Wednesday, September 4, 2013

8x18 Danger Zone—recap

This is another early A-B-C plot episode most likely because it’s a season finale.
Blue uses his art final performance piece to ask Holly J to the winter dance in a rather romantic way. She tells him she can’t cause she’s working and Chantey questions as to whether there is another guy and if he is he must be really special to of blown off Blue’s advances.


Holly J asks Jane if she’s going to be hanging around the Dot but she’s babysitting Isabella.

Clare asks if someone borrowed her pen and KC comments just because you think I’m a thief it doesn’t mean I took it. She calls him an idiot and he is all great now I’m a thief and an idiot. Conner asks if they are going to come over to play RISK but they don’t want to go if the other is coming. He asks Alli but she’s going dress shopping. Conner comments that they always play RISK on Thursday and a random girl comments that she likes it. Conner’s ignorance to social cues kicks in as he simply tells her ‘of course you do’ before turning toward Alli asking what can they do. Alli points out the drama began when he ousted the fact that KC was in the group home and he’s the only one who can make it right.

Peter tells Mia he’s done talking to Darcy and he likes her. She comments how she’s always going to wonder what would have happened if Darcy would have stayed… if she stayed Mia he wouldn’t have been dating your pretty little bloodsucking bum in the first place.

Conner tells KC it’s the last Thursday before he’s going home with his parents for winter break so KC has to come and he assures him Clare won’t be there. KC agrees.

Spinner comments it’s hot off the blog-isphere that one Dot employee has blown off a cute artsy guy and he wonders what that’s about. Holly J comments that it’s silly he reads the High School blogs and she soon asks if she can wait a few tables while she’s there because she loves spending time with him. I guess we know who her other man is huh…. A few tables leads to a whole shift and she is soon helping him close asking him to split tips since she was off the clock. She asks him to take her home as a guy comes in wanting to order. Holly J whispers she knows the guy from back at Lakehurst and he’s a looser, the guy ends up pulling a gun on them asking for their money.

Clare shows up and Conner tells her she can take KC’s countries while he takes Alli’s even though KC is winning. He then leaves to get refreshments.

Spinner is giving the guy money however the robber notices him trying to call the cops and he cocks his gun. Holly J jumps between Spinner and the gunman telling him Spinner’s just trying to be a stupid hero and to not shoot. Spinner empties the safe as there is a knock on the door. Spinner tells the robber to go out the back but he tells Holly J to answer the door. It’s Blue and Holly J tells him he should go. He tells her that he’s done with trying to impress her as she writes ‘gun’ on the dampness of the window.

KC shows up in the basement and Conner locks him and Clare out saying that they need to stay downstairs until they fix their relationship.

The robber is going to head out the back as Spinner is opening the door. He comments that they better not talk or he’ll come back and that he knows who Holly J is. He then turns back around and his finger slips on the trigger and he shoots Spinner in the arm.

Sav and Peter are playing rock band and Peter asks if Mia told Anya she’s going to the dance because he wants to make it right. Sav’s sell rings and he’s in a panic Alli heard there were cops outside the Dot and he comments Mia and Anya were going to go there after shopping.

As the cops gather outside the gunman wants to know if they tipped Blue off. Holly J says no and Spinner says someone must have heard the shot. (Or Holly J did hint to Blue) He’s panicked.

Clare asks KC if he’s going to help her break out and again he asks if it’s because he’s a criminal. Conner comes down with juice boxes asking if they made up and KC leaves.

The cops show up and are trying to get the gunman out. Sav and Peter ask Blue what’s up. Holly J and Spinner are in there and Peter is freaking out wondering if anyone else is in there. Anya and Mia then show up and Peter hugs Mia saying he was scared she was in there with the gunman and he’d never see her and tells her he loves her. Jane shows up to ask what’s wrong and they tell her Holly J is in there and possibly Spinner.

Holly J tells the gunman that she’ll tell the cops it was an accident. He comments how his life sucks. She tells him she can relate and he shakes his head saying no, she’s Holly J cheer captain and rich snob. She tells him how she was kicked out, her dad lost his money, and between the two of them she’s in love with the stupid hero but he’s crazy about his girlfriend. Holly J says if he goes out alone they’ll shoot so she’ll come out with him….without the gun.  She and the guy come out and the cops pull her aside and cuff the crook. She tells them there was an accidental shooting and the victim is inside. Jane sees them wheeling Spinner out and goes to his side.

A couple days later (the shooting was Thu this is now Sat) Holly J brings Spinner a plant in the hospital and asks how he is. He tells her a bit more blood loss and he might not have been so lucky…. He tells her she saved his life and comments about how she said she was crazy about him. She blushes saying she’d hoped he was blacked out and didn’t hear that. He’s flattered she feels that way but he and Jane are happy. She knows it’s just he’s the only one who has gotten to know the real her and he tells her she should kick her walls down and let others in.

Clare asks Conner why KC is an idiot and he tells her KC’s in like with her and so she asks for his help. Conner then locks them in the sports supply room and he starts cursing Conner for doing it again. Clare tells him that she told Conner to do this. She thinks they fight because they know if they stop then….well…she pulls in to kiss him and she comments perhaps she got it wrong and starts to leave. He takes her arm and pulls her gently back saying she got it right and they kiss and it’s just…..yea they are together. The random girl who wanted to play RISK then asks Conner to dance and he does. Then Holly J shows up to the ‘Black and White’ dance dressed in a red top and purple jacket standing out. Mia points out she arrived and everyone gives her applause. She asks Blue if his offer to be her date still stands and they dance. She tells him the reason she bailed on Pink Floyd wasn’t personal she just had money problems and didn’t want to let him know.

And so another season comes to an end….well kind of. Between this season and next we have one of two feature length movies which also pass as four part episodes. That said while I am going to re-cap Degrassi Goes Hollywood (and Takes Manhattan between seasons 9 and 10) I’m going to do my character ranks now

  1. Clare
  2. KC
  3. Jane +3
  4. Holly J +3
  5. Riley
  6. Peter -1
  7. Anya +1
  8. Sav +1
  9. Alli
  10. Danny +12
  11. Johnny +9
  12. Mia -2
  13. Connor
  14. Spinner -11
  15. Derek +10
  16. Emma -2
  17. Manny -15
  18. Liberty -3
  19. Kelly
  20. Chantey +6
  21. Leia
  22. Blue
  23. Bruce
  24. Lucas -5
  25. Darcy -21

Jay, Jimmy, Marco, Toby, Ellie, Paige, Damian, Ashley, Alex, and Jesse are no longer on the list (though Marco, Ellie, Jay, and Paige do pop up again and sooner then you think)

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