Wednesday, November 13, 2013

12x11/12 Waterfalls RECAP

Clare’s delivering coffee to Asher at a pitch meeting and asks if she can sit in. Asher lets her however when she decides to speak up to pitch she’s cut off and Asher tells her to walk before she can run and asks if she’s done with the fact checking. She goes to finish it….as well as to send Asher her ideas.


KC, Bianca, Conner and the rest of the academic team are practicing for a meet at the Guthrie home when Lisa comes in. She got off work early and asks the teens if they are ready for the meet and then decides to be the ‘cool mom’ tossing them a couple bags of chips and chatting up Bianca like they are old friends much to KC’s dismay

Clare is venting to Alli and Eli about how she’s yet to get feedback from Asher and hopes that she hasn’t messed things up with him and the internship. Alli comments about how she’s a bit Asher crazy and then Eli teases saying best case sinario you get an article and worst case you don’t. Clare is all no worst case he thinks I’m horrible he fires me and I’ll never be taken seriously as a writer like ever. She plans to call but holds back as after the whole stuff Clare says thing she needs to prove she’s serious….she doesn’t call however her phone rings and it’s him. Asher wants to meet at a restaurant during lunch hour and Clare knows without a doubt she’s fired.

Campbell walks into French class as Maya is looking all dreamily at him. Tori and Tristan see she’s writing a song about him and she blushes. She admits he asked her out but they’ve yet to talk since to set a date. Tori tells Maya she needs to go for it and she turns to Tristan to get his blessing.

Clare meets Asher begging to not be fired. Asher tells her to just take a seat. He asks if she’s always so neurotic and he tells her to practice the pitches on him in person. Asher wants something original….not like organic farming or mass transit…something that only she could come up with. She brings up the play and the twist that Juliet is a guy.

KC apologizes to Bianca for his mom being her new BFF and Bianca tells her not to worry. Bianca tells KC that at least Lisa is interested because her aunt Juliana is always just going out with one guy or another. KC comments about how they should get Lisa a guy and Bianca starts goading Townsend into letting them know he’s single.

Clare finishes her pitch to Asher who is impressed and tells her they are going to write the article before offering her a glass of wine to celebrate….it’ll be their secret.

Katie’s working in the garden as Maya approaches asking for a ride to the mall. Katie’s all intrigued because it’s clear her baby sister has a date. She is eager to know who with and asks if it’s with Zig. She wants to know who with then and promises not to tell their parents. Maya says no it’s with Campbell and Katie goes from giddy to HELL NO in 3.5 seconds. Katie tells her the hockey guys are notorious players and Maya tells her Campbell is different and just because Drew was a jerk doesn’t mean all jocks are. Katie caves and agrees to drive Maya….on the condition that she plays the role of chaperone.

Clare tells Eli they need to keep thing professional and to not act like girlfriend/boyfriend. Eli teases if he should be jealous because no one comes between him and his Clare and they kiss however they are broken up as Asher shows up. He sends Clare to go get him coffee while he talks to Eli. Clare arrives as Asher is watching the play. He thanks her for the coffee before leaving telling them that the article will be in the next day’s paper. Eli tells her she didn’t miss much though he had some insightful questions and he can see why she gets stars in her eyes when he’s around. Clare asks if Eli told Asher various things about the show like his fight with Becky and how he helped Dave out in playing gay. Eli says no and Clare storms out to inform Asher before the article goes to print because she doesn’t want Eli and the plays story to be half told for the sake of journalism. She catches Asher in the school lot saying she’s more than just the coffee girl and she’d really like to write the article. Asher likes her spunk and hands her his notes saying she has two hours to write it.

Katie, Maya, and Campbell are walking out of the theater as Katie starts playing the older sister card grilling Campbell for all it’s worth aggressively chewing on a twizzler and asking about Campbell’s thoughts on the movie and if he’s a virgin. Maya comments saying Drew and Bianca are making out in the food court distracting Katie so that she and Campbell can make a run for it. They sneak into a photo booth and Maya explains that Katie means well but she’s just gotten over a bad break up. Campbell says she just cares for her and he gets it because if they were back in his hometown his brother would be acting the same way. They start taking pictures as Maya asks if his brother is as annoying as Katie before telling a story about how when they were younger Katie wanted to have a tea party so she mixed all the liquids in the fridge together and made Maya drink it…..she threw up all over the stuffed animals. Maya asks if he had any stories and tells about how he and his brother Justin used to play street hockey and how he was always forced into playing the goalie. Maya then comments saying it’s like the team members are his brothers now. Campbell soon admits how this is the most fun he’s had since transferring to Degrassi and Maya admits she’s not a big Hockey fan…. Campbell shocks her by saying neither is he. Maya turns in to kiss him however he comments how Katie’s probably getting pissed and they head to find her.

