Thursday, November 14, 2013

12x13/14 Rusty Cage RECAP

And cue the water works because two of the three subplots of this episode are totally on the emotional side of things.

The episode opens in the locker room as the older jocks are hazing Campbell some more. Its game day and they start teasing him about his skates and his lucky boxers and the puck bunnies that are just wanting him to give them the time of day. A delivery of balloons come and they comment how Campbell was holding out on them however the delivery is from his mom or at least that’s what he says. We then are met with some action shots in the rink of the Ice Hounds playing and Campbell gets pushed down.


Maya comes up behind Campbell who is wincing from his fall the night before.  He’s looking at some Hockey blog on his cell and they are saying how it’s his fault that they are losing. They start teasing him asking if the team has given him a nickname and after trying to guess and joking around they decide they are done with the Hockey talk and plan to go to Little Miss Steaks after school for karaoke. Campbell can’t he has practice and besides he can’t sing.

Fiona tells Imogen it’s ‘Fiona Coyne’ day and she wants to do something fun and they decide to go to Fiona’s place to see movies though Fiona is upset they can’t go to Imogen’s instead and she wonders why Imogen won’t let her meet her dad, a plot that is continuous into the next two parter as well. Imogen says how it’s just that Fiona’s place is much more quiet even if Drew is her roommate. Fortunately Drew is working so they’ll have the place to themselves for the evening.

KC, Conner, and Bianca are practicing and they talk about a study meeting after school however KC can’t he’s meeting with his dad who just got out of jail and something tells him Kevin hasn’t changed for the better like Lisa did. Bianca reminds him he’ll be off to college in a year and won’t have to worry about things which makes me wonder if Junior KC was already on a fast track plan or simply got early acceptance or they are just assuming he’ll get into a school based on his academic record.

Campbell goes to talk to his mom on face time before practice. He misses her and is upset that he’s not doing good. Every time he’s not at school or on the ice he’s always working out and practicing and still nothing. His mom reminds him he’s the youngest in the league and reminds him how back home he is the golden boy. She also reminds him to not eat ice cream cause he is a bit lactose intolerant.

KC and Kevin are having pizza and Kevin wants KC to be able to trust him again and asks him a favor. He needs help writing a resume. He then brings up the baby and tells him it must have been hard to give him up and how he’s a better man then he ever was.

The hockey team are talking badly about Campbell and how he’s playing as he sits in front of the locker room and chugs a half gallon of milk promptly throwing it up as he makes his way into the locker room. He ends up leaving practice and showing up at the steakhouse telling Maya practice was canceled so he thought he’d come to hang out. Maya’s glad and tells him that since he’s there he’s going to have to sing…..and he does. He sings a really sweet duet with Maya.

Fiona and Imogen are at Fiona’s place and Imogen comments on Fiona’s movie selection. She comments saying that they all have Olivia Wilde and she’s hot. They decide to check out the million or so channels on the satellite and Imogen hopes to find something Monkey related. Fiona tells her she’s monkey related and they get into a tickle fight knocking over a bowl of popcorn in the process. This leads to them making out however their kissy time is cut short as Drew comes home early cause it was dead and he didn’t need to close. Fiona comments saying how life was better without his boy mess however he calls Fiona out on her messiness and tells her he’ll be in his room sleeping.

KC’s helping Kevin with his resume though it’s hard cause his experience is limited to prison cook and slinging pizza’s at a place that got shut down cause he’d been dealing drugs on the side. He also never graduated from High school but did get his GED and he teases how soon he and KC will have the same level of education but that KC will be able to outwit him once he goes to university. KC comments how he’s not been accepted anywhere yet which squelches my earlier musing that perhaps he did get some kind of early acceptance. Kevin comments how it’s hard to believe he has a smart son and Lisa comments about how it’s going to suck that he’s going to be so far away cause KC plans to go into the Biology program at UBC.

Maya bumps into Campbell again giving him a flyer to try out for the chorus of the musical. He says it was fun but he only sang cause it was no pressure and that music’s her thing and sports are his. Maya comments how opposites attract and Luke and Dallas comment about how he was so sick the night before they are glad he’s better. Campbell comments how it must have been a 12 hour bug and they call him out saying 12 minutes maybe as they show him a viral video of the karaoke posted to the Ice Hound blog and now he has to skate to make up with it.

