Wednesday, September 17, 2014

13x31 Enjoy the Silence:

Maya is helping Zig  fake sick so Margaret will let him stay home from school because the gang is pissed that he skipped out the night before. Maya needs to go and Zig tells her he will send over the files for the panorama programs later on


Winston is at the Hollingsworth’s playing video games on his tablet as Frankie walks out onto the veranda. There is a bit of awkwardness after the kiss which was totally real and is still in shock about kissing his friends sister. Frankie says she has a name and Winston apologizes, she needs to as well 1) because she’s staying home sick and 2)…well Miles beats her to that point as he’s fuming. Frankie must have gossiped to her girl because Keisha posted about how Frankie made out with an older guy. Miles wants to figure out what one of his peers did it so he can go all big brother on him.

Clare, Imogen and Jack are talking about their lie detector installation and while Imogen and Jack are getting all flirty, Clare has an awkward run in with Drew. Drew asks where the extra cables are however Clare isn’t in charge of the event and then says about how she’s off to work on her project.

Drew approaches Maya asking where Becky was supposed to set up with her dogs, Maya tells him and Drew points out how it was the same room she told another student to set up his Renaissance art made of bacon which has now been reduced to kibble. Drew says it would be easier to get organized with maps and programs which Zig has yet to send out. Drew leaves and Grace points out that was Zig’s job and asks where he is. Maya says he’s at her place hiding out since he blew off the gang. Grace is impressed that Maya got him to make that move and she admits she kissed him however as for feelings…she’s still hung up on Miles. Honestly both boys are toxic and she needs to reaffirm her relationship with her cello….seriously. Grace tells Maya there are only ever three ways out, jail, a body bag, or leaving town. Tiny then shows up asking for Zig and Maya tells him he’s around….

Winston suggests that he and Miles split up on their search and Miles agrees. Tristan teases how Miles must not be taking the break up well and Winston nods saying he’s playing detective to find out who is with Frankie. Winston then starts to caught letting Tristan put two and two together telling Winston to just tell Miles about it.  Miles shows up however Winston chokes saying that Damon (aka Zig’s friend from 11B) was the one who kissed Frankie and Miles suggests that they take him on two on one.

Zig is on the phone with Maya saying he’s close to being done as a knock rings on the Matlin’s door. It’s Tiny and he was looking for Zig. Margaret comes in asking Zig if he’s feeling up to lunch and invites Tiny to stay. Tiny tells Zig that the others know where he is hiding at and how it’s a nice place and he’d hate for something to happen to it or the people who live there.

Clare is venting about how much she hates Drew to Imogen and Jack and says about how she’s pissed at him for dumping her before anything ever started though it was clear he wanted it to.

Panorama begins and it’s an amazing turn out though Maya admits she wishes Zig were there. Zig appears and Maya asks if he thinks the gang will avoid him at a school event. Zig says he’s not staying because the gang knows where he’s living and he needs to keep her safe. Drew then asks Maya to find the cables that Connor still needs and she nods but before she leaves she pleads with Zig to not go anywhere, she’ll figure it all out.

We get a cut of Tristan’s Panorama act as Miles is about to confront Damon however before he can, Winston stops him going into a coughing fit in the process.

Connor’s room is ready to go and Maya begins to head off but as she does Alli rolls her eyes saying that this is what was expected with putting the rubber room in charge and that Drew’s been picking up slack all day. Maya says that Alli doesn’t know what’s going on and Alli calls her out saying she can tell this is about a boy.

Drew shows up in Clare’s room and she tells him they need him to test something and they hook him up to the polygraph as their exhibit is about lie detection. And they go off asking him questions and making him uncomfortable.

Winston asks if Damon hurt Miles and Miles tells him no, in fact Damon helped move Winston into another room. Miles knows that he was the one who kissed Frankie and wished that he’d been honest. Actually the fact that Frankie kissed him was kind of cute…she’s had a crush on him since she was in grade 8 and it’s not like they are actually going to be a couple.

Maya tells Grace she lost Zig and decides to track him down. Grace tells her that the ‘neighborhood’ is dangerous and is able to ping his location, the bus station. As she’s leaving Miles teases her for getting back with Zig and Maya tells him that he was right all along and Zig is in a gang. Miles says she should talk to an adult however she doesn’t want to risk him being sent away to a group home or worse.

Clare admits to Alli that there is more to the story and that she and Drew had sex. Alli asks if there is anything that can be done to help her through…Clare admits there is one thing.

Maya shows up at the bus station to stop Zig before he leaves. Zig protests saying it’s the only way and asks why Miles and his dad are there. Miles Jr says that he works with community outreach programs and can get Zig into a gang intervention program to help him get out and be safe. He agrees as long as Tiny can do it too, he’s in way deeper than Zig and he doesn’t want him to be on a different side.

Clare takes Alli to the ax range and they throw axes at a picture of Drew and Clare states what she famously stated way back in season 8 when she was in grade 9 she’s in it for school not boys and the sky is the limit.

Zig and Tiny are at the Matlin’s meeting with a sponsor. He says that the best thing is to get Zig back in with his parents and in the meantime he can continue to stay with the Matlins. Zig thanks Maya for everything even faking that she likes him…he knows…she still likes Miles and that’s okay.  

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