Thursday, July 25, 2013

4x17 Queen of Harts-recap

Ellie wakes up to her alarm and is frantically getting ready for school. There is a knock on the door and it’s the land lord informing her that it’s the end of the month and the rent is due. She promises to have it on time and soon the lights flicker. He asks if she also failed to pay the electric bill and she comments sometimes the ferret plays with the chords. The land lord comments about her having a pet as she goes to see the pet dead.


Marco, Alex, Jimmy, and Craig are at a picnic table playing cards as Ellie is telling them about the ferret’s death. Marco asks if she wants him over for a pet funeral however Ellie has plans to meet with her mom to get her rent check. Marco tells her to call him when it’s done and he’ll come over.

Mr. Oleander is teaching MI however he seems to ignore him. After she asks why he won’t pick on her in class and then asks him on a date as school nights mean it’s less likely that they’ll be caught. As they talk Manny asks for help unpacking the new spirit squad uniforms and mentions to Paige she can see right through and knows that Mr. O and Paige is a thing.

Ellie and her mom are having dinner and Mrs. Nash is proud of Ellie’s independence. She’s been going to a group for three months and is clean and sober and wants Ellie to move back in. Ellie doesn’t need her and in fact….after this month she doesn’t need help paying rent. She leaves and comes back to the apartment to be with Marco.

Paige goes to the theater with Mr. O and  however her boss approaches them saying that she’s been trying to call and needs Paige to pick up the late shift thus ending the date before it even begins.

Marco asks Ellie if she’s sure she wants to be alone and Ellie shakes her head and soon she and Marco spend the evening plying cards. Marco explains how Dylan and his hockey team plays this game for big money.

The following day, they are having the card circle when Marco and Ellie arrive. They comment on Marco’s poufy hair and he leaves Ellie to fix his hair while he fixes it. The bells soon rings and the group decided to skip class to play the game some more.

Paige is sleepy from her late shift and starts to dose off in class however is quickly rejuvenated with a post class make out session with Mr. O in the janitor’s closet. There is a noise and Paige questions that maybe they should go to his place.

The group plays in the basement and Ellie and Alex win. The girls then decide to run with the big boys and play with Dylan’s hockey team.

Manny and Paige are talking about how Mr. O doesn’t want  Paige at his place and Manny plants the idea in her mind that perhaps Mr. O is still with his ex-Charlie.

At card night we get a montage of the girls playing with the college boys and it’s been going pretty good with them winning some and losing some. Ellie then asks Alex if she wants to move in to the apartment as it’ll be fun. Alex says if Ellie doesn’t want to be alone she should suck it up and either move to Wasaga with Sean or move back with her mom.

Paige waits for Mr. O to pick her up however it looks like she’s being stood up.

Alex has a hot hand and tells Ellie to trust her and she does and ends up winning the hand and Ellie’s rent money.

Paige shows up at Mr. O’s place upset. The house isn’t the glamorous bachelor pad she’d been picturing and the reason he stood her up was because the upstairs neighbor flushed too much and the roof was leaking and his phone was cut off so he couldn’t call. He’s just a poor student and was ashamed.

Ellie calls her mom over at the middle of the night to test her making sure that she was sober. Mrs. Nash was and Ellie explains she wrote a note to the land lord giving two months’ notice but wants to make sure she can trust her mom before she gives it to him and they end up making amends.

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