Sunday, October 20, 2013

11x06/7 Cry Me a River RECAP

Degrassi’s launching a new radio station and Sav is announcing how they are in the final stages of selecting a new DJ. Sadie asks Dave if Sav’s heard his demo and he said he sent it in but knows that he’s going to get it. Dave goes to talk to Sav as Adam shows up. Dave asks if Adam’s there to help with tech stuff however he’s sent in a demo real of his own….’The Man Show’ with Adam Torres. This causes Dave to roll his eyes because his submission was for a ‘Man Hour’ as well making Sav’s world rather difficult as both reels were good. He says that he’s going to let the school decide by doing an on air debate….may the best man win.


Fiona’s a late entry into the grade eleven drama classes. Imogen points out she’s a grade twelve and she says she’s short a credit in art. Dawes who is the teacher of this class too apparently cause Art, Creative Writing and her afterschool LARPING and Matchmaking aren’t enough says that due to the popularity of the class they are in charge of running the school play. Eli asks what kind of play and Dawes says it’s the class’s choice and asks for them to get into groups of four. The Juniors quickly make up groups leaving Fiona as the odd woman out. Dawes says they are all just intimidated because Declan won the Grundy awards. Fiona nods and asks to use the restroom pass.

It’s official and the next chink in the armor that was the crackdown back in January is that clubs are completely back. There is a clubs fair going on and there is something for everyone. For Clare, her usual something’s Drama or Creative Writing are out cause that’s Eli’s domain and she doesn’t want to bother him while his anti-anxiety pills are trying to mellow him out and so she needs to find a new something.  Alli suggests Orienteering and smirks as Jake is signing up for the club. For the last time despite making out once with him Clare has no feelings for Jake Martin….*bullshit*. She declares this semester about her independence and she’s already decided on her new something and it’s the school newspaper that sometime between its last appearance and now has been re-dubbed the Degrassi Daily from its former name the Degrassi Grapevine (I wonder if the Anti-Grapevine is still the school gossip blog or if everything’s on face range these days) Before Clare can make it onto the paper however she needs to impress it’s editor Katie Matlin.  Katie is a type A no nonsense kind of girl….at least to start….did I just spoil some character development or more blatant character favoritism…..shhhh…. Anyway she’s telling Marisol how she has practice till seven then they can go over their chemistry and Marisol asks if she ever takes a break and Katie says she doesn’t want to be a slacker. Clare shows up asking to be on the paper but Katie informs her she can’t just sign up she has to be selected and says for her to write a 100 word submission on ten ways to get over a break up by days end. Clare can do it in her sleep since she’s living it and one wonders if Katie pulled the topic off the top of her head or if she was being a troll….I’d like to think the latter but that’s just me.

Fiona’s not in the washroom and instead is watching Holly J trying on her cap and gown cause it’s grad photo day. Fiona can’t believe that in a few months Holly J will be gone then who would proof read her papers and gossip with her between classes. Speaking of class Holly J asks why Fiona isn’t in hers…. It got out early…well she did….it was filled with annoying grade elevens. Um Fiona you all but said you’re going to be repeating next year so you should get used to them cause next year they shall be your peers. Fiona comments how hard it is to make friends and she only inherited Holly J from her brother. Holly J asks about Charlie and Fiona says she doesn’t know since they haven’t talked since break.

Dave tells Sadie about the riff off and how he can’t lose cause especially to Adam. Sadie says because he’s trans? That’s harsh and her lockers near him and he’s rather clever.

Fiona shows up at the bike shop to see Charlie bringing her lunch and asks if she wants to spend time. Charlie would love to but can’t leave the store. Another woman walks out of the store Elise….Fiona invites her to stay.

Clare shows Alli her article and Alli comments on how it’s good but excessive especially since Katie only wanted 100 words and Clare’s work is paper clipped so it’s multi pages. Clare says 100 words is what’s expected but she wants to stand out and go above and beyond the status quo.

