Tuesday, October 28, 2014

14x01 Smells Like Teen Spirit Post-Mort:

So, I think at least on the Tuesday's I don't close I'm going to make a list of 8-10 points from the episode (also I will not be labeling characters on this)

  • I didn't like that they kept the crap opening from last year but beggers can't be choosers
  • I kind of thought Clare even considering abortion was a bit OOC (then again present Clare and Clare pre season 10 are pretty much different people)
  • I was confused about Becky and her cheer team though from what I gather the new Power Cheer team is a competitive team while the Power Squad cheers at events (though if that's the case why did the new team preform at the event in this episode?)
  • Zoemund...that is all
  • Triles....well...that's happening
  • Drecky are a thing (for now)
  • We met 2 of the newbies (though not by name)
  • Maya is still annoying....