Monday, October 14, 2013

10x41/42 Chasing Pavements—RECAP

Fiona’s 28 days sober and is airing her grievances at the rehab. She’s officially an outpatient and Holly J said she came straight from dialysis for the ceremony. Fiona says she heard she was sick and wants to know what she can do to help. Holly J says nothing but she won’t take it for an answer. Holly J has done so much to help her she wishes to return the favor. Fiona’s glad that she had some public speaking practice because she got out of rehab just in time for Bobby’s trial….about the trial Laura needs to talk.


Alli’s glad Simpson is giving her another chance at Degrassi. She plans to prove herself and Simpson is glad she’s back just in time for the standardized math tests because he knows she’ll help the scores.

Fiona wants to know what the news is as she heads into the loft. Laura shows her a paper saying that Bobby is offering a monetary settlement if they drop it…..NO….she’s not letting him get away with things. Laura brings up how the deposition triggered her drinking problem and it only got worse from there but Fiona informs about her coping mechanisms where she describes the room. Laura doesn’t care….a trial now….Fiona points out how she’s the one who said he shouldn’t get away with it.

Clare welcomes Alli back and asks if she’s okay. Alli says she’s fine….she’s planning on starting fresh and plans on ignoring Drew and Bianca who have since morphed into Drianca. Bianca however isn’t for the ignoring commenting how the girls need to lock up their boyfriends cause Boiler Room Bhandari is back….um sweetie you were the one giving head in there…..Alli never did go through with fucking Owen thank you very much. Miss Oh interjects before things escalate saying Bianca has someplace she should be and welcomes Alli back.

Anya’s so glad for CPR class because she’s going to be a lifeguard and she needs this unit. She’s in a group with Owen and asks Chantey to swap cause Owen is gross… then why would that appeal to the other girl? She says to suck it up.

Bobby’s posting vlogs with Tinsley cause now they are a couple….they are perfect together in many many ways. Holly J asks why she’s doing it to herself and she says she’s trying to toughen up and prove she can see Bobby without an urge to drink. Adam passes in the hall and Holly J asks if they talked…..not yet….she doesn’t know how to approach him. She doesn’t want him to think her drinking was because he is Trans cause it’s not true.

Anya’s in class doing compressions on the dummy and Owen squats down behind her wrapping his arms and tells her to keep her arms straighter and if she needs further assistance he’s willing to volunteer. Anya says she doesn’t need his help and after pulling back he lecherously comments to another guy in their group how he wishes he was the dummy as Anya’s now moved onto mouth to mouth. While he comes off as a creep when you watch knowing what’s to come perhaps he’s just flirting with his usual lines cause that’s how it’s always worked before despite Anya not being the type he normally tried to woo.

Laura wants Fiona to sign the paper but she wants to go for it. It’s just going to be the two of them because Daddy’s away and Declan is on a trip. Fiona wants Holly J to come and Laura asks about her health. She has dialysis every other day but if it’s one day she should be fine. Fiona’s glad she has her mom and ‘girlfriend’ by her side.

Miss Oh asks if Alli’s getting a leg up on her homework and she says how she’s in the MI lab to avoid seeing her ex and his new girlfriend in the halls. Also while this has occurred in prior episodes I just never noted it seems students can be alone unsupervised in rooms once more. Anyway Miss Oh says she shouldn’t let a guy define her Sophomore Year (by school years end she’s got another boyfriend just FYI) and how she should focus on the standardized math test. Alli says she thought it wasn’t gradable and she says not GPA wise but the teachers and principal will get graded based on the average so do well.

Holly J and Fiona show up in New York for the trial. I don’t know how the Canadian legal system is run but instead of a traditional courtroom the judge is at the head of a long table with Fiona and her lawyer on one side and Bobby and his across from them with Holly J, Laura, Tinsley and the other witness on seats to the table’s side.

Chantey is saying how great CPR is and the rush of saving someone’s life. Anya comments about Owen and how he was leering at her and how she’s thinking about dropping out. Chantey says she shouldn’t have to quit and she instead decides to meet with Armstrong about moving Owen to another group….just not Chanteys.

Bobby’s lawyer brings up how Fiona is fresh out of rehab and she says how the abuse drove her there. The lawyer then brings up the doctored twit-pic that was taken. The lawyer then asks if she’s ever had a successful relationship.

Owen tells Anya they need to talk. He got kicked out of the class for making girls feel threatened. He wants to know what he did that was wrong and she says he put his arms around her and she didn’t like it though it’s not shocking he’s such a sleaze then she proceeds to call him out on all the bullying he did to Riley and Zane earlier in the season. He asks why she didn’t just tell him she didn’t like his advances and he would have stopped instead of ratting him out and costing him his summer job.

Bobby is speaking and he says how he wishes Fiona well and it makes her look like she was diluted. They break for lunch and Fiona wonders if she should have listened to Laura and taken the settlement after all. Holly J excuses herself because she’s got the bladder of a peanut thinks to her Kidney issues. Laura then goes because she needs to talk to the lawyer but tells Fiona not to rush….she’s eyeing liquor longingly.

Alli tells Clare they need to ace the math test to make Simpson look good in the school board’s eyes. She’s had a bad year and she needs a win and plans to tutor all the grade tens who are failing.

Fiona’s describing her surroundings and Holly J comes back. She explains she’s doing a coping technique and worries she’ll loose. Holly J says she’s a winner just for coming to face Bobby for what he did. Fiona promises they’ll go to New York again someday and have some ‘girl’s time’.

Anya sees Owen waiting for her and she asks if he’s stalking her. No, he wants to talk. He’s sorry for what he did in the class he wasn’t trying to make her feel uncomfortable. He likes her….she’s a serious catch. She says she doesn’t like him like that and probably will …never will….like him like that. He’s sorry again and calls a truce.