Bianca asks KC how things with his dad went and KC comments as well as they can though it’s clear he doesn’t trust him. Townsend then starts to talk to the team about Nationals which are fast approaching. KC gets a text from Lisa and he hopes things are okay.

Fiona is contemplating getting a new roommate cause things with Drew are horrific. She asks if Imogen would mind her living with another girl cause living with a guy is making the place look like a pig sty…she knows cause she once had a pet pig way back in season ten for like two episodes. She looks at the living room and sees that half the living area is spotless and the other half is a mess. Drew comments how he took her words to heart and cleaned up his half of the apartment before handing her his rent check and heading to work.

Campbell is having his makeup practice and working himself to the bone as the older boys are drilling him.

KC comes home wanting to know what the emergency was and wants to know if it has to do with Kevin. It does but it’s not what he thinks. Kevin got a job….it’s a dishwasher job but it’s a start. Kevin then pours wine for them to celebrate and KC starts freaking out cause Lisa promised she’d stay on the wagon. Lisa promises it was no big deal and she can handle herself but KC is a bit put off.

Dallas tells Campbell that it’s his punishment for skipping out and that next time it’ll be worse. He tells him that the team is all he has in Toronto and he tosses him a water bottle. Campbell then he ends up flipping out and slicing his hand with his skate…..TBC

Since season 12 hasn’t been released/shipped to me at the time I’m recapping I just want to note the start of this episode was cut off slightly. Campbell and Maya are what appears to be reviewing Ice Hound game videos while Campbell’s hand is bandaged up. Campbell is talking about how he wishes he were right wing instead of left cause he plays more natural in that position. Maya then notices the cut hand and he tells her that it’s nothing he just banged it up when the guys were drilling him. He’s tired of being down on himself and just wants to play. Maya says he should talk to the coach and Campbell says the coach won’t listen to a rookie but he’ll listen to the captain. Dallas meanwhile is yelling at Luke and some of the other boys for goofing off on the catwalk. Campbell then talks to him about the position change.


Conner and KC are talking about the night before and how KC’s worried that his dad is going to cause his mom to relapse after all she was drinking again and she used to be an alcoholic. Jenna overhears and this is the first his former baby mama knows about Kevin’s return. KC comments perhaps Conner is right and Lisa is a big girl.

Fiona wants to get back at Drew for only cleaning half the condo and how guys are notoriously messy and she is so not his maid….um sweetie….yea….Drew is the one cleaning his messes you are the sloppy one sorry to say and you probably had a cleaning staff come in back when you had money to do the dirty work for you hence why you don’t think to lift your own fingers.
Campbell goes out on the ice and sees Maya in the stands cheering him on.

Lisa apologizes for letting KC down by drinking the other night. Kevin just wanted to celebrate and it was a onetime thing. She met with her sponsor and she promises she won’t slip up. She’s asked Kevin to stay away and tells KC it was unfair to drag him into the family drama when he’s in a good place. Kevin starts knocking on the door calling out to them. He’s drunk….he ran into a buddy. KC tells Lisa to hide in the bedroom and he calls 9-1-1.

May a and Tristan are in the stands talking about Campbell who is losing his  breath on the ice but knows he can do this and win the game for the team and he does.

The mess is still there and Drew rolls his eyes as he sees Fiona in the kitchen crying. She is freaking out cause she’s never been on her own she always has had her mom or nannies or maids to do the work and begs Drew to do it for her. Drew won’t but he’ll teach her to clean.

The boys are glad that Campbell finally got his head in the game and if he keeps it up not only will they win the cup but Campbell could get recruited into the NHL before he even graduates! Dallas says someone’s waiting for him and he thinks it’s Maya but it’s the media and he freezes leading Dallas to field the questions while he has a panic attack and begins to stab his other hand with his skate blade as tears stream down his face.

