Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2x21/22 Tears Are Not Enough recap

After re-watching this episode it feels like the perfect book end to the season opener with its plotlines. The episode opens as the students are getting ready for finals. Albert Manning show’s up outside the school taking Craig off guard. He’s there to say hi and wants to catch up with his son.


Craig is studying for exams the following day at breakfast and Angie spills juice on his notes. Craig comments about how the house is a mess and Joey agrees and asks Craig to clean after school however Craig claims he’s going over Sean’s to study but it’ll get done. In school Miss H is going over the Science Final’s topics…Craig’s worst subject and between the exam and his dad he’s on edge. He tells Ashley that they’ve talked on the phone but the day before was the first time they saw one another since he moved to Joeys at the start of the school year.

JT is also struggling with his studies and approaches Liberty to tutor him. To quote Mr. Gold from Once Upon A Time ‘All Magic Comes With A Price’ and while study help isn’t exactly magic Liberty’s price is that she’s JT’s date for the end of the year luau.

Craig goes to the hospital to meet his dad and his co-workers are pleased to see him and ask how boarding school was as that was the lie his father had used to explain his absence.  Albert tells Craig he’s been getting help with his anger management issues and offers to tutor Craig who accepts because he can use all the help he can get in science class. He arrives home and Joey is mad he never cleaned. Craig apologizes and promises he will. The following day though Craig is over at his old home with Albert who comments about Craig not using a coaster leading for him to invasion getting beat.

JT talks to Toby about being stuck dating Liberty when ideally he wanted to go with Paige.

Its test day this day and soon there is a montage of the tests JT and Craig are taking.

After tests JT sees Paige and approaches her about the dance after all Liberty can’t back out of her end of the bargain now that finals are done with. Liberty however shows up and so his proposal changes into him asking Paige to help Liberty shop for the dance. It’s also mentioned that the theme was Heather Sinclair’s idea (#8).

Craig meanwhile asks Ashley to the dance as Albert pulls up toward the school asking how the test was and inviting Craig to dinner. Craig has to babysit but they plan to have a late meal made later because Joey was running late in getting home. Craig shows up at the restaurant and Albert gives him a ticket to London. He wants to go on a summer trip to Europe with Craig to reaclamate with one another before Craig inevitably moves back to his house. He wants to stay with Joey however which causes Albert to finally snap. He tells Craig that if he stays with Joey he’s throwing his life away and hits him before getting into his car and speeding off. Arriving back to Joey’s with a scratch on his face Craig says he wants to go to Children’s Aid and place a restraining order on his dad for abuse. The following morning they are getting ready to go when the cops show up. They are there to tell Joey that there was a car crash and Albert is dead……to be continued

Part two begins shortly after where an announcement about the luau on the video announcements. Simpson turns off the television and informs the class that Craig’s father died in an accident and that Craig won’t be back for the rest of the school year however seconds later he arrives as if nothing is wrong.


Ashley wishes she could do more to help Craig with his dad’s passing and is surprised that Craig is at school and still wishes to go to the luau with her. Speaking of the luau Paige wants to run for King and Queen with Spinner cause she wants her year to end on a high note despite the fact grade 10’s and 11’s are also in the running.

Craig passed his final and he is making jokes about how he was in the car and his dad died and all he got was the scratch on his head.

Spinner is getting ready to work in the cafĂ© and Jimmy teases him about it before approaching Hazel asking her to be his date and to run of King and Queen with him this splitting the votes in half.  She agrees and as Toby and Kendra add them to the ballot Kendra asks Toby who would want to win a stupid crown and Toby smiles saying that’s why he loves her.

Craig and Joey go to Albert’s to pack up and it’s eerie. At the funeral one of his coworkers is giving a eulogy and says that being a father is the thing Albert is most proud of and how he loved Craig causing Craig to laugh out loud in hysterics before being escorted out claiming he’s happy the dad died. At school later or the next day he tells Ashley that he put them in the running for the crown.

Spinner and Paige go to the tanning salon so they can have a nice glow to look the luau part. Spinner however is claustrophobic and doesn’t last in the tanning bed long. This leads to Paige arriving at the dance all red from the bed and Spinner all orange from spray tanning. Craig and Ashley eventually win King and Queen and I just want to comment saying how I loved Ashley’s black hula skirt and lei. Craig hallucinates seeing his dad in the crowd and finally snaps breaking down. Terri eventually clams him down talking about how she knows how it feels to lose a parent. Craig admits he wanted his dad gone yet now that he is it hurts so much. He eventually comes back inside to have his dance with Ashley and the curtain closes on another season.

As with last season and with every season in the future here is my character rank for the year.  Newbies and Characters whose rank remains the same don’t have a number after their name

  1. Paige (+4)
  2. Craig
  3. JT (-2)
  4. Toby
  5. Sean (+2)
  6. Emma
  7. Manny (-4)
  8. Marco
  9. Ellie
  10. Terri (-8)
  11. Ashley (-3)
  12. Spinner (-3)
  13. Liberty (-2)
  14. Jimmy (-4)
  15. Hazel
  16. Kendra

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