From the title I bet you’re wondering if this is another
rape based plot….and no it’s not rape based.
Clare’s on her phone talking to Alli about Jake and how he’s
tall and drives a truck and is supermegafoxyawsomehot…..okay maybe Clare didn’t
use that last word verbatim but come on Jake Martin is supermegafoxyawsomehot as
she’s gushing about him she walks into her living room to see Glenn there.
Clare is beat red only to be redder when Glenn tells her that he’s in the
kitchen and she walks in on him shirtless. She’s in a rambling speechless mode
and you can just feel the chemistry between the characters….even though this is
just a midgame….
Clare’s telling Alli about her run in with shirtless Jake
and Alli wants all the ab-ulous details however Clare has a deadline. She needs
to finish up her article on the outline of the school play which is hard
because it’s female antagonist ‘Clara’ is a veiled expy meant to vilify Clare. Jake
and Katie then show up in the news office as Jake has agreed to be interviewed
for a piece on new students. This is CLEARLY a veiled attempt of flirting as it’s
highly doubtful that three froths of the way into the school year there’d be
many new students transferring. She’s asking him how he likes Degrassi.
Alli and Dave are talking about how it’s the first movie
night of the semester and they are trying to think about what kind of movie.
Alli suggests a sing-along of Grease however Dave shoots it down saying it has
to be something timeless something everyone would be into and not just the
girls…..Zombies. Alli agrees and asks why they stopped hanging out and he says
cause she started dating Drew. Alli rolls her eyes wanting to forget that
period as she asks if he wants to hang out tomorrow. He says he’ll have to
check with Sadie and nods as Alli says it’s probably a no cause Girlfriends don’t
like their boyfriends hanging out with girlfriends just look at what’s going on
between KC and Marisol. Dave says nothing is going on between KC and Marisol
and Sadie trusts him.
Drew is finally coming back to school after the beat down.
Audra makes sure he’s okay and Audra tells him how he can just stay home
another day but he wants normalcy. It’s been a month since break and he needs
to get back into a routine.
Clare hates him hates him hates him…..Jake is just haunting
her thoughts. Alli suggests she go for it but with all the drama with Eli she
doesn’t know if she’s ready to rebound just yet.
Jake shows up to the intermural dodge ball game. Marisol starts
asking him how he is after the beat down and KC tells her to sush she walks
away and KC says he gets it when his parents were on drugs he lived with a constant
fear too. They engage in brief fisticuffs.
Clare shows up and Jake is fixing the sink….she says she has
plans with her mom but Helen says they don’t….she’s meeting with a friend who
wants to talk about their troubled son and tells Jake to stay over with Clare
she’ll even leave pizza money.
Dave shows up to see Sadie and when she asks him out to
couples fondue night. He says he can’t cause he’s working on the radio show
with Adam but really he’s got plans with Alli.
Speaking of the latter she’s on the phone with Clare who is
in total freak out mode. Her mom’s out for dinner and all she can do is lust
over Jake who is half naked in her kitchen and if Alli doesn’t come over she’s
sure she’ll chuck her purity ring and jump his bones. Okay again that’s an embellishment
but that’s what I’d be thinking if I were Clare. Alli can’t come cause it’s her
dad’s birthday. Jake peeps his head into Clare’s room and says he gets it. It
sucked when his parents split and it seemed like they were living secret lives
without him and they start making out….screw pizza. Sidebar I find it
interesting to note that Glenn is a divorce and not a widower as said straight
forward by Jake when having him being the latter is a huge trend in fan works…..
Clare tells Alli the next day that she’s so going to hell
for spending the night making out with Jake. She doesn’t have the best track
record with guys and she’s scared about opening her heart again after all KC
cheated on her and Eli crashed his car and then went batshit crazy. Alli tells
Clare that will be $10 and Clare wonders when her friend has decided to charge
for her advice…not advice…she thinks Clare and Jake need to be in an upright position.
Adam wants to know if the rumors are true and Drew fought
KC. Drew says it’s ‘guy’ stuff and Adam says no it’s not and calls Drew out on
his PTSD. He freaks on Adam saying he needs to mind his own business and he
plans to apologize to KC. He just wants to be left alone.
Clare is writing a note for Jake as she watches Imogen and
Eli flirting. She writes mom’s out let’s have fun and places it on his windshield
and walks away.