Maya’s freaking out to Tristan about how Campbell isn’t texting her back and she’s worried something bad happened to him. She approaches Dallas asking if he’s seen Campbell and he says not since the night before and he’s probably ran off with some puck bunny. This has Maya worried and determined to find out where his Billet family lives.

KC’s venting to Bianca about Kevin in practice and Bianca reminds him he’ll be at UBC next year…..again he’s only a junior and he’s yet to be accepted so I assume next year means next calendar year. Townsend asks KC an answer however he just guesses something and then excuses himself.

Campbell’s lying in bed reading all of Maya’s unanswered texts before pulling up a photo of his mom and what looks like a younger brother and sister. There was allot of mass speculation as to where his older brother Justin was and I’ve narrowed it down to three possibilities….. One he’s dead which is the popular theory in fandom, two he was away at university when the picture was taken and three he was the one who took the photo. Theories aside, Campbell takes his bag and begins to pack.

Fiona who I assume is skipping school unless the editing just sucks tells Drew she cleaned her half the penthouse as well as the bathroom and she’s glad that she doesn’t have to clean for another week. Drew asks about the bathroom drain and hands her a snake to clean her hair that’s clogging the tub. And Drew is taking quite the pleasure listening to her cleaning from the kitchen. She gives him a hug and then shoves the hairball down his shirt as a little housewarming gift. She says she’ll remove the hairball but he has to stay out late so she and Imogen can have date night.

Maya shows up at Campbell’s with his homework and he tells her he’s going home cause he’s done with Hockey. It just doesn’t make him happy….he’s sad and he just wants it to go away. Maya tells him everyone gets sad once in a while but that doesn’t mean he needs to do something drastic like quit. Campbell just doesn’t know what to do…it’s like his head isn’t screwed on right. Maya tells him perhaps he should balance Hockey with something else like hanging with his friends. Campbell just wants to be happy and Maya tells him he should be happy and she kisses him hoping she’ll see him at school. He thanks her for the homework and she leaves.

Jenna approaches KC in the hall saying that she got his text and she sees Lisa in the office and she wants to know what’s wrong. KC asks if she can promise him she’ll visit Doug for him. Jenna is scared by his vagueness and KC tells her that he and Lisa are moving to BC because that’s where he plans to go to school anyway and because there Kevin can’t find them cause it would break his parole to cross city limits. Jenna tells him it’s not fair that Kevin’s the jerk yet they have to leave. Jenna asks when they are going and KC says in a few hours and they’ll be staying with his aunt. The bell rings and Jenna goes to class while KC cleans his locker.

Fiona tells Imogen how they cleaned and they can finally have some alone time. Imogen wishes that she could but she needs to get the set mock ups ready to present to Eli in the morning again this is a huge set up for her plotline in ‘Never Ever’. Fiona asks if she can go to the Moreno home then but Imogen works better alone. Fiona is mad Imogen won’t let her at her house and Imogen tells her the timing is off.

Campbell is sitting on the railing of the catwalk looking down on the first floor sucking in deep breaths and holding back tears as he leans over and falls letting his arm break his fall so that it breaks. While allot of people may say this was a first attempt at suicide I’d like to think that he knew exactly what he was doing and fell with the intention to break his arm so he wouldn’t have to play hockey but he’d still be on the team so he could be with Maya.

KC takes one more look at Degrassi while Lisa waits in the car. Clare, Alli, Conner, Bianca, and Jenna all come out of the school to tell him goodbye and they share a group hug. KC tells them that it’s not like he’s going into witness protection and they’ll keep in touch online. He then comments why they aren’t in class and they all have washroom passes. KC then climbs into the car and Lisa double checks if he’s sure and they ride off into the sunset. And weather this was a case of the writers wanting to end his character arch on a high or Sam wanting an out this exit was done beautiful and much better than other character exits where someone moves to Africa or just fades into obscurity.

Maya shows up at the hospital and Dallas comments how he fell messing around on the catwalk like the other teammates do and he’s out for 6-8 weeks. Campbell comments how at least he has a new nickname ‘birdman’ but Maya doesn’t think this is a joke and makes him swear it was an accident. He says it’s a happy one cause now he gets to hang out with her and they kiss. 

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