Saturday, July 27, 2013

4x21/22 Going Down The Road--recap

This is an interesting episode because it just feels a bit disjoined from most of the narrative of the season as a whole.

The episode opens with Alanis, Jason, and Kevin in a scene from the movie. They call cut and Kevin starts to talk to Craig and Ashley. He asks why Craig isn’t working on his song and he says how he wants to spend time with Ashley before she heads off to England for the summer.


Caitlin is interviewing Kevin about the movie and Caitlin is shocked that he knows the sign off from her old series Ryan’s Planet. Kevin admits he’s a fan boy.

The Dot is catering the shoot and Jay is helping Spinner out. Craig flips out at the two of them calling them scum bags and Ashley asks if he’s off his meds cause of the outburst.

Another scene of Movie narrative with Ellie and Manny. Manny is a Cheerleader and Ellie comments to Craig about how production wanted a real Goth girl circa the 80’s. Craig comments how he’s sad because he’s worried Ashley is going to find someone else and forget about him. Kevin suggests Craig find some summer camp and follow her.

Caitlin comments about Craig looking at Travel Porn and says a summer away would do good.  She’s at her office looking at the print from her interview with Kevin and gets a call….she later tells Joey the call was from a network in LA wanting to reboot Ryan’s Planet but she’d have to move to LA. She doesn’t want to take it and leave her family. Joey says that it’s still and honor to be asked. Caitlin then says to him how Craig has an important question to ask and that he should be open. Craig and Caitlin propose for him to go to England for a summer music school…it counts for credits….he has money in his trust for school….Joey shoots him down saying just six months ago he was diagnosed bipolar and it was a no.

Another scene for the movie…..Paige’s scene….she’s a horrible actress and this comes up later in the other Kevin episodes.

Caitlin tells Kevin about her offer and he’s trying to nudge her to take the job. At work Caitlin’s boss says he’s taking over the editing as he wants it more gossipy and she quits.

Craig is working on music with Jimmy and Joey shows up. He hands Craig an itinerary and plane ticket saying a list of conditions.

Craig helps Ashley to pack and say goodbye telling her that he’s coming to England too and will be there tomorrow. She tells him he can’t follow her to England and wonders if he’s off his meds having an episode. She just needs space and wants to get away from him. She loves him but she’s spent the last six months worrying about his condition and just needs 
Ashley time and she rides away in a cab.

Caitlin starts getting drunk with Kevin ranting about how shitty working on ‘Local Hero’s’ was and she’s glad she’s free. 
They talk and eventually end up kissing.

Craig is telling Joey about how excited he is for his trip and being with Ashley even though he knows that she doesn’t want him there. A drunken Caitlin comes home and starts to make out with Joey saying that she wants to marry him.

Craig is getting ready for bed and tosses his pill in the trash.

Joey and Caitlin see Craig off to the airport however he tells the taxi driver his plans have changed….To be continued.

Part two opens as Christine is doing Caitlin’s hair for a scene in the movie and she tells her that she’s engaged to Joey. 
They are hugging when Kevin shows up and he gets the news. He comments he must be the worst kisser in the world cause they kissed then the engagement happened.


Spinner finds eggs cooking on the stove in the cafeteria. He calls out to Jay thinking it’s his but then soon sees a hooded figure. The figure is Craig who when asked why he’s not in England says he has to finish the music first and Kevin said he could squat at Degrassi. Spinner nods then apologizes for complaining about Ashley being in the band all the way back from Neutron Dance. Craig tells him it’s water under the bridge. Spinner admits Ashley was good however Craig shakes his head saying she is a virus who gets into things till she gets her way.

Movie filming scene and Caitlin messes up her part.

Craig is in the infamous boiler room (see season 10) and is practicing music.

Caitlin keeps messing up her three lines. It’s been thirty six takes and she’s then replaced by the slate girl. Caitlin comments that Kevin needs to stop acting like a jealous boyfriend. The ‘slate girl’ shows up and Craig interrupts…Kevin wants to know why Craig’s there cause he should be in England and Spinner comments that Craig told him that he was staying at the school and he knew about it. Kevin comments how working with High Schoolers is way worse the Ben Affleck and walks off. Spinner calls Joey who soon goes to the school and takes Craig home. Joey yells at Caitlin for convincing him that sending Craig off to England was a good idea because Ashley broke up with him and so he’s crashed at the school. Joey and Caitlin then have a fight which leads her to show up at Kevin’s.

Craig runs away and meets a transient in the streets playing drums. He pulls out his four thousand dollar guitar and starts playing music with him.

Caitlin shows up on set thanking Kevin for the pep talk he gave her at two in the morning. They have a moment and dance before Kevin goes into ‘Silent Bob’ mode for another scene however they have to call cut because Joey shows up telling her Craig is missing and he is off his meds.

Craig and ‘Skinny’ make $3 for their night playing music and Skinny then ends up beating up Craig stealing his guitar to hawk at a pawn shop.

Caitlin, Joey, and Angie are working on missing person posters and Kevin arrives suggesting they make a public appeal online.

Craig sees the missing persons report as he’s at a soup kitchen.

Kevin asks Caitlin if she wants to hang out on set however she wants to go home to be with Joey when Craig comes home. 

Kevin tells her not to settle because she deserves more.

Joey comes to the soup kitchen to pick up a manic Craig.

Craig is home safe and sound and Joey and Caitlin have another argument….all they seem to do is fight anymore. Caitlin asks how they can get married. She loves them all so much however at the same time things don’t feel right and she’s pretty sure she’s going to take the LA job.

The graduation scene of the movie is shooting. It’s a rap. Caitlin tells Kevin she’s going to LA and Craig asks Joey what’s wrong….he breaks down saying how he doesn’t want her to go and Craig promises he won’t go anywhere.

And now for the end of season character ranking:
  1. Jay
  2. Ellie (+1)
  3. Marco (-2)
  4. Paige (-2)
  5. Alex
  6. Emma (+4)
  7. Manny (+6)
  8. JT (-4)
  9. Liberty
  10. Sean (+2)
  11. Jimmy (-4)
  12. Hazel (-6)
  13. Ashley
  14. Craig
  15. Spinner (-5)
  16. Toby (-11)
  17. Chris

Terri and Kendra are gone from the list.

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