Tuesday, October 8, 2013

10x29/30 Umbrella—RECAP

Clare is heading downstairs and walks into a conversation her parents have about selling the house. This is the first she’s hearing about it and she’s upset….it’s part of the family. Helen and Randall have one major issue to nail down however and that’s Clare. It’s decided that she’ll spend weekends and vacations with her dad in his condo…..now the fact that the dad already has his own condo is like a red flag that some shit was going down cause it’s doubtful it’s a recent purchase while Clare would live in the new house during the week with Helen….Randall has even hired a moving van to move some of Clare’s things to his place. Reaching into a ‘junk box’ Clare picks up her dad’s old watch that he taught her to tell time with. He tells her you can’t keep anything and sometimes change is good.


Some random Junior comes up to Clare saying he didn’t see her in Youth Group and she tells him she’s got personal stuff. He nods commenting how hard it must be to see her family crumble. She walks off and Eli starts walking with her saying ‘Gotta Love Jesus Club’ and Clare comments how a few months ago she would of said the same thing. It seems like the duo are back in one another’s good graces after Eli told Clare he’s sick of playing pawn in the how much can you piss your parents off game just last episode. Now however she thinks the world is a little less black and white and tells Eli how the house is being sold. Eli plants the idea about what an old classmate of his did. The parents both moved out to respective apartments and would take turns being at the house with the kid. Clare thanks Eli and says that she’ll have to propose it to her parents before giving Eli her dad’s watch. Eli thanks her and he opens his locker and crap….not of the literal variety but of papers and books and other scool-ish things. Clare jokes that maybe Jesus club could take on his locker as a service project.

Speaking of service projects, Audra has roped her sons into running a food drive at the school to help boost the school moral. They need volunteers and Drew teases how girl’s gym class is about to start and Adam can go canvas the girls locker room…..low blow Andrew….low freaking blow. Fiona walks into the gym asking if the brothers have seen a specific teacher and when they haven’t they ask if she’d be interested in helping them with the food drive. After Fiona says un amused that she doesn’t drive Drew brings up how she needs 40 hours of community service in order to graduate. Of course there are the alternatives like slapping on a hairnet and working the soup kitchen circuit or changing diapers or working at a nursing home where I’d assume diaper changes would also be involved. Collecting cans is the lesser of evils and Fiona can be charitable.

Wesley comments how one of the perks of the police patrol of campus is his dad’s there to give him money. Dave tells him to be quiet about this cause if people got wind that he was the school cops son then they would think he’s a nark and not want to associate with him. Dave then goes to join a group of junior boys playing as Wesley looks on like a lost little puppy.

Fiona’s drawing a thermometer to measure what they collect as Drew flirts….badly. Drew thinks Fiona’s playing hard to get while Adam comments saying maybe she’s not interested. Sidebar…..Drew and Fiona could of made an interesting crack ship…..that is if Fiona liked the peen and Drew wasn’t a douchebag 80% of the time.

Clare comes home and has her proposal and her dad says that’s the same thing Darcy said when she said she was going to Africa. Clare assures that she doesn’t want to go anywhere and gives the housing proposal. Her parents mention part of the reason that they want to move is all the memories and it’s best for the family. Clare asks what family? Her sister’s in another country and they are at odds….the house is her only constant and she doesn’t want to lose it.

Eli’s having dinner at Little Miss Steaks with his parents when Clare shows up and introduces herself to Bullfrog and Cece. She hopes that she’s not interrupting and she says she needed to escape her parents. Cece and Bullfrog let her know that the door is always open if she needs an escape and Clare thanks them saying she’ll have to leave the guest room as an option. Bullfrog says no guest room…they’ve been trying to get a girl into Eli’s room for a while now. Eli excuses himself and pulls Clare aside to talk.

Adam sees Fiona waiting for her ride on the steps and Fiona says that ‘Prompt Taxi Service’ should really change their name. Adam thought she’d have her own Princess Carriage or at least a driver at her disposal. She’s  tried the whole Prince thing….well New York Royalty….charming on the outside vial on the inside….she comments how it seems guys pretend to be something they are not which causes Adam to get rather uncomfortable. She however comments how Adam seems honest and she can talk to him like a normal human being. The cab comes and she mentions she has horrible instincts when it comes to guys before climbing inside and driven off.

