Sunday, October 13, 2013

10x39/40 Hide and Seek RECAP

Holly J’s passed out in the MI lab as Clare, Connor and a bunch of other grade tens look on. Is she okay….maybe….though on the surface she’s just tired. Chantey wakes her….she was doing something for work study and dosed off. She asks why the room is full of grade tens and is told it’s their class period and she and Chantey are going to be late for there’s.


Chantey and Holly J are now in their MI class and Holly J is still very much spaced out not able to answer Miss Oh’s question. As their class ends, we learn that for work study reasons only social media sights may be unblocked and students can pick up the codes to unblock them from her in the morning. Sav tells Holly J about the servaliance videos to help them find Alli and how the police are coming by after school. Miss Oh pulls Chantey and Holly J aside to ask about their work study…Chantey has been getting rave reviews but Holly J is distracted, unfocused, and generally OOC.

It’s been 24 hours since Alli’s gone rogue and all the cops told the family was to keep checking shelters. She was smiling in the footage so that’s a good thing and Mrs. Bhandari comments how ¾ of runaways are home within the week and try’s to go about things like normal while Mr. Bhandari and Sav still worry Alli could be in that other ¼ of them.

Back at Degrassi, Mr. P is pulling out letters that the grade tens wrote in grade seven. Wesley reads about how his past self said by sixteen he’d have a car, hot girl, and a world record and with his birthday a week away and none of the items on the list, Wesley feels unaccomplished.

Sav goes to TU to Johnny’s dorm….yes THAT Johnny who looks like his clean cut and rather hot self from the last few episodes he’d been in back last season. Sav asks if he’s heard from Alli and he says no however once the older Bhandari leaves the camera pans into the dorm where he comments how he thought Alli’s parents kicked her out. They don’t want me around….same difference. They know EVERYTHING and are pissed off and she just needs space to figure her life out.

Holly J and Chantey are at work study and if Holly J licks another envelope she swears she’s going to be sick…..if she isn’t already Chantey comments as she’s not the usual type a powerhouse she hoped to be a dynamic duo with. Holly J simply shrugs her off asking why the other girl isn’t stressed before asking her boss when they can pitch their concept of getting out candidate information to new voters via twitter. The boss says once they are done with a charity 10K because summer programs don’t pay for themselves.

Alli’s at Johnny’s looking up facerange. She reads comments from a Missing Person post someone made before longingly scrolling back at family photos. As she scrolls she sees an ad about visiting Vancouver and thinks that’s where she’ll go. She’ll move there and be an au pair so she can have free room and board. Johnny comments she’ll need a disguise to sneak by the cops if she wants to flea town and it buys her another night.

Holly J is at Little Miss Steaks and near faints causing a co-worker to tell her to go home early.

Wesley is talking to his uncle Mike AKA the science teacher about a record to break because it’s some rite of passage. Mike suggests one for pogo stick jumping and he can even pass off the time Wesley will need off have class off as a physics project.

Sav asks Holly J if she’s okay and she says it’s just strep (self-diagnosis though it turns out that was what was up….at first). She says she’ll get over it and Sav shows her the missing posters. She offers to help him hang them after school but he says she needs a rest. She says fine she’ll just power nap in the council room and then go run a 10K. A 10K….really….she’s sick….Holly J says she needs to suck it up for work study and Sav’s worried.

Johnny talks to his girlfriend about showing Alli how great university is so she willingly goes home and back to school instead of throwing her life away. She asks why he cares so much and he admits he’s partly responsible for her being in the parental dog house cause you know IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT DREW FUCKING TORRES ALLI!!!!!! Alli comes back from the washrooms which are kind of gross and meets the girlfriend not knowing she’s his girlfriend. She’s into the theater and is also a neuroscience major and thinks the two girls will get along.

Dave and Conner are talking to Wesley about the pogo stick thing and Dave goes as far as to say that if he wants a girl pogo sticking is a lame record to beat and he’s still going to be a looser even if he wins.

The girls show up for the run and the boss comments how she’s running for mayor and if they keep things up they could have summer jobs working on her campaign.

Wesley is practicing and tells Conner maybe he bit off more than he could chew and thinks about calling things off however Dave’s somehow changed his tune and makes a PA announcement about Wesley deciding to make the record break an event.