Sav tells the boys to keep it clean and fun. Adam says he was born ready and Dave comments are you sure he was born like that and Adam says as opposed to being short like you….they start to trash talk and it’s on air….the tribe has spoken and they are going to be a duo. Dave goes into the men’s room and Adam follows him….he’s just washing his hands and asks Dave what they should talk about the next day. As he’s talking Adam’s watching Dave pee cause he’s trying to see how he’s standing….Dave is freaked out and zips his pants and leaves not washing up. He goes to Sav wanting to talk. He wants to quit before they start because he and Adam aren’t a good fit. Sav says that it’s not what the students say….they already got 100 emails….and his dad even pops his head in saying how great he is was and how proud he is.

Fiona tells Charlie she’s not fitting in at school and she’s not graduating after all so when she repeats next year she’ll be all alone. She asks if Charlie has any plans that evening and Charlie says it’s bowling night and Fiona offers to come. Laura shows up at the loft seeing Fiona there with Charlie and asks why she isn’t at school. Charlie leaves and mother and daughter chat.

Clare drops by the newspaper office where Katie is working on layouts. She has the article and asks when she’ll know if she’s made it or not. Katie says by next Friday and Clare is shocked it would be THAT long. Katie laughs saying she was joking and that Clare needs to relax…and people say she’s intense….she says she has time to read it now and goes to her desk to pick the article up. She wanted 100 words not five pages with footnotes and an appendix….students don’t want to read that they want short and sweet and she’s not on the paper.

Adam tells Eli about how he made Dave freak out in the bathroom however there was a method to his madness. He got a ‘stand to pee’ device on the internet so that he could….you know….cause he doesn’t have a penis and all. Dave then shows up and is ready to plot.

Laura is mad that Fiona is skipping school. She’s already a semester behind she doesn’t need to be a year. Fiona says that she hates school allot and Laura says it’s either go to class at Degrassi or move back to New York.

Clare tells Alli how Katie didn’t read the article and give her a chance. They head to the Dot where Katie is with Marisol and Clare asks if they can talk but she leaves for soccer practice. Clare asks Marisol to tell Katie she wants a second chance and Marisol points out how Katie goes out of her way to avoid drama and Clare despite what she says is Total Drama.

Dave and Adam are brainstorming and Adam says they should come up with regular bits. Adam then asks Dave what his problem is, ever since the bathroom he’s been uncomfortable. Dave says he just had too much caffeine and he’s okay. He heads to the bathroom and Adam once more follows him as he tests out his stand to pee device while talking about writing parody songs. He drops the device and pee falls on Dave’s shoes. This is too much and Dave asks Adam to stay away from him.

Fiona’s leaving a voicemail for Charlie….again ….and hopes she’s not mad. She has to get to school but she wants to talk. Laura says not to obsess and she’ll call when she can.

Sav asks where Dave is as Adam is in the studio, Adam says he’s on his way and Dave shows up. Adam says he’s sorry about yesterday and the show goes on. Dave wants to talk about Bathroom rules….should girls use the men’s room? Because one moment you’re doing business then a tranny is looking at his junk…. Sav cuts them off telling Dave not cool….TBC

Dave tells Sadie it just felt so right letting things off his chest like that. He had freedom of speech no regrets. Adam wants to confront him and Dave says that if Adam has an issue he can quit. The LGBT club thinks otherwise however and a petition is out to oust Dave.


Dave approaches Zane asking why they are protesting and its cause he used the word Tranny on air. Dave’s in a power position and it’s not right for people like him to be using derogatory and inflammatory language. Dave never meant to offend….yea…right.

Clare is irritated cause Katie won’t let her apologize for going above and beyond the 100 words….she’s called her, emailed…..Alli suggests Clare find something else cause there is bound to be some club of interest that Eli’s not a part of (or Clare could always start a literary magazine) NO….she wants to be on the Daily and is determined to get on Katie’s good side.

Dave asks Sav if he’s heard about the dumb petition going round and Sav tells him yes. It’s not dumb it’s serious. Dave is off the show and Sav tells him don’t bother going to Simpson cause he wanted you suspended. When Dave hears Adam is hosting the show alone he’s none too pleased.

