Monday, June 24, 2013

1x04 Eye of the Beholder--recap

Topic of the week: Drinking….and also the first of many of what will eventually become infamous school dances.
This episode opens as Terri’s dad talking about how grown up she is going to her first dance and Terri saying how she isn’t going. She has low self-esteem and says how she knows no boys would want to dance with the fat girl. Her dad reassures her she’s beautiful and then it cuts into the opening.

Whatever It Takes….

Spinner is bullying random students when he sees Terri approaching. He goes to her asking to borrow her notes and inquiring if she is going to the dance. Terri tells him her dad is old fashioned and she can’t go. Spinner seems sad about this however he soon walks away and Ashley shows up. Ashley is freaking out saying the dance needs to go smooth or it’s daytime dancing from now on. Thankfully for the most part in the end this dance does go smooth compared to other dances but yea…..nothing is truly smooth where dances are concerned.

Paige asks Spinner if he’s going to the dance and he nods while looking at Terri. It’s clear that he likes her and Paige is not amused by this and you can tell she’s plotting to get what she wants.

What are the 7’s doing right now you ask. Well in Simpson’s room Manny is saying how her parents won’t let her go to a night dance and JT and Toby think dances are lame and are also skipping out leaving Emma to wonder who to hang out with. Cut to Sean being introduced. He’s been a student there a few months the year before but it’s clear something bad happened as he’s repeating grade 7.

Back to the 8’s. Teri admits to Ashley she’s skipping because she thinks she’s fat and no one likes her despite the fact that Spinner is clearly making subtle moves to tell her different. Ashley finally coaxes Terri to go saying she’ll help fix her up and at the mention of a makeover (and getting the upper hand to win Spinner over) Paige agrees to come over too.

As the girls get ready Ashley has to leave to set up shop leaving Terri to ponder if she’s too sexy or worse not sexy enough. Paige then hikes up Terri’s skirt and offers her wine (note they are THIRTEEN drinking age is EIGHTEEN in Canada….yea) telling her the drunker she is the happier she’ll be.

Meanwhile: Emma is at the dance getting teased by some of the upperclassmen and JT and Toby begin to surf for porn using a list that JT has gotten from a cousin of his. The DIAL UP connection drops and the boys are waiting for it to re-load

Back at the dance Paige and Terri finally show up and Terri wis wasted. She is ready for Spinner who she tells to Ashley (and Paige) that she likes. Honestly if I were Ashley at this point I would of left to of taken Terri home however I’m not Ashley and this is what she does. She goes into the dance and dances with Spinner until she eventually stops feeling dizzy and nauseous and leaves for the girls washroom and eventually home and Paige steps up to spend the rest of the night with Spinner.

Emma sees Sean being harassed by Jimmy and steps in offering to dance with Sean. (FEELS)

As for the boys porn search….well they get the connection back however soon after get caught by Jeff and Kate. Their punishment albeit one that happens off screen is they have to watch porn with their parents….men and women.

The episode ends the following Monday as the boys are telling this to Emma and Manny as well as Emma telling Manny about Sean. And Spinner tells Terri how he won’t be needing her notes anymore he’ll be borrowing Paige’s which kind of breaks my heart. Sure as the episodes/seasons go I loved Spaige however it would have been interesting to see where a Terri/Spinner ship could go. I know there have been characters later on who share some Spinner traits (KC, Zig….) however we’ve really never had another Terri character and as someone of size it kind of saddens me about that fact.

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