Monday, July 8, 2013

2x19 Fight For Your Right Recap

Emma’s mom is away at a conference leaving Simpson alone as the sole parent. Emma is going over the proposal to ban GMO Foods from the café which hey wasn’t there a petition on that earlier?


Emma meets up with Manny, JT and Toby before school and they are talking about her crusade and they compare her to Joan of Arc….well minus the schizophrenia and being burnt at the stake that is.

There is a sign in the hallway advertising the café is looking for students to work there on work study and brings up to Marco how he served there last year for a punishment. Jimmy arrives in a new and expensive sweatshirt that Marco and Spinner soon flail over.

Ashley, Emma, and Nadia whom I mentioned in the character sheet and has popped up a handful of times before as the sole other major grade seven aside from Kendra are giving their proposal to Raditch to get rid of GMO’s. There is a slight parallel here to the one  seasons later with Jake and Katie talking to Simpson in ‘Say It Isn’t So’ however un like Jake and Katie the girls proposal is rejected.

Besides a new sweatshirt Jimmy also has a new MP3 Player….top of the line and Spinner is envious as since Kwan broke his disk man last year (Friday Night) he’s been in the stone age with listening to cassettes.

Sean asks Emma why if she wants to eat more organically why not brown bag it instead of petition for change. Emma says it’s the principle and talks about how bad pesticides are for you to which Sean tells her that if it means that much she shouldn’t back down.

Jimmy also has new shoes and apparently it’s because it was his birthday meaning he’s now fifteen or about to be shortly and a year has passed since 1x09 (Coming of Age) took place. Jimmy and Marco make a comment about Spinner’s old things and how he’s been wearing the same hoodie since grade seven. Jimmy leaves his MP3 player on the bench outside and Spinner steals it.

Emma passes out fliers about banning GMO’s and Ellie makes a passing comment that it’s better to have processed food then to go hungry. Raditch takes the fliers and reprimands Emma for spreading propaganda however the following day there is a SPECIAL news report that is all but a glorified ad to eat in the café…talk about your propaganda right….whaaaaaaaaaaaat (and yes I typed that with the voice of Lydia Bennett from Lizzie Bennett Diaries in my head on an unrelated note). Emma confronts JT about the ad which he stared in and unintentionally a food fight breaks out. I don’t know why I was amused but for a show that is known in its later years for using pop and indie music as stock the same tune was backtracking the food fight that backtracked both the party Dean raped Paige at and Manny preparing for the date with Craig earlier this season and I think the track may even be used later in the series too. Emma ends up suspended by the way.

Jimmy can’t find his MP3 player and accuses Spinner of stealing it. Spinner asks why he needs to steal it and he has money in fact he’s getting a hoodie later on and an expensive one at that.

Emma shows up in Simpson’s class despite being suspended and Simpson tells her she has to go home.

Spinner is in the boys room talking to Sully (a minor character who recurs a bit next season) about selling him the MP3 player.

Emma protests outside just outside the school property while Ellie interviews her. Raditch doesn’t care that she’s not on grounds and says she either needs to apologize or will be suspended for a week.

Jimmy apologizes for making fun of Spinner’s being poor however Sully soon arrives for the player. Jimmy frowns and says it ‘Sounds Like A Steal’ before slumping off.

Emma tells Simpson she’d rather be suspended then then apologizes for what she believes in. As a dad Simpson supports her in wanting to stand up but as a teacher at the school he’s torn.

Spinner goes to work in the café again however this time it’s for work study and it’s interesting to think of him doing this considering the fact that once we are introduced to the Dot next season he gets employed there. He gives Jimmy the phone and says he’s sorry but Jimmy says they are not friends anymore.

Emma goes to give her apology speech. She says she’s sorry for the food fight but not for standing up for her beliefs and ends up with the suspension and some self-satisfaction

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