Saturday, September 6, 2014

13x19 Dig Me Out:

Sorry if there are soon gaps between my queued recaps as I’ve been on a string of closing shifts at work and when I haven’t closed my muse wasn’t into re-watching and recapping though I DO plan on getting through and queuing up the season by the time season 14 tentatively starts on October 8th and then I get to stockpile on my DVR and do this all over again at seasons end :)

The episode opens as Zoe is bringing Drew coffee in the council room and it getting all touchy feely despite the fact Drew needs to focus on the campaign cause he hopes to parlay it into a post grad job. Zoe however wants to spend time with him like they did last night. Drew tells her that he can’t cause after work he has his weekly poker game. The two of them are making out when Clare comes in saying it’s an office and not a bedroom before saying Drew’s a president in the way Clinton was….nice burn…that is if the key demo (and CANADIAN based) audience got that reference. Zoe comments how Hillary was never president and Drew replies how Zoe (like said key demo) wasn’t even born when that happened. Clare says she’ll see him in class if he can come up for air and Zoe tells him that they can continue to make out once he blows Dallas off.


A bruised and battered Alli is trying to get into her locker when Dallas approaches her commenting that she shrunk (since she can’t wear her signature heels while on the mend) and offers to help her out though is denied. Clare asks if Alli was flirting and she says boys are the last thing on her mind. As she and Jenna talk to Alli we learn after everything Leo got out on bail and there is a court date the following week (um not a lawyer but why is he not deported?) They offer to help Alli but she can handle herself and reminds them to keep up the mugging façade.

Imogen is late to her first period French class cause she slept through her alarm and begins to give a presentation. Luke (yes he’s not black holed and actually has an interesting plot twist in a few episodes) comments about how it’s a bit ‘nippy’ in the room. Ha ha…nip as in nipple as in Imogen is wearing a fairly thin shirt with no bra. Madam points it out and tells her she should go home and put one on cause her appearance is distracting.

Drew tries to coax Dallas to go to the party with Zoe and he begins to tease her about his new girlfriend…Clare and Jenna chime in however Drew assures them it’s just a casual thing and he convinces the group to postpone the poker game.

Imogen meets with Simpson complaining about being kicked out of class and asks where in the dress code does it say bras are mandatory? It doesn’t…well not spelled out though there are community standards and since the boys are pervs she is penalized. She then teases Simpson asking what kind of underwear he’s wearing before saying that they’ll never question her for not wearing a bra again.

The party Zoe takes Drew to is at the Hollingsworths and he’s worried since Miles Jr is his boss. Zoe assures Drew that he’s never home and Miles has parties all the time. Miles calls Drew a nark who isn’t invited and Zoe says he’s her boyfriend. Drew says if he goes then he’ll tell Miles Jr about the underage drinking. Drew can stay and Maya snarks that Drew and Zoe are a match made in heaven. Maya and Miles stalk off and Zoe goes to introduce Drew to Frankie.

Alli is back in the lab working on a science project and Conner comments how only two projects are going to the regional fair and that he and Alli will be locks…that is if Alli can manage to document her results however her fruit flies are all dead and she’s a bit flustered at the moment and totally doesn’t need help.

Back at the party Drew admits to Zoe that the party is kind of fun. Miles asks who wants to have a chicken fight against him and Maya cause did I mention this was a pool party and its still January…February at the latest in CANADA. Drew pulls Zoe into the pool house and tells Zoe he never said she was her boyfriend and didn’t sign on for anything serious as he just got out of a relationship. Zoe however convinces him to continue doing what they are doing cause they are having fun…no labels…no pressure. And his ex was stupid for dumping him. She knows how to stroke his ego and they hook up.

Dallas comments how Drew is in a good mood and Zoe comments about the table Drew is holding and ends up inviting herself to the poker night. Drew says it’s a guys thing and Zoe points out how Clare is a part of the group. According to Drew, Clare is one of the guys but Zoe calls him out saying it’s cause they don’t approve of her and invites herself anyway as a means to make a good impression.

Alli is still struggling with her fruit fly experiment slicing her finger open as she tries to cut an apple. Conner asks if she needs any help and Alli goes on a rant about her abusive boyfriend and not being able to work with one hand and Conner suggests she gets a partner.

Imogen makes a PSA on Degrassi TV about the sexist dress code ripping open her hoodie to revel that she is wearing her bra outside. Becky thinks that Imogen’s actions are a bit much and that she should write a petition instead as that option won’t get her suspended like activism will.

Alli asks Dallas if he’s seen Jenna and once Jenna appears Alli asks her if she’ll be her assistant for her project and her friend agrees.

Imogen watches as other girls are following her lead in wearing bras above their cloths. Simpson tells her that this isn’t a victory in fact she’s being punished and Degrassi TV is now cancelled. Imogen asks about free speech and freedom of the press and Simpson says it’s not what the founding fathers had in mind.

Drew tells his friends Zoe is coming to the poker game with Dallas, Conner, and Clare and it’s reviled that while it’s ‘Just Casual’ the two of them apparently had sex. The poker game is going on and by the way Zoe is talking it’s clear that in her mind her and Drew aren’t as casual as Drew sees things as being.

Imogen can’t believe Simpson took her off the air and while Becky comments about how it’s un Christian to say ‘I Told You So’ she told Imogen so…however Imogen points out while she’s down she is far from out pulling up the dress code and pointing out how there is no restriction to the boys dress code while girls have a laundry list of no’s and so she makes a facerange page about how sexist the code is…

Drew is practicing his break up speech…we all know how this is going to end based on his history now don’t you? He tells Zoe they need to talk and Zoe shakes her head…no…she knows where this is going…they had sex she thought he liked her..they had sex and now he’s breaking up and she can’t believe that she lost her virginity to him. SHIT. Drew goes into panic mode and says how he wanted to talk so that they could become facerange official.

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