episode begins as various students including Spinner, Paige, Alex and Emma are
on the front steps of the school when they see Rick and his mom pulling up.
After what happened last year Rick is re-enrolling at Degrassi and he’s back in
Grade ten (Emma’s grade) and it’s stated something has to be done.
Manny, and Toby are in the Van Zandt backyard with Liberty and Danny using
their father’s hot tub. Emma’s not invited because she’s still ‘dead’ to
Liberty due to the Chris thing. Liberty and Manny toast to being almost sixteen
and leaving childish things behind as Danny pulls out the ironing board as a
make shift diving board. JT goes for a dive but before he does Danny pulls down
his trunks and Toby makes a comment about JT’s baby dick.
Marco and
Alex try to use their presidential pull on Raditch to get rid of Rick however
they are told they can’t do anything. Rick then passes them in the halls
singling out Paige, Spinner, Hazel, and Jimmy saying hi causing Emma to step in
the hall and show them they don’t want him there.
JT feels
like Manny has been giving him the cold shoulder since the hot tub and watches
as Craig approaches her in the hall. Craig says hi and soon they talk about
their summers much to JT’s distaste. JT is then seen in the locker room with
Danny saying it’s been four months and all he and Manny do is kiss (um I
thought you just wanted to date her for her not for her sexual experience
sweetie). As they talk Craig comes in and begins to change and JT gets a case
of penis envy.
Rick wants
to make amends with Paige saying that he’s getting help for his issues and
wants to know how Terri is doing since the whole coma thing. Paige walks away and starts to cry in the girl’s
room telling an attentive Emma that there is a psycho in the school and
something needs to be done. Emma with her experience in taking up causes teams
up with Paige and rubs this new found friendship with the older kids in Manny
and Liberty’s face as she walks back into the hall. At the Dot the grade elevens and Emma are plotting
out what to do to get rid of Rick when he shows up. Emma confronts him and says
he needs to watch out. The following day Emma and Paige are selling anti violence
ribbons for the cause.
buys JT a penis pump so that his ‘snake’ can become an ‘anaconda’ and he can
properly please Manny.
There is
a montage of Rick going through the school and the student body treating him
like persona non grata for what he did last year leading up to English class.
Spinner reads some rap lyrics and when Rick is called to read something he
starts quoting Gandhi.
tells Liberty she’s sick of JT following her around and Liberty reminds her JT
is her boyfriend and that maybe Manny should just dump him.
gives Emma a major check for her cause however she doesn’t want to accept it at
first because he was the one to cause violence against women in the first
place. She takes the check however Alex soon rips it up pretty much saying her
mom is a victim to domestic abuse.
shows up at JT’s with the intent to break up while JT’s intention is to have
sex with her. Manny excuses herself to the bathroom to talk herself into cutting
the cord only to come back into the bedroom just as JT is pumping himself up.
At the
Dot, Paige makes a comment about Heather Sinclair (#10) and soon Rick arrives.
Alex teases he must have came to see his new friend Emma. Emma comments that
she just felt sorry for him a little and soon Jay chases him out and starts to
fight him in the ally. Alex wants to take her own swing at him but Emma stops
JT tells
Manny he did what he did because he wanted to measure up to Craig. Manny said
he never would not for anatomical reasons but cause JT is immature and she
dumps him.
thanks Emma for trying to step in and defend him and she tells him she only did
it before things got out of hand. Things should have gone that far though don’t
let this think they are friends. She asks why he even came back and he tells
her he wants to prove to everyone he’s a changed man.
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