Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10x43/44 Drop The World—RECAP

Here we are at the Season FINALLY I mean Finale of season ten…..yea seems like forever since the season began and just think the school year is far from over as we’ve still got Spring Break, A SECOND school election, Prom, Graduation, and FIVE Newbies (well three newbies, one minor character promoted to main and one new minor that is promoted to main in the back end of the season) left to come.

Eli runs to the newsstand buying up all the copies of ‘Gothic Times’ before running to school. They published Eli’s story….no not Eli’s…..THEIRS….their first collaboration. They are a dynamic duet and Eli wants to hone his dark twisted mind and her flair for the romantic together lock themselves in a basement and not leave until the manuscript of their first novel is finished…..tempting….Clare tells him she’s got plans….to go shopping with Alli for Spring Fling. Eli comments saying she was just published and says doesn’t she think dances are trivial and droll….she says he doesn’t have to come.


Sav and Holly J are out at the benches talking. Simpson finally caved about no uniforms at the dance and hopefully this can salvage Sav being the worst president ever. A buzzer rings and it’s shown they are playing boggle. Sav’s words are all happy and lovey while Holly J’s are rather depressing. He asks if she wants to play another round and she doesn’t know…he suggests they could make out but she says boggle is fine.

Eli is freaking out to Adam about Clare. He’s worried that she’s slipping away and  he needs to do something big. Adam tells him he needs to just take a breath.

Anya and Fiona are teasing Holly J because she’s making a pro and con list about Sav. There are so many pros but one con….she’s not feeling it. Fiona comes out to Anya who just smiles about it. Holly J says how things just have been rough since she got sick. They play boggle but the spark isn’t there.

Dawes comments about Eli’s reading….it’s brilliant and dark….too dark….she wants to know if Eli is okay mentally and Eli says it’s just fiction and he has no plans on killing Clare and drinking her blood. Dawes was just checking and suggests he go to a Gothic Fiction convention over break.

Jenna and Alli are cleaning up from a shower for Jenna. Alli asks why KC isn’t there and she says KC thinks showers are girly so she told him to just go play basketball. KC needs some time off cause he just set up the crib…..you mean the box sitting against the wall…..Jenna can’t be mad though cause the baby kicks and she realizes there is a real person inside of her.

Bullfrog is taking Eli to the Edwards home to talk to Helen. She’s there to ask her permission to have Clare spend a weekend with him and his parents on a vacation. Helen says she’s only fifteen. Eli says Clare is the kindest bravest gentlest sexiest person he knows….okay so not the last part I was quoting a line from Starkid’s Potter Trilogy but we all know he was thinking it. Helen asks about sleeping arrangements and Bullfrog tells her two rooms. CeCe and Clare in one and him and Eli in the next….no monkey business. Helen says if Clare wants to go then she’s cool.

KC’s playing basketball and Jenna comes up all hormonal and pissed off and yet another meme is birthed from this scene. He says she told him to play to celebrate exams being over but she only said for him to play because she thought the nursery was set up. He says he’s got time to build the crib later and SHE TOLD HIM TO PLAY BASKETBALL!!!!!!

Holly J comes to the Dot where Sav is working on his essay for college. She asks if he likes her and it’s clear that she does.

Clare is telling Eli about how she had to talk to Alli about not coordinating everything together. A song comes on that Clare loves and she hops off the hood of the car where they are sitting and they dance. He brings up the trip and says she green lit it with her mom and it’s a go….them in the hearse the parents following in the hog it’ll be the trip of a lifetime. She says sure but he thought she’d have more feeling in her voice.

Eli, Adam, and Bullfrog are out hunting in the woods for Bullfrogs Birthday dinner. Eli confides in Adam saying Clare wasn’t as excited from the trip as he thought. Adam points out the last time Eli ‘surprised her’ with the dead girlfriend and the hording but Eli knows this trip will solidify them as a couple. Clare on the other hand is telling Alli about the trip and Alli thinks she’s crazy for wanting to spend two days in a hearse with a guy who wrote something sadistic as Stalker Angel especially cause Clare was his muse. It then hits Clare that Julia died last spring break and that’s why Eli is so clingy and moody.

Anya asks how the breakup went but Holly J says it didn’t. Anya says why….Sav’s an easy one to break up…she’s done it a million times just go to his house and get caught by his parents.

Jenna gives KC an apology breakfast sandwich and he says he’ll take it after making the crib, swing, and change table and apologizes for not pulling his weight. Alli asks how the nursery is and Jenna comments how she just feels so bad…..KC’s spent most of his life in the system and no sooner does he get out he has to toss away the remainder of his teen hood to be a dad. She pulls Dave aside asking if he can throw KC the mail equivalent of a baby shower just make sure he’s at the Spring Fling for last dance and whatever happens at the party stays.

Sav asks Holly J properly to be his date for the dance. Holly J nods as Mrs. Bhandari pulls up. Sav introduces Holly J to her as his friend and Holly J tells her no….she’s his girlfriend and his mom deserves to know the truth. Mrs. Bhandari asks Holly J to leave so she can talk to Sav.

Eli meets Clare at their special bench. She wants to talk….things have been intense and she gets it. He’s worried about losing her cause of Julia and how everything seems to revolve around her including a trip planned on the anniversary of her death. Clare says they need to take a step back and get some air over spring break. Eli thinks it’s the complete opposite they need to be together. She says no….she’s sorry….

The girls tell Holly J she did the right think in telling Mrs. Bhandari about them and soon Sav shows up at the Dot. His parents love Holly J and are actually encouraging the two of them to be together. Sav’s excited about this however Holly J admits she told his mom so she would force them to break up cause she was a coward and couldn’t do it. Anya and Sav are talking about how breakups suck and Anya tells Fiona that she can tell that she’s in love with Holly J and she knows what it’s like to like someone she can’t have. Fiona makes Anya promise to never tell.

