Saturday, November 23, 2013

12x31/32 Bittersweet Symphony—RECAPS

Is it bad that I was prolonging getting to this episode….okay so fine my regular shows > my recaps and I’ve been working allot of nights the past few weeks but still……anyway I’m sure I’m going to shed a tear or two and won’t be offended if you guys do as well…..
Schools back after spring break and Dallas feels optimistic about things telling Campbell how he nailed it after his first playoff back and after all their setbacks they apparently still have a shot at finals. He spots Drew and calls him a drop out however Drew’s re-enrolled part time. Maya then greets Campbell who tells her home was great but he missed her.

Fiona is sorting the students for spirit week….there will be various contests for the week and the team with the most points will get a pizza party. Man Degrassi must be a small school if this is a cumulative thing and not a grade thing….though why not just make each grade a team….I guess it’s the rules of drama.
Campbell asks Maya if she and Tori are back on speaking terms however she deflects saying she missed him. Fiona gives the duo their bandanas and Campbell is on the red team with Dallas and Maya’s on the green team….with Zig. Tori and Tristan pass by commenting about how Zig and Maya just happen to be on the same team however Campbell vows to try to get on the green team too cause nobody and nothing can tear them apart.


Dallas tries to get Fiona to put Alli on his team however she can’t change things up just to get one of the team leaders to work with their crushes. Dallas admits he’s nervous and he’s not the player that he seems to be and Fiona tells him no shenanigans because she wants the week to be perfect.

Campbell asks to be traded to green or to have Maya traded to red. Dallas says she’s just a girl and this is just a game so get over it….you know cause he and Alli are also on different teams and he’s not getting preferential treatment and he’s team leader. Tristan then comments that it’s Zig who Campbell has to worry about because he’s obsessed with Maya.

Eli and Clare can’t believe how fast the week flew by and they can’t spend 24/7 glued at each other’s hips. Clare sees a sign on her locker saying lockers are being relocated to the tech wing cause they are doing maintenance in that part of the hall. The tech wing is clear across campus and Eli offers to share lockers. Dave teases Eli about sharing lockers with his girlfriend.

Dallas asks Alli on a date asking how many car wrecks he needs to pull her out of before she doesn’t think he’s a jerk. Alli says she doesn’t think he’s a jerk it’s just….the universe doesn’t want them together. Dallas tells her that if team red wins she has to date him and she agrees.
It’s red vs. green at floor hockey for the first event and this leads into a scuffle where Campbell sucker punches Zig unprovoked.

Eli opens his locker to find posters of ‘Vampire Psychologist’ and feminine products and when he pulls his stuff out of his locker he takes Clare’s diary. Dave teases Eli about it some more and dares him to read the diary.

Campbell, Zig, Dallas and Maya meet with Simpson. Campbell says it was an accident he’s used to playing rough on the ice however Campbell ends up being suspended for the rest of the week and has to go see the councilor when he comes back. He apologizes to Maya saying he was jealous and Maya calls him crazy. As he’s packing to leave Dallas rips into him saying he’s being selfish and that hockey should be more important than his love life. Campbell admits he doesn’t want to play but Dallas doesn’t give two shits….just because Campbell is pretty much a lock to be in the NHL doesn’t mean that everyone else is. He freaks out and Alli asks what’s wrong. He thought the semester would be better but he’s messing it all up. She offers to help tutor him however it’s not that. He just wishes he could fall asleep and never wake up. Maya hates him; Dallas thinks he’s a screw up. Alli tells him to screw Dallas and to buy Maya flowers and focus on patching things up with her ever being the romantic.

Eli out of curiosity opens the Pandora’s Box that is Clare’s diary to see that she wrote about wanting to and almost having sex with Jake when she’s told him countless times she’s waiting for marriage.

Maya’s practicing as Campbell comes over with flowers. He wants to hang however she can’t cause she has an audition for a youth orchestra which doesn’t normally accept musicians under sixteen…Maya is fourteen at this point. Campbell offers to stay and listen and she nods saying it’s not like she’ll be playing all night and if Katie says it’s okay (cause her parents are out of town) she’d love for him to stay.

