Saturday, March 4, 2017

14x10 Hero Vs Villian

With their win at the Semi's, Power Cheer is practicing for the finals when Simpson comes in to speak to them. He asks if any of them have heard about Degrassi Nudes and that he's holding a school wide assembly to talk to the school about it. Playing dumb, Zoe offers to speak as she has had experience with nudes being distributed of her last The squad is freaking out however Zoe is chill...they will WIN at Semi's and she knows Hunter won't out them by name as they will out his comic plus her speech will throw people off their sent after all she's a brilliant actress and she can work a room.


Clare and Alli are talking about an assignment  when Alli blurts out she's ready to have sex with Dallas...she's on birth control and he'll wrap it up however Clare just wants to talk about the assignment. Ali just wants one moment of girl talk however since all she listens to is Clare yammering on about Birthing Class with Drew and them co parenting the baby however Clare tells Ali that Eli is really her baby daddy as the doctor told her how far along and she's done the math. Ali says Clare shouldn't be worried as now Clare is having a child with the love of her life who just has to take her back and Drew will be glad to have his life back.

It's been THREE Days and Tristan hopes that he and Miles can kiss and make up...emphasis on the kissing. Miles however is icing Tristan out. Winston calls Tristan out and takes the latte that was bought for Miles. Tristan says he needs to give Miles a grand gesture but Winston tells him to give Miles space.

Zoe is working on her speech for the assembly as Zig pulls it out of the public printer mistaking it for his history assignment. Zig is worried about her and she says she needs to make this speech the same way she needed to take her life back. She's talking to Zig when she gets a text saying they aren't getting away with this and Hunter is now public enemy number one.

Ali tells Dallas that her parents are going to be out of town and is in the troughs of planning a romantic evening however Dallas is out of it as he and Drew were busy all night building a crib. Dallas tells Ali they plan to name the baby Adam and it makes me teary. Ali asks if hypothetically Vanessa told him that he wasn't Rocky's dad how would he react and he puts two and two together ...Eli is Clare's baby daddy!!!

Zoe confronts Hunter about the text and he gasps...he comments in surprise that she was behind Degrassi nudes and admits he wasn't the one sending the messages.

Tristan surprises Miles with a Japanese style picnic in the gym.

Zoe tells the girls it's not Hunter he only said he did it so they wouldn't show Simpson the comic and the blame instantly gets pushed to Frankie because Lola thinks Miles is too cute to be a villain and plus once again Frankie was against Degrassi Nudes to the point of exiling herself from the squad.

Ali asks when Clare is planning to tell Drew and she says she needs to find the right timing. Ali says she better find it soon before Drew finds out from someone else. Clare confronts her about telling Dallas but soon after Drew comes to confront Clare. He gave up his life (keep in mind timeline wise we are between spring break and graduation for these characters), he told his mom, he broke up with Becky (yet last episode he was playing the roll of Miss Baker's jealous boyfriend so...) and he's pissed. Ali is also pissed that Dallas betrayed her confidence she was willing to have sex with him but not any more. Ali wants to make things up with Clare and Clare asks her to come with her somewhere.

Zoe goes to Frankie to try and make amends by asking her to rejoin the squad on the pretense that Lola sprained her knee and she's a ringer. Frankie is thrilled.

Clare and Ali go to the Dot so she can tell Eli he's the baby daddy. He asks why she isn't talking to Drew, there is no them anymore as Clare threw away their relationship with a one night stand with Drew Torres and then slut shames her.

Winston asks Tristan if things worked with Miles after the sushi and Tristan says that Miles was giving him the silent treatment. Winston sees Miles looking at Maya and assumes that perhaps the reason he was ignoring Tristan was cause he was still in love with Maya.

Zoe is in the locker room going over the new moves with Frankie all the while casually taking pictures of Frankie while changing...for insurance. If she outs them for Degrassi Nudes she will leak the pictures of a naked Frankie online. Frankie says it wasn't her, just because they disagreed about Degrassi Nudes doesn't mean they weren't friends. She then calls Zoe a villain and she deserves the fallout.

Tristan asks if Miles still has feelings for Maya....Miles doesn't say no and Tristan tells him how he's a garbage person and they are never ever getting back together.

Simpson talks to the student body about Degrassi Nudes and warns that there will be a criminal investigation before announcing Zoe to give her testimonial. As Zoe speaks she deletes the picture of Frankie from her phone however as she does this a topless shot of Zoe, Shay and Lola goes viral to the whole school. Simpson calls Zoe to his office.

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