KC who plot development has been promoted from bus boy to full blown waiter at Little Miss Steaks is having his uniform tie being tied on by Lisa. When she’s done, KC walks his mom over to where Townsend is playing darts and introduces the two adults.

Clare is working on her article as Eli is sitting on the couch waiting for her. She hits send and she begins to gush about how she can’t believe she’s going to have a bi line in a major newspaper and how amazing Asher is and his recommendation can make or break her career. Clare wants Eli to re-read her article and she starts freaking out because she split the infinitive. Picking up her phone she calls Asher but continues to freak out when it goes to voice. Eli says it’s one error but it’s not just one error to her and she runs to the paper office.

Lisa calls KC out on the set up and KC says how she needs someone else to talk to. Lisa apologizes for smothering KC but it’s not that….KC just wants her to be happy. Lisa wishes that he warned her about the set up because she’d of dressed nicer. She then says he needs to focus more on academics then playing matchmaker. KC makes a deal….he’ll focus on them but when they win Regionals she has to go on a date. Lisa agrees but she gets to choose the guy and KC has to quit meddling.

Asher tells Clare he got her message and he’s already re-worked the entire piece and he begins ripping it apart leading Clare to a bout of tears. She failed him and he was her hero. He tells Clare she’s not bad and she’s full of potential she’s just rough cause she’s a newbie at this and offers to spend the night at the office fixing things to make it perfect.

Maya tells Tori about the photo booth and how he pulled back from the kiss. Maya worries that he doesn’t like her and Tori comments that it’s because she took charge and guys especially jocks like taking the lead.

Clare and Asher are working on the article and Clare is thankful for his expert advice and is sorry for crying about it earlier. She says she’s eager to learn and will do whatever it takes to make things perfect. Then Asher pulls in for a kiss and Clare freaks out running out of the office….TBC

Clare is still processing the events of the night before the following morning as she stands in the kitchen and hears knocking at the door. It’s seven AM but Eli’s decided to come by with as many papers as he could snatch up. He asks if she’s read it and is glad she hasn’t cause he wants their first time to be together….reading he means as it was made clear earlier on in the series that Eli is by no means a virgin. He comments how the story is going to help him get into NYU and then asks if she fixed her error. She tells him Asher did and he fixed some other things too. Eli senses Clare is upset and he wonders if it’s cause Asher painted him in a bad light….no it isn’t that…. Clare shakes it off and goes to look for the article however it’s not there. Clare comments some breaking news must have came up and Eli’s pissed because the article was supposed to help him just as much as Clare.


Maya’s on the steps looking at the photos of her and Campbell as he walks by. She tells them they need a re-do of their date only this time Katie won’t be their shadow and its Campbell’s choice of activity. Campbell says how he’s heard the other players talking about the garden and Maya likes that idea… sweetie you do know that there is a GOOD chance Katie will be in HER garden right? Anyway he goes to join the Ice Hounds as Mo arrives asking if Maya’s been working on a new song. She says she’s been distracted and Mo is surprised she’s involved with a hockey player cause she doesn’t seem like the ‘Puck Bunny’ type. Maya tells Tori that Campbell is different and doesn’t go for girls like that as she’s watching said kind of girl flirt with him on the steps worrying her.

Clare needs to tell Alli something and asks if she can keep it hush hush. She tells her that Asher kissed her last night and things got weird. She ran out and now her article isn’t published and Eli wants to know why that was. Alli’s shocked that Clare didn’t tell her boyfriend about the kiss and Clare admits she’s worried that he’ll flip out. Alli points out its sexual harassment and they should report it but the opportunity is too great of a one for Clare to sever ties with and she plans to suck it up and talk to Asher thinking it’s all just some misunderstanding.

KC tells Bianca they need an emergency cram session because Lisa agreed to go out on a date when they won Regionals though she wants to do it on her own terms and not via set up. Bianca wonders why because Townsend’s accent is so charming. KC says he’s just an all-around nice guy in general. Townsend then calls KC into his office to talk.

