Friday, July 26, 2013

4x19 Moonlight Desires--recap

Not so much my favorite episode wise but it does have one of my favorite kisses.

Marco’s setting up for a school blood drive and asks for Alex to wear the mascot costume for it. Ellie comments how great a job Marco has been doing this year and asks if he plans to run for a second term. Marco tells her that he thought of it but he thinks he’s going to fast track and take summer classes so that he can graduate after the first semester and move in with Dylan at the university.


Dylan drops Marco off the next day wishing him luck on the blood drive and inviting him to a party later that night. There is mention that a bee was in the car and how Marco is getting better with his phobia.

At the blood drive Caitlin who must be done with her tour or just never came back after her break cause of the shooting is doing a piece for the local news on the drive.

Spinner is working at the Dot during the day since he’s been expelled. He’s waiting on difficult old ladies and Jay is snickering.

Marco is told he can’t give blood because he checked the box saying he’s had sex with another male and he’s livid about it.

Spinner shows up at Degrassi telling Miss H he’s been keeping up with his studies despite the fact that he was supposed to return his books. He’s told expulsion doesn’t work that way and he’s offered to go to Summer school though even with that he wouldn’t have enough credits to fully make up his year.

Marco asks why he can’t give blood and is told it’s policy before being told it’s cause gay people are more prone to having HIV. He’s asking the nurse these questions while Caitlin is filming which is pretty bold considering he’s yet to come out to his dad.

Jay is waiting outside the school for Spinner and is messing with his bike. They decided to steal something from the school.

After his day at the blood drive, Marco goes to see Dylan however he’s in bed with a guy named Eric who in later seasons eventually becomes a love interest for Marco. Dylan tells Marco he doesn’t want to break up he just wants an open relationship to experiment while he’s at college.

Marco then is venting to Alex, Craig, and Ellie about this. Alex comments how promiscuity is a guy thing not a gay thing and they all joke about their relationship woes.

Jay and Spinner break into the school and start to vandalize the gym.

Craig and Marco are at the party and after a while Marco tells Craig he can go before Craig points out it’s time for Caitlin’s piece. They put on the TV however the whole rant about him not giving blood because he’s gay is cut. Dylan goes to get a drink and Marco vows to make him jealous.

Jay and Spinner find the yearbooks for the year and Spinner gets an idea.

Marco starts flirting with a random named Mike asking for a tour of the dorms. Mike gives Marco his room number and tells him to meet him there in a few….he needs to clean up.

Spinner gets liter fluid from the science lab and covers the yearbooks with them planning on setting them on fire. Jay is the voice of reason telling Spinner that if he lights the yearbooks of fire the school will burn and he doesn’t want that on his hands.

Craig complements Marco in an effort to make him feel better saying that if Marco was a girl or he was gay they’d make a great couple. Dylan walks by and Marco kisses Craig….and the face Craig makes after the face….priceless. WHEN IN DOUBT YOU KISS CRAIG!!!!!! Marco tells Dylan he wants to be exclusive and he loves him however Dylan can’t so it’s over.

The next day or Monday Spinner asks Miss H if summer school is still on the table because he wants to graduate and redeem himself with his friends. Miss H hands him the paperwork.

Marco goes to Caitlin’s office asking why the footage was cut. She wanted it aired but the networks vetoed it and then she tells him how she’s working on an HIV/AIDS education initiative and asks if Marco wants to travel with her over the summer for it. He tells her he’d love to as his summer plans have changed.

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