Tuesday, September 16, 2014

13x30 You Are Not Alone

Welcome to the final stretch of the season that does not end. Seriously season 13 started summer 2013 and it’s now summer 2014 though it was productions choice to do a summer set arch instead of a novella AFTER a 40 episode order was made so….at least season 14 is back to basics with I believe 28 episodes so I’d expect the blocks to be a third of the season to air in either 3 arcs (with an Oct, Jan/Feb, and June/July start date) or two arcs (Oct and Jan/Feb with season 15 if we have one possibly going back to Novella format)


It’s apparently a new season/semester (I’m going to go with season and that it’s Spring since setting wise it’s late February/Early March in-verse) and Maya, Grace and Zig are walking into a school activity fair. Maya’s excited suggesting to them to join show choir (glee reference anyone) however Zig and Grace say even if they wanted to join a club nobody would accept them due to their reputations (as seen when Grace looks at the film society booth with a slight interest) Maya asks if they could do an activity what would they do and Grace suggests an art festival like Burning Man. Zig is intrigued and Maya says they should totally pitch it to Student Council  and Simpson as a way to show the school the rubber room kids aren’t that bad. Maya asks if Tiny would be interested however he is acting aloof and as they enter the classroom for homeroom they are told Simpson is wanting them to do locker searches.


Winston is trying to attract members to comic book society and Miles is teasing him saying that if he’s trying to get girls with that club they should just steal his dad’s convertible. Miles then says that’s not the kind of girl he’s looking for and points out that a girl is actually signing up…Frankie…aka Miles’s kid sister.

Maya comments how insane things are with the search and wonders where Zig is and if they’ll be able to do their arts night. They notice a dog sniffing at Zig’s locker and Grace comments how she hopes it’s clean and insinuates that he and Tiny are doing ‘things’. It’s all clean but now Maya is insistent that they do the art night and get Zig involved so that he stays distracted and out of trouble.

Now that the weather is nice out (you mean it wasn’t when people were having pool parties and skinny dipping?) Clare is engaging in outdoor activities and asks if Alli wants to sign up to do triathlon with her. Alli can’t because she signed up to take Salsa dancing…with Dallas. Alli suggests that Clare join too, it’s not a couples thing and perhaps she can meet some Latin boy, or Drew as he’s also taking the class. Nope, Clare will to triathlon all by her lonesome.

Maya in a scene that will never not get old follows Zig outside at lunch offering to buy him some food…pizza rolls, puntiene, chocolate pudding, and apple…are you in a gang? Is Tiny? Zig tells her that Tiny is a good guy, he and his friends took care of him when he was on his own and in return he’s done some…odd jobs…anyway pizza rolls?

Clare is in a spin class that Jack is teaching and says she should start slow if she is a beginner before calling out that it seems that Clare has broken up with a guy and while exercise for any reason is a good reason if she REALLY wants to get over an ex she should meet her and her friends in the woods later.

Maya and Zig start to pitch their idea to the council however Dallas is a bit weary since the rubber room kids seem a bit unreliable. Zig then refers to Dallas as a dumb jock and says see don’t you like stereotypes before Drew agrees to supervise thus green lighting things as his own means to get over an ex no doubt.

Winston is still trying to woo girls into comic book club while Frankie starts to challenge his flirtation skills and do I sense a spark.

Maya, Zig, and Tristan are at the Matlin’s making posters for the event. Tristan tells Maya to chill that it seems like it will be the coolest event in school and he’s already brainstorming ideas. Zig takes a call and Maya soon goes into Zig’s bag looking for markers only to find weed instead.

Clare shows up where Jack told her to and is met with the backyard ax throwing league. Apparently ax throwing is a popular thing to do among Canadian teens or so I heard after the initial airing. Jack asks if she has a picture of her ex on her to pin to the target and while Clare doesn’t she’s told to simply picture him there as they pop open a few beers. Yes because getting drunk and throwing axes is logical.

Zig asks Maya if Margaret said anything about going through his bag. Maya says no, but she did and the weeds flushed. Zig says it’s not his but Maya says it doesn’t matter. Zig is now panicked and needs to fix what Maya started.

Winston walks into a classroom and looks over to a whiteboard where his name is on it. He’s confused and Zoe and Tristan comment how it looks like Frankie, Keisha, and other freshmen that are un-named were playing MASH the period before. I didn’t think MASH was still relevant? MASH for the uneducated stands for Mansion/Apartment/Shack/House for the under educated where you then list career, car, and husband and then a number to determine fate. Frankie got Career: International Super Spy, Driving a Mayback (is that a Canadian thing?) living in a Mansion and married to Winston. They then point out how Winston is the ‘Shack’ of the guys with the other three listed being Drew, Dallas, and some random named Blake.

Ideas are being pitched for the Panorama event however Maya is zoned out and wants to just finish things on her own. Drew asks if she can handle it and then wishes her luck. The meeting disperses and Maya asks if Grace can help her with Zig and comments about how she flushed the drugs. Grace tells her that was the worst thing she did as she explains the whole gang/drug dealing cycle to her. Pretty much while Zig isn’t technically in the gang he needs them for protection and he owes them money hence the weed. Maya is clearly in to deep.

Clare comments about how she’s whipped from triathlon before telling Alli about how she was ax throwing with Jack. Alli teases her about turning lesbian since apparently everyone in that group is one or at least by Alli’s assumption.

Tiny tells Maya she’s pretty scary for a little girl and Maya tells him he needs to let Zig go…let Zig go…I’ll pay you off for the dope…let Zig go…let Zig go…take my birthday money and fly. Tiny takes the cash and tells Maya to never sneak up on him again.

Winston shows up at the Hollingsworth’s to call Frankie out about the MASH game as she’s walking to the pool removing her robe and showing off a bikini. Winston the falls in the pool and tells him how she got into the bikini to distract her and she’s been trying to get under his skin all week by joining the club and the game. She tells him she wanted him to see the game and they kiss before agreeing Miles can never know.

Clare tells Jack she’s not a lesbian and Jack laughs saying she knows…it’s clear she’s obsessed with guys and tells her to stretch for their run.

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