Sunday, September 14, 2014

13x27 Everything is Everything:

Connor and Dallas are woken up the following morning at the police station. They aren’t in a cell or in cuffs but are just waiting in a waiting area. The cop says that they got a hold of Simpson and the boys story checks out. They are then told that they can pick up the car at the impound lot (where they most likely will have to pay to get it out in addition to paying for the tow and getting to the lot via cab) Dallas tells Connor how Alli can’t know what happened to them.


Drew is on cloud nine after having his date with the girl he was set up on. He had a great time and he even walks her to class.

Tristan comes to school with a new jacket saying how he just admires Grant…er…Mr. Yates’s style and is practically his favorite student despite his fight to join the writing club. Tristan says Maya clearly doesn’t get the bond between artists. Maya tries to call him out however Tristan fights fire with a sarcastic jab about her and Zig’s cohabitation.

Dallas and Connor show up stating that they had car trouble hence their tardiness.

Clare introduces herself to Drew’s new girl and refers to herself as ‘Hand of the King’ leading to some Game of Thrones talk (and yes I did check and this is a Ramona written episode). Clare then asks if Drew told her she was the one who set up his profile because he’s been having bad luck with the ladies ever since being dumped by his fiancé. Eden then asks to be Clare’s partner.

Back at the fair, Mr. Bhandari asks Alli if she’s giving out information cards like the booth beside her which she says she is. Alli then tells him that the cards were actually Dallas’s doing and introduces them. Her dad remembers him as the one who she crashed a car with when she was so excited so excited so scared (er, I mean on upper pills). Alli then says how if it wasn’t for Dallas she wouldn’t of even made it to the regional fair cause of her injury. He tells Dallas he’s grateful before taking Alli around to look. Once they leave Dallas is fixing up the booth when an official says visitors aren’t permitted to touch displays. Dallas explains he’s a participant and is Alli’s partner however it’s apparently not documented. Dallas is asked to step away and he says he’s not budging and nobody will make him.

Zoe is reading her character synopsis to Yates and the collective and is told that it’s a bit cliché. After everything Yates says, Tristan decides to add his own commentary. Tristan gives his own bio and Zoe calls him out back saying it sounds like a soap opera character…Yates has to agree calling it boring.

Alli is ready to see the judges and Dallas comments to him SEE he is Alli’s partner however they only want to hear from her. Dallas starts to chew them out for trying to kick him out earlier for being a black man and Alli is pissed that he ruined her presentation.

Dallas tells Alli he had reasons and tells her about the mall and being pulled over and tells her he promises that his outburst won’t penalize her.

Drew tells Clare how Eden left him because she was worried that he wasn’t over his ex and that Clare was the one who told her about said ex. He calls her out for wanting him with someone and yet when he is sabotaging it. Clare comments about how ever since she heard about Eli’s dalliance with Lenore she’s always felt upset about things however when she’s with Drew she doesn’t and it’s confusing cause she and Eli did make up and technically they are still together. She then admits she was Anabella and Drew says he knew the whole time. He only picked Eden because Anabella had a boyfriend and if she were single it would be a different story. He likes who he likes and the ball is in her court.

Maya sees a sad Tristan and asks what’s up. Tristan said how he thought Yates liked him however he just sees him as a dumb student.

Mr. Bhandari approaches Dallas to give him a talk. It’s not a stay away from my daughter talk however he tells Dallas about how they were flying to a relatives wedding and he got pulled away by airport security causing the family to miss their flight, their connections, and ultimately said wedding. He tells Dallas the world can be cruel and unfair sometimes and the question isn’t whether to fight but how.

Tristan tells Yates he’s not quitting but he’s staying to become a better writer. Yates then counters by saying he was being extra hard on Tristan to not show favoritism and asks him if he’s familiar with some love story…Tristan isn’t and Yates says how it unfortunately doesn’t have a happy ending.

Dallas tells the judge he’s sorry he yelled he just had two bad experiences the day before and snapped and to not hold it against Alli. The judge says he’ll come by in fifteen minutes though Alli has to do it alone.

Drew meets Eden who apologizes for skipping out on their last date and wants to make it up to him. As much as Drew would love to he can’t and Eden calls him out on it being Clare and how she appreciates him being honest and not stringing her along wishing him the best of luck.

Alli and Dallas end up winning the science fair after all.

Tristan is reading the tragic love story that Yates suggested he read as Zoe is teases him and eventually reads the bio and how it’s about a student and teacher who have a torrid love affair and when her family finds out they castrate him. Tristan then points out saying how she becomes a nun and he a monk and they spend the rest of their day’s letter writing. He then asks if ‘Jim’ aka the person who gave him the book (Yates) likes him. Zoe says she thinks he does but he seems like trouble.

Alli tells Dallas how the judge said he spoke to him and about how he called her the most amazing scientist in the room before and offers him a ride home. Dallas agrees but wants to make a stop at the police station to put out a report on the cops that mistreated him and Connor. Alli then picks up her big ass trophy and comments how at least she has a boyfriend to help her carry it home for her leading Dallas to promise to do right by her before they kiss… FINALLY

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