Tuesday, July 16, 2013

3x18 Rock and Roll High School Recap

Jimmy, Spinner and Marco are talking about a new CD that came out when they meet up with Craig in the hall. Craig is looking over the signup sheet for a battle of the bands and he knows that Downtown Sasquatch can win this thing….that is until Ashley and Ellie approach signing up and it’s about to get personal.


Craig is having writers block as he’s working on lyrics for a song and is upset that at practice the rest of the guys aren’t in sync. He can’t lose to Ashley he can’t

Ashley meanwhile hasn’t visited Terri in the hospital since the accident but promises to go after battle of the bands to tell her all about their win. She goes to read a poem in class which is are lyrics. They are utterly depressing and Craig mocks them. They are apparently about a girl who died in the Spanish Civil War. Her friends inform her that it’s not going to get them to win the contest and that she needs to go all Taylor Swift (and yes I know this episode aired long before she came onto the scene) and sing about your ex.

B plot is another Joey one but since I caved and started recapping these I’ll continue to do so. He and Angie are bringing in groceries when Caitlin shows up. Angie shows Caitlin a trick and breaks the eggs however Caitlin does a cartwheel to cheer her up. She teases Joey that he’s no fun and can’t do something and so Joey does a hand stand and breaks his back.

Craig tells Ashley he’s sorry…for trashing her poem.

Joey wants to send Angie to his moms until he’s better but Caitlin offers to stay and watch her despite Joey saying she’s more a friend then a parent. She wants to prove him wrong.

The boys are auditioning for the battle and while lyrics less still get in. The girls have meanwhile changed their name. PMS is now Hell Hath No Fury and as they sing their song Mr. Nice Guy about Craig they know they are screwed.

Angie doesn’t like her breakfast and since she’s wrapped round Caitlin’s finger Caitlin drops what she’s doing to make her pancakes.

Craig yells at Ashley about the song and if she sings it he’ll-----“What? Sleep with more grade nines?” Craig then says he only hooked up with Manny because Ashley was being a prude.

At practice Craig is discouraged. What’s the point of working on a song when Ashley has already won. Jimmy and Spinner then proceed to give a rap that makes the contestants of Big Brother 15 seem like….no the housemates are still deplorable humans but the rap was kind of sexist. Marco and Craig then go for a walk to clear their minds. Craig admits that with all the drama he’s got writers block and Marco screams therapeutically and Craig soon does the same.

Angie still has Caitlin whipped however soon she goes all parental in raising her voice telling Angie to wash up for dinner. Angie says she hates her.

Girls are walking down the hall in shirts with Craig’s face enflamed on them. Ashley says that the breakup really hurt her and she didn’t want to live. At the battle the girls sing Mr. Nice Guy and the boys are told that they have one minute to go before they are up. The boys get on stage and Craig soon sings up and sings ‘Dust’ a song he just wrote on the fly to the music they had.

Angie still locked in room and Joey tells Caitlin at least she’s not old enough to steal a car like Craig did to test him all the way back in Drive.

The Boys won the battle and Ashley congratulates Craig saying his lyrics were just the right kind of apology she’d been looking for.

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