ‘don’t look back’ TV movie that sets the stage for the Netflix next class continuation

Jack and Imogen are making out in front of the school and Becky comments about how it’s too early for PDA however it’s only a few weeks till graduation and Imogen wants to make it count…plus the fact that Jack has detention afterschool till the end of the year which Becky points out she deserved due to the Degrassi nudes issue. They comment how they hadn’t seen Becky all during the extra break they got while the fire damage was repaired and she says that she was with Jonah they were just writing songs…okay sure, she has a crush but she just broke up with Drew and it’s complicated. Jonah appears and Imogen and Jack make goo goo eyes at him. The quad go into the school as Drew and Clare collect cellphones which are no longer allowed on school property . Clare and Drew inform the group that security cameras are also being installed as part of the new principal’s crackdown…hey at least no uniforms this time right….Simpson has been put on leave and we meet Miss Pill who wants to make the school a safe space and says she is banning any and all PDA.  Jack says this is all 1984 ‘Big Brother’ crazy while I’m getting total Umbrage vibes. Pill says all extra-curricular must be approved by her and council and Imogen is upset her final days at Degrassi are under a factious regime. Becky says rules are important and walks off while Jack and Imogen candidly call out Becky’s feelings for Drew and Jonah between themselves.


14 x 11/12 FIRESTARTER

The episode opens as Frankie is reading over the draft of her father’s speech for a young voter’s conference. The siblings are chuckling at all the teen lingo peppered in and if you didn’t see any prior episodes you’d think they were a pretty normal family in the moment. Miles Sr comments that he should fire his assistant and hire Frankie. Said assistant shows up and in talking about current events the degrassi nude scandal comes up…daddy Hollingsworth is shocked and appalled. Miles tells Frankie she may have their father fooled but not him…he knows that she was a part of Degrassi nudes and she needs to find a scapegoat before it ruins their dad’s campaign.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

14x10 Hero Vs Villian

With their win at the Semi's, Power Cheer is practicing for the finals when Simpson comes in to speak to them. He asks if any of them have heard about Degrassi Nudes and that he's holding a school wide assembly to talk to the school about it. Playing dumb, Zoe offers to speak as she has had experience with nudes being distributed of her last The squad is freaking out however Zoe is chill...they will WIN at Semi's and she knows Hunter won't out them by name as they will out his comic plus her speech will throw people off their sent after all she's a brilliant actress and she can work a room.


14x09 Somethings Got To Give

So for some reason as I was posting episodes 11-13 I noticed I skipped this one so time to jump back.

Imogen is looking at track uniforms saying to Jack and Winston how fashion is her fallback when she has nothing to say on DTV. She hears Hunter snickering and asks what is up. Hunter wants her to settle a bet and asks if the boobs he got sent were hers. Imogen is SHOCKED and Jack says they aren’t hers. Imogen finds out about Degrassi Nudes and is disgusted. Imogen plans to get to the bottom of it and Jack and Winston try to stop…Jack because she’s doing it and Winston because he knows the girls are doing it.


14x08: Hush

Once again for the third episode in a row the sub plot is about how depressed Miles has become...and the character arch keeps dragging and dragging. The opening scene is Frankie and Hunter waking a sleeping and presumably stoned or hung over Miles saying that he needed to drive them to school. Frankie calls him out asking if he's moody cause Tristan is mad or hung over he says he's just tired. Miles Jr soon comes in and snaps at his eldest saying to get over it. He relents and gets up as Frankie grabs his stash of pot...she'll give it back if he promises not to light up until after they get to school.