Eli’s at his and Clare’s spot….the old church screaming at an photo of him and Julia saying it’s HER fault Clare hates him. Picking up his dad’s rifle he shoots the photo…TBC

Eli shows up at school the following day and wants to talk to Clare. He’s sorry for being intense and blindsiding her with the trip but the fact that she thinks he’s still all about Julia was hurtful. She comments that she’s sorry….it’s just he’s so….unpredictable. He thought she fell for the unpredictable and mysterious guy but she really fell for the guy confident to tell a total stranger she had pretty eyes and was more interested in her smarts. He’s going to give her space and no more secrets and surprises that will stay in his writing. As he opens the hearse to get his bag, Clare notices the gun and freaks asking him to walk her to her locker. He asks what about space?


Anya and Fiona are laughing and working on decorations and Anya tells Fiona she should tell Holly J she loves her. Fiona says shhh cause if she told her and it didn’t work out she didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Holly J comes into the room with daisies for the girls and asks her friends if they want to be her dates for the dance since they are all single.

Adam asks Eli why he’s not sitting with Clare in class and he says he’s giving her space however before he can elaborate he’s being called to the office. His dad’s there and Eli worries something’s wrong. Bullfrog says there is only one rule in the Goldsworthy Home…..the guns stay inside unless they are hunting. Eli’s aware he was just dealing with his Julia baggage and he shot a photo. His dad says it’s not going to make her deader he knows he was venting he just has weird ways of showing things. Bullfrog says no trip and takes Eli’s keys saying that he’s lucky Clare told him about the gun and not Simpson.

Holly J asks if Anya has seen anything off about Fiona? Anya says no and they start talking about plans to shop and a post dance sleepover. Anya says she thinks the sleepover is a bad idea. She’s got gay friends….in fact Holly J is probably her only straight one…..um what about  Chantey darling? She then blurts that Fiona likes Holly J and Holly J knew something was fishy when she kissed her after the trial in New York. Anya makes Holly J promise not to tell Fiona she knows.

Eli says Bullfrog and her had a good laugh. Why would guns at school be funny? She wonders and he says how he just forgot to unload the car after hunting and asks what she’s doing. She says the dance and he says oh….he’s heading to the convention and would really like it if she could reconsider and if she does to meet him at the bench at nine.

Dave comes to kidnap KC and explains that Jenna wants them to have a guys night so long as he’s back for last dance.

Anya is zipping Holly J up and Holly J says she got a text her mom needs help so she can’t sleep over. Holly J tells Anya she’s just Fiona’s default love because she doesn’t know any lesbians.

Eli heads out in his car to meet with Clare.

At the dance Holly J is trying to set Fiona up with other girls.

The guys….and Bianca are at the house playing video games but Bianca says it’s lame. Dave wants to give KC a gift from him and Drew….handcuffs. Bianca comes back with Twister and KC gets the idea tandem twister and cuffs himself to Bianca….but the cuffs were a gag gift and there isn’t a key.

Fiona confronts Holly J about setting her up and how Anya must of told her. Fiona’s mad that she was indirectly rejecting her like she did with Sav and comments how she’s no longer her friend.

Alli’s glad Clare is at the dance and sans Eli to boot. Clare says that she’s standing Eli up and is worried he’s going to do something crazy. Clare feels bad cause she promised she’d stick by him and is worried what he’d do if she dumped him.

Jenna tells Chantey she wishes KC would get there already before realizing her water broke. Chantey goes to call 9-1-1. The boys are trying to uncuff KC and Bianca when the phone rings. It’s Chantey giving the boys the news. Jenna’s having the baby.

Eli’s at the bench waiting and Clare is a no show and Eli flips his shit. He drives away and calls Clare. He yells that she’s ripped his heart out and she promised not to leave him. Clare says they are growing apart. Eli says it should be him, her, and the hearse. She comments she hates the hearse and he says if he hates it then he can get rid of it. She says he loves the car but he tells her he loves her more…..he just has to get rid of the car first and he tosses his cell into the passenger seat and crashes the car into a wall.

Holly J tells Fiona that dumping her as a friend wasn’t her intention. Fiona knows that they’ll never be together she just doesn’t want Holly J treating her like a china doll. Holly J says sleepover and Fiona says yes…and she’s so over her.

Clare comes to the hospital where Eli’s all beat up. He could of died but it was worth it….she came to see him so that means she still cares. She tells him he’s manipulative and scary and she can’t be around him and so she leaves and goes back to the dance. While she’s leaving Jenna’s being wheeled down the hall on a gurney baby in hand and Chantey by her side. KC, Dave, Drew, and Bianca arrive and see the baby.

Alli asks Clare how she’s feeling and she says walking helped. Alli offers to take Clare home but she wants to dance and have some fun.

And now the end of season rank as to how I’d rate the characters on storyline and general likeability…..
1.        And now the end of season rank as to how I’d rate the characters on storyline and general likeability…..
  1. Clare +3
  2. Eli
  3. Adam
  4. Riley -1
  5. Zane
  6. Holly J -5
  7. Fiona +2
  8. Jenna +7
  9. KC -4
  10. Sav -3
  11. Anya -3
  12. Alli -2
  13. Wesley
  14. Drew
  15. Bianca
  16. Chantey -2
  17. Owen
  18. Dave -1
  19. Connor
  20. Fitz
  21. Peter -15
  22. Marisol

Jane, Danny, Spinner, Bruce, and Blue are off the list as are Delcan, Johnny, and Leia despite appearing this season 

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