Thursday, February 5, 2015

Champagne Supernova Parts 1/2

This was pleasant surprise as I didn't know that they would have another web-series this season. At first I thought it would be like last season's Maya-centric one that was only available on MTV Canada's website (though I'm sure it's bootlegged someplace on YouTube) however it was uploaded to the official Degrassi channel.

Unlike Dorm Life I don't think that this one is narrative relevant and is more a fun romp like the webisodes of old (Which I am still pondering recapping at some time)

This one is kind of a Dude Wheres My Car/Hangover type plot where Miles and Zig wake up handcuffed to one another...Miles has a black eye and Zig has a 'Jack Has It' tattooed on his back. The boys make their way to Jack's place in part 2 finding out that the tattoo was just marker and what Jack had was a dog (why it's hair was partially and inhumanly dyed pink...I think it may have to do with Lola and I think from the end of the episode the boys think that as well.

While I have love/hate relationships with both boys I am really loving this series so far (though if it all comes back to the whole love triangle they have with Maya I'm going to smash my head into a wall)

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