Eli apologizes for his parents but Clare says no, they are interesting. Clare asks if they are serious about her sharing his room and Eli nods mentioning how him and his dead ex had allot of problems with her step mom and she stayed with them. Clare mentions how she doesn’t plan on sex till she’s married (lies all lies) and says they are rather different. Eli comments opposites attract and Clare say and get married, have kids and divorce. Eli tells her they aren’t her parents but she leaves the restaurant.

Drew finishes up with an announcement about the drive and Adam comments about his outfit asking how he can get away with wearing a suit with the dress code. Drew comments collared shirt…no jeans…and shrugs it off saying he’s done research on Fiona she’s lived all over the world and loves classy guys. Adam says good luck with that.

Wesley asks Dave why he didn’t sit with him at lunch then starts spouting nerdy shit. Dave says if he keeps talking like that he’ll get beat up but Wesley says not with Dave’s dad in the halls. Dave rolls his eyes cause he said he didn’t want that getting out. Wesley then asks when the basketball guys can meet him and Dave says never and Wesley is upset he’s not cool enough to hang with his new crew.

Drew shows up at the Dot taking a seat beside Fiona who comments he should of asked before he sat cause what if her imaginary friend was sitting there. He moves toward the other side and asks Fiona what she’s reading about. She says Scarves and she also tells Drew that she’s not interested and walks out of the diner.

Clare is at the Friendship Club meeting and wants to talk about her parents. Eli comes into the room to listen to her and she runs out in tears. She comments that she bets he loves that Saint Clare is having a crisis of faith. She feels like she’s losing everything but Eli assures her she’s no going to lose him that easily.

Drew is telling Adam about his rejection. He needed this after Alli and the boiler room and Adam says that maybe he needs to set his standards lower but he’ll help Drew out.

Dave’s dad is patrolling the junior boys before they join Dave. Wesley then joins them and introduces himself before outing that Dave’s dad is the cop….they don’t want to hang with Dave anymore.

Clare shows up and her mom says she’s glad she’s home and wants her to sort through some old things. Helen says that she hopes that they can find a place for things. Helen picks up a photo of Randall and the girls ski-ing and Clare wishes she went on the trip. Helen says she can’t ski and while she could always take lessons they would of went down different paths but she has no regrets. Clare then leaves and heads to Eli’s cause she wants to sleep over.

Adam calls for ‘Princess Fiona’ and Fiona says there is already a Princess Fiona and she’s not green like her. He talks Drew up and she says that if he’s his brother he deserves another chance and she mentions to Adam she doesn’t want anything serious or physical especially sexual.

Eli wants to throw Clare’s bike in the hearse candy drive her home. She wants to stay but he doesn’t want her to give up her beliefs and have her regret things. She says screw it and bikes home….TBC

Clare’s spend the night dividing her belongings between moms and dads and really doesn’t appreciate Eli ‘locker stocking’ he was worried about her and she tells him it’s funny he didn’t seem worried when he rejected her the night before. He knows what she’s going through sucks but again he brings up how he doesn’t want her compromising her Faith and well with him being an atheist those words mean allot. He cares for her and really does want to be there. She asks if this has anything to do with Julia and he says it has nothing to do with her. Clare asks if she can come over tonight and he says no. She wants her dad’s watch back and tells him to LET HER GO.


Drew tells Adam he has to do the food drive PA announcements cause he owes Drew cause he did them the last two days. Adam says the owing goes the other direction as Adam talked Fiona into giving him another chance. Drew asks what he should do….call…text….locker fly by. Adam says let her come to him and Drew nods going to do the PA announcement. When Drew leaves Clare walks by telling Adam he looks how she feels….ouch….Adam asks where Clare’s better half is and she says looking for ways to reject her. She says how she went over to spend the night cause his parents gave her an open invitation but he shooed her away. Clare says how she’s going to sneak over at lunch and steal back her dad’s watch asking if Adam knows any places in Eli’s room it would be. Adam says that while he has been over to play video games he’s never been in the room and in fact there is a lock on the door.