Dave and Adam are getting ready for the radio and Dave tells
Adam that if Sadie asks they’ve got plans. Adam asks what’s the real story and
he admits he’s hanging out with Alli. Yea there were feelings but those
feelings have moved on.
Katie asks if Clare has done her update on the play and then
asks if she can give her the 4-1-1 on Jake. She wants to know if he’s a decent
guy and is starting to pump Clare for questions. Clare tells her she thinks he’s
got a girlfriend and Katie comments then why are they going out. Katie’s got
more questions….at least ten but Clare has an ‘appointment.’
Drew shows up at Dogdeball again and KC is skeptic to let
him stay however he ends up letting him stay and play.
Jake’s reading the note but Clare wants it back….plans
changed and something’s come up. He asks why she’s suddenly pissed at him and
he asks if it’s true he’s going on a date with Katie. He is…she asked and he
said yes but that doesn’t mean they can still have fun. Ever since the divorce
he’s guarded his heart and doesn’t take relationships seriously. Clare doesn’t
want to be his make out buddy however if she were to be with him she’d want substance.
Jake tells her if she changes her mind she knows where to find him.
Drew is playing when he notices officer turner entering the
gym and he stops playing and walks over to the cop freaking out asking him what
he knows about the whole Vince ordeal.
Dave and Alli are on their wing date and Marisol shows up
telling them they make a cute couple. They say they are just friends and she
laughs friends…on couples fondue night. Speaking of Alli wants to order but
Dave calls it a night.
Clare changed her mind and decided to make out with Jake…..or
not….it was just a dream and she wakes up rolled over onto the floor and in
panic mode. She hears a noise and it’s Helen walking in. It’s 4AM and the elder
Edwards admits she was out drinking with another man….it’s a confusing time and
she’s been with Randall for so long. She apologizes for waking Clare and Clare
goes to bed more confused than ever.
Drew’s up early on a Saturday and Audra puts him to work on
laundry duty. He tells her he thinks something is wrong with him and she tells him
she has a list of therapists and he says talking won’t stop Vince and his gang
from coming after him. Drew just wants to move but Audra says they can’t just
pick up and leave.
Jake shows up and Clare vents about her mom and how she was
sneaking around with some guy. Jake says when his dad started dating he felt
betrayed at first too however then he just realized he needed his dad to be
happy. Speaking of happy, Jake makes her happy and she is game for the casual
making out. TBC
The next day Audra got a call. Omar has an opportunity to
transfer to the Boston branch of his firm if Drew still wants to move…..Move….WHAT
why is Adam just hearing about this now. He’s got a life at Degrassi and friends.
Audra tells him he can make new friends and Adam is quick to point out how ‘everybody
would warm up to the trans kid’ rather sarcastically. Drew comments how they
had to transfer to Degrassi cause of Adam and how he gave up his old friends
for that. Adam then says Drew’s issues are in his head and weather in Canada or
Massachusetts he’s going to have his demons. Adam says he needs help and should
run from his problems and Audra tells Adam to apologize….he apologizes….for
Drew being paranoid before heading out of the car.
Helen tells Clare that she just wants her to know she’s not
out with different men every night. Clare asks if her boyfriend is nice to her
and she nods. Clare comments how she wonders if Randall is dating too and Helen
just goes white as a ghost as how does she tell Clare that her dad having an
affair was the basis for the divorce.
Dave comes into the radio station cause he has a problem….what
problem you ask….well not his brother being paranoid with PTSD leading his
family to consider moving to Boston….no that would be Adam’s issue. Dave’s is
the whole Alli and Sadie mess.
Alli’s telling Clare about her dinner with Dave while Clare’s
too busy mooning over Jake. Alli asks if they are an item and she tells her
friend they are keeping things casual….translation…make out buddies.
KC tells Drew that if he becomes a Bruins fan he’s dead to
him and they are talking about the move. Adam doesn’t want to go and Drew is on
the fence cause he does have a life and friends but ultimately he needs to
distance himself from the whole Vince thing for his own sanity. KC says maybe
all Drew needs is a distraction….of the female persuasion that is. KC has Drew
ask Jess to movie night and she accepts.
Jake takes Clare into an abandoned science room to flirt. He
asks her how she’s doing with her mom and Clare says how she told her she gets
her emotional needs. They talk about how awkward that conversation went and how
Jake can fusil Clare’s emotional needs that night when Clare brings up a slight
chink in the plan….a chink in the form of an Auburn Haired Journalist by the
name of Katie. He says he’ll just tell her something came up like a sick aunt
or something. The bell rings and Jake tells Clare whatever ‘this’ is he likes
Sadie is talking basketball to Dave however he walks off to
help Alli with movie night stuff all while a jealous Sadie looks on knowing
that her boyfriend is cheating on her.