Clare shows up at the paper and is back to fact checking for Asher. She wants to talk about the night before. She admires him but what happened between them was wrong and unprofessional. Asher apologizes saying he was just in a bad place….his wife wants a divorcé. Clare gets it talking about her parent’s divorcé and how while it sucked at first it ended up being for the better in the end….dating her step brother and all. She then asks why he didn’t run the article and Asher says it wasn’t anything personal it’s just that since it wasn’t too time sensitive he wanted to run it in the Friday ‘What’s On’ section to give it the most exposure. He then asks Clare if she told anyone and she says no despite telling Alli. Asher then invites her to go to a press conference with him.

Maya and Campbell are having a picnic lunch in the garden. Campbell complements Maya on the set up and she says how she just got it from the café and it’s nothing and besides she read that athletes need to bulk up on carbs before a big game. She then starts asking who they are playing with interest and Campbell calls out how she said she wasn’t into hockey. She comments that it’s just cause they are soccer people at her house but she’s willing to learn…or rather feign interest so she’s not dumped for a puck bunny. She asks him more Hockey questions before a sip of juice gets stuck in her throat and she spits up on his shoulder. Campbell goes to change before heading to the team bus but before he does, Maya leans over to kiss him only to nip his ear instead.

KC apologizes to Townsend for the set up and he says he was flattered. He asks what about the dad and KC says he left a long time ago and is not in the picture.  Townsend smiles at hearing she’s totally single.

Clare is having a rush after the press conference and wishes she could skip over the rest of High School and College and just have Asher’s life now cause he was amazing and apparently scared the Mayor shitless…..she’s fangirling as Asher is looking at her with lustful eyes. He tells her that she reminds him of himself when he was starting out and to never lose her fire. He then has something to show her and he pulls out his tablet….no I’m not talking innuendo he really does pull out a computer and shows Clare the mockup of her article. He then begins to stroke her curls and tells her nobody needs to know as Clare begins to freak out. He locks the door preventing her from leaving before telling her to keep her mouth shut. Finally letting her go free he pulls away stranding Clare at City Hall.

KC asks if Lisa is coming to Regionals and comments that Townsend told him he’s into her and that he told him she was single.

Clare is crying to Alli about Asher. She worked her but off for this co-op and she didn’t do anything wrong. Alli tells her she should tell but Clare doesn’t want to she plans to buck up and finish it out professionally.

Tori and Tristan start texting Maya about her date with Campbell and they get caught by the Madame who takes their phones and makes them translate the texts orally in French.

Clare is pulled by the editor who tells Clare how Asher’s filed a report saying how Clare’s become obsessed with him and all her texts and tweets to him have been pulled into question and while she did tweet she loved Asher it was taken out of context leading her to get kicked out of the program. Clare tells her that he harassed her but it’s too little too late and the woman tells Clare she’ll sign all the paperwork so Clare doesn’t fail to get her credits.

Maya’s sorry Campbell had to hear those texts and admits that she’s never been in a relationship much less been kissed not even spin the bottle and she doesn’t know what to do…..let me just say the girl learns quick and leave it at that. Campbell comments how she thought she liked him as in him the person but by the comment she texted Tori it’s clear she’s just like the others and is just interested in his prospects and future millions. She tells him she was just acting that way because she wanted him to like her.

They win Regionals and Lisa and Townsend seem to be hitting it off however she goes to take a call and when she comes back she pulls KC to the side. It’s about Kevin…KC’s father….he’s getting time off for good behavior and wants to see his son. And in this one scene it pretty much foreshadows KC’s swan song subplot next episode.

Clare goes to collect her things and she flips out telling Asher how he ruined everything and he says he wishes things could have been better. Clare screams how he sexually harassed her and he’ll stop at nothing to cover it up.

Maya’s practicing cello and is met with Campbell’s applause when done. Katie let him in and he apologizes for his actions. He’s never been in a relationship either and he’s just as nervous as she is and they share a kiss.

Alli tells Clare they can go talk to the police about things but Clare says nothing would happen. She’s just some kid and Asher is a well reputed writer. Clare wishes she listened to Alli and told Miss Oh when Asher first kissed her instead of sucking it up for the greater good. Alli asks if she’ll tell Eli but she can’t as he’s in a good place….great place and she doesn’t want to ruin it. Eli shows up and presents Clare with a gift. Clare comments her Birthday isn’t for a few weeks but it’s not a Birthday present. Eli gave her a framed copy of her and Asher’s article and she breaks down though she lies to Eli saying its cause she’s happy.

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