Thursday, October 17, 2013

11x03: Love Game RECAP

No don’t let things fool you we’re not giving up on two part episodes just yet (at least not until season 13) however unlike last season’s Summer Arch where week 1 we had Manhattan kick it off and then for one week only have an episode air on Friday with this season we had an hour long season opener with three one-parters week one and two parts the remainder of the season leading to a grand and odd numbered total of 45 Episodes this season…..

The episode opens with Clare looking in the mirror trying to figure out what to do with her hair and Helen calling out to her to not be late for Dinner. Also getting ready for school is new mom Jenna focusing on both getting herself and baby Ty ready.

Now we’re at Degrassi as Eli is limping into the school and down the hall with a cane devoid of any emotions like a zombie as Clare and Alli walk down the halls….it had to end sometime but Clare just hopes he’s okay. She locks eyes on him and Alli asks if he’s even called since that night….no…..but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be mature about things. She asks how he’s going and he says great she asks if he wants to talk and he says nope….like I said before he’s very robotic and zombie like and his spark is gone.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (new background vocals and with this season brings a whole new opening sequence….granted it’s the same style as seasons 3-5 and 8-present but the sequences are new. The order of scenes is….Adam, New Character Jake, Alli & Clare, Anya & Holly J & Chantey, KC &Jenna (and baby TY), ascended extra Marisol & New Character Katie, New Character Imogen& Eli & Fiona, Zane & Riley, Conner & Wesley, Sav & Miss Oh, Simpson & Bianca, Owen, Dave, and finally Drew.

Apparently after Spring Break at least at Degrassi it’s like a new semester or something cause people are welcoming one another back and asking what classes they have. I know Spring Break is only a week long though I guess they are using this teqnique mid-year cause it’s a new season even though there would only be one quarter of the school year left give or take…..Degrassi Timeline is so confusing sometimes. Dave and Sadie are talking to Alli and Clare about hanging out Above The Dot (apparently that’s still a thing after being MIA all last season) after school. Dave then excuses himself and asks Adam how Drew is. Aside from being grounded for life he’s….well he’s doing the best he can all things considered lying low for the next few days. Adam says the mom got a lawyer.

Anya, Holly J, and Fiona are all three musketeers as the home stretch to graduation is upon them….well most of them…spoilers…there is Prom Committee…Senior Gift… much to do so little time…..speaking of time, the morning announcements won’t announce themselves as Sav breaks apart their little love fest. Holly J asks how he is and he says Spring Break helped him clear his head and they are good.

Alli and Jenna give one another hugs and Alli’s shocked the baby is at school. Jenna says she’s just cleaning out her locker and saying hi to everyone on the first day but she’s taking a semester off. KC sees her and comments about taking two busses with the baby just to wish him a good day and she replies how she had other things to do too.

Adam and Clare are entering a new class and Clare is spacy. She worries if Eli is okay and Adam says they’ve been spending time together and he seems fine and perhaps the breakup was for the best. Clare asks if he and Eli are going to Above The Dot and Adam says possibly.

Jenna’s bringing a load of her things into her apartment and she asks Kyle if he can watch Ty while she takes a shower and a nap. He’s on his way to work and asks where she went. She explains she went to see KC at Degrassi and run errands and he comments about KC having a charmed life going to school and not being woken up by a baby at all hours of the night and wishes he would be more responsible for the little regret.

Alli comments that perhaps Eli is over her however Clare knows something is off and Alli says yes he’s not all about his obsession with her and that’s a GOOD thing. Helen comments about how Clare got all dressed up for Dinner and she raises an eyebrow. She explains that the Martin’s moved back to the city and that she’s talked about it weeks ago however Clare says she’s got plans. She then comments how Jake threw a dead frog at her….sure it was six years ago but she’s not amused at breaking bread with them. Helen says they go to the same church and they need to be hospitable. Clare asks Alli to give her the full report and as they are leaving the Martin’s show up and Alli grins all flirtatiously at Jake as she heads to the club. Jake winks at Clare asking who her friend is before they go inside.

