Monday, June 24, 2013

1x05 Parents Day--Recap

This episode opens with Toby walking to the school with JT counting down the hours to Parents Day freaking out because his mother and father are both going to parents day and well….they split for a reason and whenever they get together World War Three breaks out.

In Class Simpson announces that there is no announcements however instead there will be a NAK (News About Kids) report which is pretty much like a Channel 1 News type program only with students instead of actual reporters. NAK are talking about squeegee kids which from my understanding are the homeless and poor kids who live on the street washing windows for money. The report compares them to cockroaches and when it’s over everyone is in agreement….that is everyone but Emma. She feels bad for them and says it’s not their fault they are poor and that’s what they do to make money….and that she is sick and tired of NAK putting opinions in people’s heads with propaganda.

In the bathroom during passing period Ashley is angsty as she is looking as a zit. It seems that it’s not just due to the blemish but every time NAK takes her airspace she gets a bit angsty. Well guys if you think she’s all Emo now just you wait for seasons 2 and 3…Anyway they are talking and they end up bringing up Heather Sinclair for the first time. Remember the name as it will pop up numerous times through the series however we never see her though we do meet a member of her family in season 7 who becomes a key player and yet another of my faves. Heather apparently has an agent and Ashley is all if she can why can’t I then brings up how Toby’s mom is one and is coming to Parents Day…..she (and Paige) soon seem determined to impress her.

Emma goes to Raditch’s office complaining about NAK in full activist mode. The Principal’s response is that by showing NAK they were able to get the funding for EIGHTEEN new computers and that some students don’t have a computer of their own to do work with. He then says if she wants to voice an opinion to write an editorial about it in the school paper which makes me roll my eyes because:

1 Between episode 3 and now Liberty got her paper and is editor to boot

2 If the principal won’t do a thing then how will random student reading the paper?

The article ends up being 17 mins late but Liberty thankfully accepts it anyway.

Toby meanwhile still has to deal with his mom and dad both coming to parents day and so he sends a forged letter to his dad saying it’s from Mr. Simpson and that he’s doing so well that his dad doesn’t need to come. Do to spelling errors his dad sees right through it and comes to the parents day after promising he won’t fight with his ex for Toby’s sake.

Parents Day is here and Paige is all glammed up ready to be discovered and after a small introduction to Toby’s mom she, Toby and the dad go to Simpson’s room. As Simpson is talking Jeff fails on his promise and begins to bicker back and forth with his ex until Toby finally has an outburst of his own which ends up simmering things down.

While this is going on, Emma is excited to show her mom the article she wrote only to be slammed about it by Sean’s brother Tracker who points out that Sean relies on those computers and is still behind because they don’t have one of their own and proceeds to rip the paper up calling it garbage.

Once the meetings are over the girls try again to impress Toby’s mom who ends up giving Terri her card saying she has a distinctive look and to give her a call. I liked this scene because it kind of gave Terri who just the episode before was hating herself based on her looks a confidence boost as well as it in a way foreshadows the fact that in later episodes while Terri doesn’t become an actress she becomes a model.

Later once the parents have left, Sean tells Emma that despite what Tracker said he liked her article and did a good job causing Emma to smile as it’s clear she’s got a slight crush on him at this point.

The episode ends in the hallway with Simpson asking Toby if his parents are always the way they acted in the meeting before bringing up the letter and the detention Toby will have because of it and finally letting him know that he’s a good kid and to keep it up.

I just want to say again how much I love Archie Simpson. I know I said before this is mostly talking about the teens but he’s always held a special place in my heart.

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