Fiona tells Holly J about how her mom went off on her for skipping and if she does it again it’s back to New York. She was hanging out with Charlie and really wants to do it again if she picks up.

Dave wants Wesley and Conner to dress up like a girl and to go into the girl’s room to prove a point how someone of the opposite sex can’t just dress up like the other sex and use a bathroom. What Dave doesn’t get is Adam isn’t a girl….he’s a guy despite not having the proper equipment.

Fiona goes to the shop during her free and watches Charlie and Elise fighting outside.

Clare asks Katie if she got her email and Katie is ignoring her….she’s not trying to avoid her she just has a deadline in an hour and is swamped. Clare says if she had help she wouldn’t be as stressed and Katie asks why she wants to be on the paper so bad. Clare says how last semester was rocky and how her and her boyfriend….her ex had a bad break up and that just because she made one mistake doesn’t mean she isn’t a bad writer. Katie tells her to wipe away her drama queen tears and leave. She had her chance and blew it by not following instructions.

Fiona asks Charlie why she’s crying and offers to take her for lunch or something. Charlie says to go back to High School and leave her alone.

Eli asks Adam about how the whole Dave thing is going. Adam says it’s intense. Just then Dave walks out of the girl’s room dressed up like a girl saying that’s just what Adam is doing every day. People know he’s not a real dude so why the act. The two start to fight when Simpson shows up….and Dave’s dad can join them. Dave brings up he has free speech but it doesn’t mean using offensive words. Dave has detention and Adam will also be punished for engaging in fisticuffs.

Fiona tells Holly J about how things with Charlie didn’t work out well and she tells her that she should find a project.

Adam tells Dave how now thanks to this he’s back to the handicap bathroom and Dave comments boo why should you have special treatment just because you’re different. Adam comments how it’s easy for him and Dave says how he just follows the sign on the door and Adam points out how 50 years ago said signs said Blacks Only. Dave says that’s racism and that’s different…..Adam says maybe but the principal of being discriminated for something you can’t control remains the same.

Clare comments how it’s official Katie hates her and Alli says she can’t believe she wouldn’t give you a second chance….and that she’s being a bitch….um no….Katie told Clare what to do….Clare didn’t follow directions so Katie had every right to reject her….anyway Sav points out how Katie is an honor student, regional soccer star and raised the most money at last year’s free the children fundraiser by herself and she doesn’t get to where she is by letting underclassman push her around…..Alli points out to her brother that he’s an upperclassman to Katie and the president to boot and he can veto her and make her allow Clare on the staff.

Eli tells Fiona that they are just votes away from doing a play about a reality TV show….a PLAY about a TV SHOW! Fiona asks if she could say something first. She wants the play to be something real, about something that happens to kids our age. She says that Eli’s the best writer in the class and he should write something for them. Dawes thinks that’s a great idea and appoints Fiona as the director to Eli’s writer.

Adam’s waiting for the bathroom as Dave looks at him.

Katie tells Clare she has friends in high places and Sav is making her let Clare in cause of her lack of grade tens. She doesn’t want any grudges being held and wants to start out with a clean slate. That said Clare’s first assignment….well….since she wanted to do whatever it took to be on the paper she can write all about the school play….you know the one being written by Eli….yea so much for having an extracurricular to escape to now….

Fiona’s explaining the nuances of Wicked’s plot to Eli as Charlie shows up apologizing for the other day. Fiona asks if she apologized to her girlfriend. Charlie says Elise was her roommate err rather ex-roommate and now she’s on the street. Charlie doesn’t want to talk about that and instead Fiona talks about the play and how she was named director.

Dave locks himself in the radio booth he has something he wants to say.

Charlie drops Fiona back at school as Holly J tells her she heard about the play. Fiona then tells Holly J how she’s asked Charlie to move in with her so she’s not on the street.

Dave is giving an on-air apology to the school and Adam about his actions. Adam shows up in the booth and the apology becomes a dialogue and their show is back on. 

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