Tuesday, July 23, 2013

4x10 Neutron Dance--recap

Downtown Sasquatch is having practice sans Jimmy and are sounding better though not the best. They have only three days to use the recording time and they wish Jimmy was there. Ashley is being all Yoko telling them they should sing Dust Aka the song Craig wrote as an apology to her at the battle of the bands.


Paige is wining about gum on one of the MI chairs and Hazel tells her she should join her for yoga afterschool as it’s been helping her calm her down since the shooting and she’s glad the school instated something to help people with their emotions that didn’t involve talking. Paige says she prefers retail therapy however in hearing that Simpson’s hot student teacher Mr. Oleander is teaching the yoga class her interest has peaked.

Craig is at the hospital talking to Jimmy about the rehearsal. He tells him that Ashley has been advising the band allot lately and Jimmy teases that the two of them are getting to be more than just friends again. Craig denies this telling Jimmy they are never getting back together and Jimmy laughs.

Paige is in yoga with Marco and Hazel. Marco comments about how attractive the teacher looks and she rolls her eyes. He goes to help her and when he’s done Paige whispers to Hazel that she thinks he’s flirting on him. Hazel rolls her eyes and says ewww that he’s a teacher while Paige reminds him he’s a STUDENT teacher and I’d like to remind everyone last season it seemed that Hazel wanted a teacher to be her homeroom one based on the fact that he was cute.

Craig is playing Dust and Marco is being skeptic because it’s a ballad and they are supposed to be a rock band and how the arrangement can change. Spinner is an hour late and he brings along his little groupie Manny since according to him the band is ‘open to any and all chicks.’

Paige is talking to Alex about her crush at the concession stand when Mr. O shows up. Alex who first tells her she should be single for a bit changes her mind after this exchange and tells them that she should go for it.

Manny, Spinner and Marco are talking about the band and Spinner says that they aren’t a band they are all just back up players in the Ashley and Craig show. Liberty comes in to interview them and Ashley and Craig are the ones taking over the interview thus proving the point that Spinner and Marco are irrelevant. They tell him that Ashley has to go. She lost the contest so why does she get to be part of the recording and tell him either she leaves or they do. Craig tries to tell Ashley she can’t come to the session however he freezes up and the two share a kiss. After school at the Dot the boys are commending Craig about how hard it was to cut the cord he tells him it wasn’t and he thinks they are back together……but how could he kiss and dump her from the band. Marco and Spinner are miffed and walk out.

At another Yoga session Paige is watching Mr. Oleander for signs and there are two mentions of Heather. One as Mr. O is helping her in the background (we see a side view with an obscured face) and once when Paige is rehashing to Hazel about him paying more attention to Heather then her. This makes our Heather Sinclair mentions/references before we meet her sister up to 15. Paige overhears him talking on his cell to someone named Charlie and decides to meet him there.

Ashley is telling Ellie who is packing Sean’s things, about the kiss and what’s going on with her and Craig. Ellie mentions that guy’s suck they say they love you then stick you with the rent and to not come crying to her when Craig breaks her heart.

Ashley goes to talk to Craig about the other day and comments about how they are doing good as friends and she doesn’t want to mess it up but they’ll always have the band.

Hazel and Paige are quizzing one another about the information on their fake ID’s as they wait to get into a bar.

Marco and Spinner show up to the last practice and since Craig gets to have his girlfriend in the band Manny is on tambourine and since it’s every man for themselves Marco is on accordion. They show Ashley their changes and she asks why they are making them so soon before the recording. They play with the tambourine and accordion and sound actually somewhat good in a WTF kind of way.

Paige and Hazel are excited they got into the bar and approach Mr. O who soon introduces her to his girlfriend….the Charlie he’d been on the phone with and soon the girls are kicked out of the bar.

The band is in the recording studio with their ‘Gypsy Rock and Roll’ act…..Craig knows why it’s like this. Ashley doesn’t want to be a Diva but asks if they are serious about recording this way.  The others leave Craig and Ashley alone and he tells her she’s out of the band….he doesn’t want it like this but it’s majority rules. Ashley leaves and they start to record the song like normal just Craig, Marco, and Spinner. Craig walks out after the first take saying it was never about the music or the fame it was all about Ashley and runs outside to tell her how he feels. The recording studio will always be there but she…..and they get back together like he told Jimmy they so wouldn’t. 

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