Thursday, July 18, 2013

3x22 The Power of Love--recap

As another season comes to a close we get an episode that like more modern episodes has an A-B-C format translation tons of shit goes down.

The episode begins with it being the last day of school and Simpson is watching the students emptying lockers. Jimmy is leaving to go to Basketball Camp in California over the summer though he wishes he didn’t have to as while it’s the best of the best when he signed up for it he didn’t have a girlfriend he’d have to leave behind for the next few months and so he is planning the perfect night for him and his friends complete with a limo and nice pre dance dinner. Meanwhile Paige is celebrating her yearlong banishment to the wasteland (remember episodes one and two?)


Sean is called into Simpson’s room. He tells him that his grades have slipped but offers him a makeup project to bump his final grade up.

Caitlin shows up at Joey’s to pick up her briefcase she left there and Joey proposes she moves in cause she’s over allot and always is leaving her things there so it makes more sense.

Jimmy, Hazel, Paige, and Spinner are getting ready for the dance. I couldn’t tell if they were at a hotel or Jimmy’s penthouse however it seems Jimmy ordered three women’s outfits and one men’s instead of two and two so he’s stuck in a girl costume. They head out to get the limo only for it to be a rather run down one with Billy Ray Cyrus guest staring as Duke the driver.

Caitlin is gearing up to give Joey a yes to his offer looking up his and hers towels as she sits in her office however her boss informs her that the network loved her proposal and is offering her a major AIDS piece that will cause her to travel for nine months to report on location.

Simpson gets Sean’s project and informs him that while he still has a low grade it’s a passing one. Simpson has never given up on Sean and wants to let him know that he’s always there if he needs someone to talk to. Sean is guilt ridden and informs Simpson that he stole his laptop all those months ago as a means to get revenge on Emma post break up.

The double daters go to the restaurant Jimmy made reservations at and it turns out it was the one that Spinner and Paige dined and dashed at the week before.

At what looks to be the same restaurant Joey asks Caitlin if she made a decision she tells him yes before telling him about her eventful day and the offer she had from her boss. Caitlin admits she turned it down however Joey tells her she needs to go causing her to leave to pack.

A scene of everyone who is at the dance so far (Marco and Dylan, Emma and Chris, JT and Manny, Liberty and Towerz) and the gym looks amazing.

Jimmy gets the dinner bill and he’s charged for the three extra meals leading him to need an extra $40 to cover the difference. Hazel ends up loaning him the cash and soon they head out to the limo however they see Duke being arrested for unpaid tickets. About to walk to the dance Duke shakes his head not wanting to leave his clients high and dry and gets the cops to escort them.

Simpson leaves to get ice for the party however he’s having car issues. Sean shows up and offers to help though Simpson doesn’t want anything to do with him since he admitted to stealing the laptop.

Caitlin is getting ready to leave and asks Joey who arrives at her office why he’s not fighting for her to stay. He tells her he loves her and that it’s the job of a lifetime and doesn’t want to have her regret it later and that he’ll be waiting for her when she returns.

Sean is sorry for doing what he did and wants to make it up by fixing Simpson’s car free of charge.

Marco is on stage about to give instructions for voting for king and queen when the drapes are on fire. Spinner, Paige, Jimmy, and Hazel arrive at Degrassi just as the school is being evacuated.

Caitlin goes away on her work trip.

The dance movies to the parking lot and becomes a rocking success.

And now my end of season character likability ranking!!!!!

  1. Marco (+7)
  2. Paige (-1)
  3. Ellie (+6)
  4. JT (-1)
  5. Toby (-1)
  6. Hazel (+9)
  7. Jimmy (+7)
  8. Terri (+2)
  9. Liberty (+4)
  10. Emma (-4)
  11. Spinner (+1)
  12. Sean (-7)
  13. Manny (-6)
  14. Ashley (-3)
  15. Craig (-12)
  16. Chris
  17. Kendra (-1)

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