Tinsley is talking to the lawyer about how she’s only met Fiona a few times and how she had a thing with Bobby. When asked if he was violent she tenses up. When Fiona’s lawyer asks why she tensed up Tinsley brings up an incident when he hit her….

Miss Oh says she’s sent her list of people who should join their little ‘club’ and she sends an e-mail of all the students behind in math saying to delete it….now….the list includes one grade eleven who is behind in grade ten math….Drew Torres….crap…

The verdict is in and Fiona is awarded 250 thousand dollars and Bobby is being required to take anger management classes. Fiona gives Holly J a kiss saying she did it because of her and she loves her so much….TBC

Fiona is calling Holly J saying they are going to be late for a flight. They are going to a fashion show in Milan and Holly J asks Fiona to zip her up she does and Holly J slips a necklace on Fiona. They exchange I love yous and kiss when Fiona’s alarm goes off and she wakes up.


Alli sent out an e-mail to the failing students saying that the students won a price. It’s a full house and she welcomes them to tutoring. Drew wants to walk out saying it was false advertising and he’s leaving. Alli says they need to pass the test cause the teachers are being graded and Drew says well then it should have been there job to help us not you and besides it’s not graded for or against them and he wants an incentive….the others do too and they walk out. Alli tells Clare he’s right and they need an incentive.

Fiona’s glad to be back at Degrassi and asks Holly J if there is a party to go to or a dance to plan. Holly J’s got plans with Sav but promises to hang out another day. She asks about Adam again and tells her to talk to him. She asks if he saw the letter and thanks him for helping with the intervention. She’s missed him and invites him over to watch a movie. He tells her sure and she’s happy.

Alli promises the grade tens a night dance if they ace the test. Simpson is pissed….one day she’s been back ONE day and the drama has already begun.  She said she was doing this for the school. He says he doesn’t know if he can guarantee a dance….but if the school does well….the board can’t say no can they?

Laura asks if Adam likes the snacks and says she’ll be back in an hour. Adam asks where Holly J is and she says on a date. Adam gets it his two friends are joined at the hip. Fiona apologizes for their embarrassing attempt at a double date when she’d been wasted. She notes it was a dark period and while she did like the champagne she was abusing it and drinking for the wrong reasons.  She didn’t drink because he was Trans she drank because she was afraid of intimacy cause of Bobby but she’s better now ….and she likes him.

Chantey brings Anya her drink and she says she’s been thinking about Owen. He apologized and he seemed so sincere and maybe she was over reacting because she was bitter about his homophobia….and he kind of liked her and wonders if she can get them back to CPR.

Fiona and Adam are making out. She missed him. They were so comfortable with one another. She comments about how he’s so soft and he says he hopes to get a six pack soon. She doesn’t want him to change because she likes the feminine aspects of Adam’s anatomy and how he’s the best of both worlds. Male and Female….but he’s not….he’s JUST MALE. Adam calls her out saying she just wants a girl and walks out.

Drew doesn’t care about a stupid dance or a test. Alli says he’s a natural leader and he can help rile the troops. Bianca comes in asking Alli if she got the dance and she says there won’t be one unless Drew buckles down. Bianca demands that Drew makes the dance happen and Alli smiles saying she’ll see him later for tutoring then.

Fiona tells Holly J if she can’t make the sleepover she gets it. No Holly J can make it but if she wants some Adam time….they did…and it didn’t work out.

Anya pleads Owen’s case to Armstrong, Alli and Clare are tutoring and yes Bianca gets Drew to show up…and yes it’s another musical montage.

Holly J and Fiona are all teary over the notebook and Fiona asks if with Declan it was like Noah and Alli. It was….and with Sav? Well when she found out she was sick it took all she had NOT to call Declan. She tells Fiona real love will happen to her. Holly J apologizes for crashing early but she’s been doing that since she’s been sick. Fiona says she’ll go to the bedroom soon but falls asleep on the couch.

Owen wants to thank Anya for pleading his case to Armstrong….thanks to her he’s back in the class. He gives her a hug and she’s repulsed. He thought they were friends and he was just thanking her and she tells him to stay the hell away. He says that he thought she was over it. Anya comments asking why guys just assume a girl is head over heels in love or a total bitch and Owen comments back how any other girl in the room would be LUCKY for him to flirt with her….hell I know I would although the sexual tension between Owen and Anya is hot. Anya announces to the room saying this guy wants to harass grope and flirt with you any volunteers. Owen knows when he’s not wanted and walks away.

Laura asks Fiona how the movie went and Fiona’s holding a bottle she hid before rehab. She did her techniques and she just wanted to hold it. Laura asks where Holly J is and Fiona says she’s asleep. Fiona confides in her mom that she’s in love with Holly J…..Fiona then points out how she’s kind of coming out right now….she’s never felt that way about a guy and never will….she wants to know if her mom is disappointed. Laura just wants her to be happy. Fiona just wishes she wasn’t in love with her painfully straight BFF. Fiona then crawls into bed with Holly J.

The standardized test happens and Alli is eager to ask Miss Oh if she heard the results….not yet. Simpson comes out saying the score has been raised eleven points and the dance is a go. Alli tells Drew they got the dance and Drew starts hugging her but quickly turns it into a handshake….she’s a hero.

Holly J is in dialysis and Fiona comes to visit when she SHOULD be in French class. She has something to tell Holly J….she likes girls. Holly J is glad that she told her. Fiona told her mom and knows Declan will accept her and probably suspected it. Holly J asks if that’s why she was with Adam cause physically. She nods saying never mention it to him. Holly J loves her no matter what and asks if there is a crush. Fiona doesn’t say yea or nay just that she’s glad to be with her friend.

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