Alli has a wig and fake ID and is ready to go but Johnny doesn’t want her to leave….well leave Toronto that is. He brings up how he stood next to a guy who stabbed a kid whom everyone liked (remember JT?) then went to said kids school (remember the major plot arch of season seven?) and how while we as viewers never saw his home life it was apparently hell with his parents and him being all established and happy at TU proves it gets better. Alli ends up relenting and staying another night.

Mid race and Holly J looks green according to Chantey.  Chantey asks if she’s pregnant and she comments no she hasn’t had any unsafe sex….at least not with Sav….could she be with baby Coyne especially since she pukes in a trash can and keeps on running the race. Hmmm.

Alli ponders just skipping High School and somehow enrolling in TU now when the girlfriend walks in asking if their little problem is gone before realizing Alli’s still there. So Johnny was lying to her too….great just great. Grabbing her things she heads to a bus station.

Holly J has her period so no baby Coyne after all but she’s worried something’s wrong and she’s scared….TBC

Alli’s out in a wig and sunny’s when Johnny calls her up. He’s genuinely worried and doesn’t want her wasting away as a squeegee kid (remember those LOL) anyway she says she’s fine and will call him when she gets to Vancouver. Seeing a missing poster she rips it from a poll.


Holly J’s looking at a symptoms checker…sore throat, fatigue….could be strep like she suspected, or mono like the online message boards speculated, or the flu….she then types in short term memory loss freaking out when brain tumor is the first ailment listed. Sav shows up and she clicks out if the window. He’s worried about Alli who is still missing and Holly J saying she needs a doctor….she promises to go after work study.

Dave is encouraging a skeptical Wesley saying if he wins a record no matter how lame it is he’ll have his pick of ladies.

Holly J’s locker has become a drug store as she downs vitamins, cough syrup, red bulls, ….Chantey sees this and again says SEE A DOCTOR….you can play a drinking game for as many times as she’s told this in the episodes I swear…

A grafter asks Alli for money and she asks him how he gets by on the streets alone. He asks for her bag and she nods….simple as that….no he wants her bag as in he’s robbing her and now she’s got no money and no bus ticket.

Wesley starts his record break.

Holly J and Chantey present about their work study to the MI class and Holly J passes out.

Wesley takes a break and Dave comments how he has a fan. We meet Hannah who was seen briefly when the girls were meeting at the Dot to get clubs back earlier in the season and she gives Wesley some technical tips that while risky could also really improve his jumps.

Alli shows back at Johnny’s needing more time and is ambushed by Sav being present. Sav is glad she’s okay and while he’s not going to force her home he really wants her to come. She can’t not with all the fighting between her and the parentals especially her dad. He understands telling her to contact him when she settles down.

Holly J gets stitches and the doctor is worried about her and wants to run a blood panel however when he leaves the room Holly J goes to work study because she doesn’t want Chantey to fly solo and get all the credit.

Sav comes home alone saying Alli’s safe and that’s what counts and how she doesn’t want to come home because she’s afraid.

Wesley is back jumping however the technical fix ended up failing and so has his record winning chances.

The girls are giving their presentation about getting out candidate information via twitter for her boss at work study however it’s cut short when Holly J wets herself.

We get a musical montage of Alli showing up at home and Chantey walking Holly J outside. Holly J calls her mom saying she needs to go to the hospital….now.

Alli’s sorry, she realized she really wants to go to university someday however she still has two years of High School left and wants to live them on her terms….well in reason. Mr. Bhandari agrees to a clean slate….Alli even suggests family therapy and it’s agreed upon.

Dave asks Wesley if he’s going to try again however both arms are sprained and well he’s sixteen in two days. Wallowing in failure Hannah comes in saying she knew it was risky but had hoped the reward would have outshined that cause she would have loved to of went out to celebrate. Wesley asks her out anyway and she says yes. Looks like he can cross girlfriend off the list.

Holly J is told she did have strep and with her ignoring it for so long it spread toward her kidney hence the peeing incident and she’s going to undergo a round of dialysis.

Sav and Alli are all dressed up and the parents say they are taking a new family photo for their fresh family start.

Holly J is in the hospital and her boss hopes she feels better and a summer job is hers if she wants it. Sav comes in after the photo telling her how he didn’t realize things were this bad and after giving her flowers says he’s worried but knows she’s a fighter.

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