Tuesday, September 9, 2014

13x21 Basket Case

The episode opens with Clare having a sex dream about Drew…that is all…


Miles is being left home alone (well with his siblings) while his parents are off to Calgary for campaign stuff. Maya is eager to resume that skinny dip from the previous episode however soon Miles Sr comes into the room with Drew who is being appointed to chaperone Miles though Miles is NOT having this. He complains to Winston about how his father is babying him and Winston says how it’s only one night. Miles says well, if they think I need a babysitter I’ll act like it and decides that a house party is in order.

Clare tells Alli about the sex dream. Alli thinks there is a reason why she had it. Clare still likes Eli and the girls decide she should distance herself from Drew.

Drew, meanwhile is supposed to take Miles home however Drew gets a text saying that he needs to go to the printers to get more campaign stuff but trusts Miles. Winston says they’ve gotten tons of RSVPs including Zoe who is trouble but that is totally the point of the rager.

Dallas is out for a walk and he’s following Leo however before he does something he helps a little kid pick up a toy prompting him to call Rocky just to hear his son’s voice.

Clare and Alli are talking about plans for girls night when they run literally into Drew who asks Clare’s help in opening Miles Sr’s files. Clare says yes and Alli rolls her eyes…so much for distance.

The party is in full swing at the mansion bikinis and booze abound.

Dallas and Alli are working on homework and Alli comments about how her wrist still is hurting and it’s informed Leo will be deported any day now. Out of sight out of mind. She wishes she could show him how much she hurt him and Dallas suggests they go for a walk.

Maya shows up at the party to find a drunk Miles, far from just the two of them and a pool. Miles says his dad didn’t want people over so he invited the whole school to get back. Maya is upset at his actions and his drunkenness and she leaves the party…Miles is pissed. Zoe some time later drunkenly stumbles over toward Miles saying commoners like Maya don’t understand people like them before stripping out of her dress and snaking all over him in her bikini (underpants?) Winston walks over and takes a picture of them before telling Miles revenge sex with Zoe would be bad form and he needs to chase after Maya which he plans to do…but first he has Winston help him move a now unconscious Zoe to the pool house to sleep it off but not before taking a selfie of them carrying the diva all ‘Weekend At Bernies’ style for ammo later on.

Drew thanks Clare for helping him as they pull up at her house. She thanks him for the ride and asks if she wants to get coffee. She sort of hints about how she’s having too much fun with Drew however before she can get into too many details she finds Eli on her doorstep. She tells him she and Drew were working on school things and Eli tells her he got his movie finished in record time so they could go on their bungee jumping date (which already happened last episode mind you) Drew calls Clare by her last name before driving off and Eli teases how that’s his thing to which Clare responds how everyone wants to be like him. Drew unrolls the poster he picked up and sees a picture of himself with the word SUCKER.

Dallas shows up at Leo’s saying if he ever loved Alli he needs to hear him out. Leo follows and sees Alli is with him. Dallas says Alli is going to talk and he’s going to listen and soon Alli comments about how he has no excuse for all the shit he’s caused and how he needs to get help for his issues before he hurts someone else and gets worse than deportation.

Drew shows back up at the mansion threatening to call Miles Sr. Miles says go ahead and rat him out cause Drew will get in trouble for letting the party happen. Drew then breaks the party up.

Alli is crying and Dallas apologizes saying he was just giving Alli closer and he shouldn’t of done what he did. Alli is glad, it was hard but she really needed to say her two cents. She tells Dallas he’s one of the good ones.

Miles shows up at the Matlin’s wanting to apologize for throwing the party and that he should of shut it down when she asked. Maya asks if he cares about her and says he shouldn’t give his dad a reason to distrust him before slamming the door in his face.

The morning after, Miles is cleaning the pool while Frankie watches. Miles Sr asks where Drew was and Miles admits that Drew did what he was told shutting the party down when he caught wind of it…Frankie backs Miles’s word up. Miles admits he was acting out not because Drew was asked to babysit him but because he’s cheating on his mom. He can’t be a part of the campaign and smile acting if nothing is wrong. Miles Sr says that he and the mom will work it out and he’ll call the staff to finish the clean up. Miles shakes his head saying it’s his mess he’ll clean it.

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