Clare apologizes that she’s skipping out on Movie Night
cause Jake is standing up Katie and they are going to have plans. As Clare is
setting up for her date she finds the divorce papers and reads all the gory details
about how her dad was having an affair this whole time blowing her world to smithereens.
Jake shows up and Clare says this is supposed to be casual right. Jake says yes
and Clare tells him to go out with Katie cause what they have is starting to
cross lines and not be casual anymore.
It’s movie night and a little bit of trivia. Clare shows up
and is talking to Alli. She wants Alli to set her up and it must have been said
that Clare found the papers cause Alli brings them up. Alli tells her she and Jake
aren’t her parents and Clare says that so weren’t her and Eli. Alli then
introduces Clare to Liam….he’s into music and says that Alli told him Clare was
into British New Wave.
KC asks Dave what’s going on between him and Alli. Dave
comments how she’s just his friend and he’s not the only one with two girls
cause he knows that KC’s been sneaking around with Marisol. KC doesn’t deny it
but admits he loves Jenna and is torn. Dave says he needs to end it with one of
them before the other is burnt and he should really take his advice to heart.
Drew’s with Jess bringing her popcorn as the movie begins. The
‘Zombie Movie’ that’s shown is a Webisode/Halloween Special from circa Season
six called ‘Degrassi Of The Dead’ Anyway Drew spots someone in the room with a
hoodie and flips thinking that it’s one of the guys that attacked him.
As Clare sits with Liam, she can’t help but gaze at Jake and
Katie looking all happy on their date. And while….Spoilers….they do kismatically
wind up back together in early season 12 and word of god (Aka Staff Writer
Ramona Barckert) has said that while they aren’t technically together come
their exits from cannon are in fact endgame, a part of me wonders how the
dynamic would of changed if Jake and Katie became official at this point in
time. Oh yea… Clare gets up and walks out telling Liam she wants air I was just
blinded by Jatie (Jake +Katie) that I spaced for a bit.
Drew follows hoodie guy and it turns out that Drew did know
him though instead of a gangster it turns out to be minor character Julian who
is meeting up with Owen for a secret fight club meeting….cause yea while the
members have changed it’s apparently still going on. Drew wants in on their
Dave scoots next to Sadie however he can’t help but look at
Alli. He breaks up with her and she calls him pig dumping popcorn on him.
Clare and Liam are now out in the hall away from the movie
and Clare kisses Liam. Liam’s flattered but he knows she likes Jake and doesn’t
want to be her second choice. Jake comes out into the hall and Liam goes back
into the theater. Clare asks Jake for a walk and he obliges.
The three boys are doing their fight club thing and Julian
and Drew decide to sneak back into the movie to rejoin their date planning to reconvene
after school the following day.
Alli and Dave are cleaning and Dave tells her that he and
Sadie broke up cause Sadie found out he liked another girl. Alli asks Dave
about this girl and they end up setting up a date….so much for no boys huh
there Alli.
Audra asks about movie night and says it might be his last
Degrassi event. Drew asks if Boston is still on and she asks if this is because
of Adam. Drew says no…he just found a new group of friends to help him cope.
Audra asks if it was drugs but Drew assures her it’s a sports thing. Audra says
fine but if Drew needs more professional help she’s willing to make some calls.
Clare admits to Jake that she flaked cause she found the
divorce papers and that’s why she flaked. She tells Jake she doesn’t want them
to date then break up and mess up their friendship. Jake however doesn’t want
to be friends….I guess he’s cured of his commitment-phobia.
Drew is watching MMA videos and practicing moves and punches
out a wall.
Jake and Clare are laughing and making out all the way to
the Edwards home. Clare comments how her mom’s car was outside so she’s home
and they are going to get caught. They pull apart just as Helen comes
downstairs. Clare explains Jake took her home and soon Glenn comes down the
stairs and into the living room as well…..yea….like you couldn’t tell this was
what was going on the SECOND Helen insisted a dinner with the Martin Boys ten
episodes ago. Helen doesn’t want to bore Clare with the details of her love
life but Glenn is the boyfriend she’s been talking about and she wants to know
if it’s okay…..Clare says it’s totally okay with it….despite you know….dating
his son now.
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