Dave’s trying to talk to the juniors however they don’t want to talk to him cause he’s a cops kid before saying if he wants back in to take something cool from the patrol car.

The brothers and Fiona are working on the food drive. Adam is looking longingly at Fiona cause he’s got feelings for her too. He leaves the drive however to go with Clare to the Goldsworthy’s. Bullfrog answers the door and Clare says that they are there to pick up an assignment. Bullfrog is shocked cause nobody goes into the room and Clare says that they have the combo. Clare uses his locker combo but it’s a no. Adam says maybe this wasn’t such a good idea and then Adam suggests 22-04-09 ….the day Julia died. It works and they get into his room and it’s a flipping mess.

Wesley calls out to Dave but he doesn’t want to deal with him after he cost him hanging with the cool kids. Dave doesn’t want to be one of the three tenors forever and grabs a taser.

Adam is back helping out Drew at the drive however he’s too distracted thinking about where he’s going to take Fiona on their first date. Drew comments how Adam sounds that he’s jealous and Adam tells his brother how Fiona doesn’t want the physical. Drew then comments how she’s one of the most popular girls in school so why would she date someone like Adam…..someone without a penis…..yea he doesn’t actually say it that way but still….yea….

Clare tells Eli she gets why he was so weird…..it wasn’t a rejection it’s cause he was ashamed he was messy but it’s okay cause she’s good at cleaning things up. She opens up his locker freshly organized and he flips out saying someone is going to get hurt cause she messed his locker up. This is the first sign of the gloriousness that is manic!Eli.

Fiona asks where Adam was earlier and tells him how Drew pilfered a can of caviar and they shared it at lunch. Adam’s mad that she’s going for him and tells her don’t come and say you told me so when Drew tries to jump your bones. Fiona’s tired of being in the middle of Torres Brother drama and is done with both of them when the drive is over.

Dave shows the other boys his dad’s taser and they say they need to test it out. They call Wesley over and make Dave tase him. He does. When the cool kids leave Dave asks if Wesley is okay and he tells her to stay away.

Clare is bringing boxes into her room and her parents tell her she doesn’t have to pack she can stay there. They can share the condo and go back and forth with being with her. Clare is happy to at least have one thing work for her.

Drew shows up to see Fiona at the Dot. He tells Fiona that Adam told him that the two of them are in the doghouse. Drew mentions how Adam is jealous and how he’s not like most guys. It’s then reviled that Fiona doesn’t know yet he’s trans* and Drew isn’t going to say it. He’s not like most guys cause he’s sensitive.

Cece comes into the hearse to talk to Eli. She asks about Clare and Eli says that he doesn’t think that they are going to work now that she knows the real him. Cece says they tried to help but it looks like he just got a bit turned around. He worries that he’ll forget about Julia and Cece says she’ll always be in his heart and she’d want him to be happy.

Dave apologizes to Wesley about his stupidity….he’ll accept the apology however first he wants to tase Dave back. Faking Dave out, Wesley gives him a ‘purple nerple’ instead and the boys just josh around on the grass.

Eli shows up at Clare’s and she asks ‘What are you doing here’ Take a shot…..Eli says how it started after he lost Julia and every time he tries to throw something out he feels like something bad is going to happen. Clare asks if he’s ever heard of hording and Eli says yes and he’s going to go talk to a therapist about it. He then asks Clare to not give up on him cause she’s the thing that makes him think he can get better. She says he’s stuck with her like he said she’s stuck with him. And honestly despite all their break ups and make ups I really think Eli and Clare are one another’s ‘persons’

Drew tells Adam how Fiona likes him and that he should go for it and until she’s ready for something sexual who is Drew to tell her that Adam is trans*.

Clare’s now in Eli’s room helping him weed through his stuff. He gives her back the watch but she says to keep it cause she needs to let go of things too. He teases she’s going to work off allot of free stays at the Hotel Eli….whenever she’s ready of course. 

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