Friday, July 5, 2013

2x12/13 White Wedding Recap

Simpson is giving an oral exam however he’s distracted because he’s getting married the following day. Class stops and he’s given a gift. While they are doing this Manny and Sean talk and he admits to her he still has feelings for Emma who has taken the day off from school and is back home freaking out looking for her mom. Christine arrives with a drug store bag saying she had a headache and went to get aspirin and wants to go upstairs to take it however Emma in Hyper planner mode ushers her mom back out saying she can take it in the car. I don’t know…something tells me there is more than aspirin in the bag….


Emma shows up at Degrassi to give Kwan a paper and an absentee slip. Manny approaches her to tell her Sean likes her and that she should invite him to the wedding Emma shakes her head however Manny precedes to invite him…on Emma’s behalf.

JT is giddy….why you ask? Because marriage = stag party = stripers. JT asks Craig if he can come to the party to see the striper to which Craig says that Simpson told Joey no stripers. Yea that’s not going to work. So after school the three boys go to the club to hire a stripper getting pushed out for being under aged. Craig arrives home with food for the party that evening and asks Joey if he’d rather have a boring chip or a spic y nacho the nacho being the striper. Joey is totally in.

Christine puts perm solution in Emma’s hair saying she’ll be back and heads upstairs and pulls out the bad from earlier to which there isn’t aspirin but a pregnancy test inside. The wedding cake is delivered however it’s not the right one. Christine is looking at the positive test as Emma is freaking out about the cake. Her mom says they have bigger issues then the botched cake cause she’s with child.

Emma now outside talking with Manny who came over from school. She’s telling Manny about her mom and Manny tells her she invited Sean causing her to be upset. They smell something and realize its Emma’s hair leaving her with the perm from hell.

Caitlin and Lucy show up for their friends wedding and want to take Christine out for a bachelorette party.

Manny goes to Sean’s place and uninvited him saying it wasn’t her place to say he could come causing him to be crushed about it.
Joey and Simpson are moving Simpson’s stuff over to the Neilson house because his lease is up at the end of the month and obviously he’d be moving in with his wife and step daughter post wedding. Christine’s girlfriends ask when they plan on having kids and Simpson says that he doesn’t want them now what with everyone transitioning into this new life. Christine takes the comment the wrong way.

JT and Toby arrive for the show and Joey says they can’t come because they are underage. They object saying Craig can stay but Joey points out Craig will be sent to his room.

Christine and her friends are out for dinner and aren’t drinking. She admits to being pregnant and is contemplating about calling off the wedding and or getting an abortion.

Emma asks Manny how Sean took the rejection (not well) and admits she’d be happy about having a little brother or sister cause then they’d be a real family.

Christine is attempting to tame Emma’s hair which is worse than before if possible and Emma says Simpson will understand if she tells him she’s pregnant and her mom says she’s considering aborting and thus ends part one however part two of the episode picks up in this same scene Emma is saying if her mom aborted the last time she had an unwanted pregnancy she wouldn’t exist and her mom replies by saying how she didn’t think she’d make the same mistake again.


JT and Toby are staking out Joey’s place waiting to spy on the stripper setting up a spy cam and waiting all night to see the show however they freak when they see the principal at the stag.

Manny and Emma talk about the conversation Emma had with her mom and she’s sure that Christine made a mistake when she said that Emma was a mistake and they talk about abortion which is foreshadowing for Manny’s plot the following season…you know a little episode pretty much banned stateside aside from the DVDs and maybe one on air showing three seasons after the fact.

The stripper shows up at the stag and Simpson is upset that Joey broke the rule and awkwardly goes with it however the boys are asleep and their camera falls so they miss the show.

Christine tells Caitlin she needs to tell Simpson about the baby but Caitlin says to wait till before the wedding happens. Emma however can’t sleep and sneaks out to Joey’s place. She startles the boys awake which leads Joey and Simpson to come out. Joey tells the boys that he’s calling their parents while Simpson and Emma talk. Emma says her mom is pregnant and is going to terminate it and Simpson wonders why he wasn’t told by Christine face to face.

He shows up on their wedding day and yells at Christine asking why she didn’t talk to him about the baby before walking out as Christine follows him.

Joey and Manny are playing with balloons while Caitlin wants to fix Emma’s hair. The wedding may or may not be on. They talk about how wrong it was that Emma butted in to her parents business just like how Manny butted into Emma and Sean’s earlier.

Christine tells Simpson that Emma went to talk to him on her own and she planned to tell him in the morning. Simpson says maybe they should have stayed friends and not gotten this serious.

Emma arrives at Sean and vents about how she butted in with her mom and Simpson and how there may or may not be a wedding but the party starts at three and really wants him there.

At the church Emma and the Bride and Groom are MIA.

Craig informs the boys that the stripper is a guest at the wedding and the boys usher her in before her pimp or boyfriend or both step in to take her to her seat. She’s on the Bride’s side as Christine does her hair.
Emma shows up at the Church.

Simpson asks HOW cause she was on the pill. Christine says that it’s only 98% affective.  He admits he does want kids but like he said before he wanted to wait but he can adapt if she wants to have a family with him.

They are told that the church is booked for another wedding and if they don’t come in an hour it’s off. They soon arrive and end up getting married in street clothes however at the reception they are all glammed up. Christine introduces the stripper to Simpson and he laughs saying how she was at the Stag. Christine tosses the bouquet and Joey gets it…Caitlin takes it from him and they dance.  JT and Toby briefly dance with the striper and Craig and Manny are together. Emma spots Sean and they dance and end up kissing.

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