KC’s late, he got caught up playing basketball but he brought the diapers Jenna asked for. KC comments how he’s got gym AND art so he has little homework and it was taco Tuesday on a MONDAY. He asks where Ty is but he’s asleep. KC says he wishes he could stay longer but he told Dave he’d meet him….and besides Ty is asleep but he promises to come by tomorrow.

The two families are having dinner and asks Jake if he wants some more chicken before bringing up how Clare was recently published. Glen making small talk asks about what she writes and she says fiction rather glumly before Helen interjects she apologizes for Clare’s attitude but she just went through a bad break up and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Clare says she was the dumper not the dumpee and changes the subject asking why the Martin boys moved. Glen comments how the contracting business up north went under and so he had to drag Jake kicking and screaming to the city. Clare asks him why he didn’t want to move and he replies it’s just not his scene. Clare asks what about school and Helen then asks how his first day at Degrassi was. He says he kept getting lost and Helen suggests Clare show him around the next day and introduce him to her friends but Clare has a better idea…..why doesn’t she leave to go meet up with Alli and take Jake along that way the adults can have adult time and she can spy on Eli….okay so she doesn’t say that last part out loud.

Clare shows up and introduces Jake properly to Alli as well as Sadie, Dave, and KC before dragging him over to where Eli is. She blatantly informs Eli how she and Jake have a history. Eli welcomes him to town and hopes the things Clare said about him were good. The meeting is awkward on all accounts which proves to be good acting cause the real life bromance between the actors playing Eli and Jake are Legend…..wait for it Dary! Eli goes back to his game of pool and Jake asks Clare if she wants to make out to get Eli all good and jealous causing Clare to walk back to the table.

Jenna shows up at the club with child. She’s been home alone all day….he’s 50% KC’s and Jenna’s doing 200% of the work and she just wants to be with her friends….but loud music is bad for the baby KC says….Jenna says then YOU take him home cause I want to stay.

Clare continues to stair longingly at Eli despite the fact SHE DUMPED HIM!

Alli shows up with a dessert menu however Jenna is spaced out falling asleep. She asks where TY is and Alli says KC took him. Jenna needs to go see him but Alli says she needed space. Jenna breaks down saying all he does is eat and cry and poop and it’s driving her mad….um if you didn’t want a baby you should of used condoms Jenna just saying.

Clare goes to Eli and wants to talk cause they can’t avoid the elephant in the room. Eli asks how her first day of school was He then tells her he’s in a good place.  DID THREE MONTHS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU! DID YOU FLIP A SWITCH AND ERASE ME FROM YOUR MEMORY! IT TOOK YOU A YEAR….A YEAR TO GET OVER YOUR EX! DID YOU EVEN LOVE ME AT ALL!  Jake then pulls a hysterical Clare away to take home.

Jenna’s back asking KC how the baby was and he says he needs to pull his weight and take care of her too. He offers to make her tea or something and he admits he wants to help he just doesn’t know how. He offers to get a job and help support financially however she doesn’t need the money she needs him.

Clare vents to Jake about things. Jake says so what if he doesn’t have feelings for her anymore and she needs closure. He asks why do things have to be dramatic and tells Clare to move on. He asks if she can try something and he kisses her and sparks fly. He asks if she’s ready to go in and tell their parents about the night…or not everything.

Jenna comments about how she had the best night sleep ever and asks if Lisa can watch him while she goes to shower. Lisa says sure and as Jenna showers, KC comments how with Kyle at work and him at school Jenna is alone with TY all the time and he asks if she and the baby can move in. There are a few conditions….she’s not going to be a full time sitter and they have to pay for some expenses but she was honestly waiting to ask. They tell Jenna the news and she’s ecstatic.

Clare tells Alli about how she and Jake kissed and it was cathartic. Alli asks if they are a couple and she says no it was just fun. She then excuses herself to once more chat with Eli. She wants to apologize for her meltdown. They used to be something great and she hopes one day they can be friends. Eli comments how the reason he’s been devoid of emotions is because he’s been on anti-anxiety meds and can’t feel anything at all….

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