Alli calls off Dallas’s bet and chews him out for chewing out Campbell calling him a bully deep down and says she doesn’t date guys like that…..lies considering her next boyfriend.

It’s getting late and Katie tells Campbell he needs to go home. Campbell doesn’t want to cause begin with Maya feels more like home then his billet family. Maya shows Campbell her stuffed owl Hoot that she got the first time she went to sleep away camp and tells him he needs to find his own stuffed animal. She then pleads for Campbell to just crash on the couch considering it’s late and Maya’s lied about where Katie was countless times when she was sleeping over with her own boyfriends. Katie caves and says fine but it’s a one-time thing.

Katie’s alarm never went off and she wakes Maya up because they are late for school. Campbell is nowhere to be seen however when she sees her cell she finds a video message. Campbell left for an early morning hockey practice (which is a red flag right there cause he’s SUSPENDED!) that last night was the best of his life, and that he’s kidnapped hoot and will return him at lunch.

Campbell is waiting on the steps with Happy Meals for him and Maya and comments about how Zig is bitter that he lost the girl. Zig calls Campbell as phycho and that Maya shouldn’t have to deal with his crazy and it would be best for everyone if he got out of Maya’s life now.

Clare comments to Eli about how she misplaced her journal however later is was magically in the locker and asks if Eli read it. She has nothing to be ashamed of it’s just that what she writes is unedited. She brings up her parents are going to be gone if Eli wants to come over. He asks if Jake will be there and then ends up bringing up the diary entry and Clare is upset she invaded her privacy.

Maya shows up on the steps to see empty boxes and a text saying Campbell isn’t coming and that it’s over….TBC

The following morning Eli brings Clare apology coffee and he wants to explain himself. He knows he shouldn’t have read her journal and he’s not jealous about the Jake thing because they were broken up. Clare THOUGHT she and Jake were in love but she realizes they weren’t….but she’s in love with Eli and is ready to take the next step with her. They are about to head into the school when Eli sees something that causes him to suddenly drop the coffee. Clare wants to know what’s wrong and he tells her don’t look….get a teacher out here and to call 9-1-1


The Matlin siblings seem to be running late again or late enough that the only spots open were the ones the farthest away from school. Maya’s in a mood because Campbell pretty much text dumped her the day before and she wishes she knew what was wrong especially because he won’t take her calls. They had such a good night. Katie tells her to forget about him for the moment and focus on her audition first and foremost.

The girls notice fire trucks and ambulances pulling up to the school as the Madame is ushering kids inside. Maya asks if she can skip class to practice for her audition however the teacher frowns…not cause Maya was asking to skip but because she knows something happened…something bad….and tells the sisters to go to the principal’s office. When they get there Maya assures Katie she didn’t do whatever it is Simpson wants to reprimand her about and as they take a seat they are introduced to a counselor and are told Campbell killed himself in the greenhouse. Katie is in total shock probably in the back of her mind wondering if the student who found the body was Jake while Maya is in denial. Simpson tells Maya she can go home if she wants and that Katie should stay with her. Katie asks Maya what she wants to do and she wants to practice.

We get a moving montage of all the students reacting to the news about Campbell with Maya playing her cello and a monologue-voiceover by the councilor.

Spirit week is canceled and Connor and some of the others don’t see why one kid killing themselves should ruin everyone’s fun. Fiona tells them it’s out of her hands and Marisol says that they’ll be organizing a candlelight vigil after school. They all are talking about Campbell and Dallas is flipping out. He tells Alli it’s her fault because she knew Campbell was having issues and she did nothing.

Katie tells Maya the parents are cutting their trip short and Maya is upset about that. She then gets mad when Katie tells her she can’t audition because it’s a rarity that fourteen year olds get a chance. Katie doesn’t want her to go and wonders what people would think about her just going about business as usual. Maya doesn’t know…she’s never been the girlfriend of the guy who committed suicide. Marisol then arrives telling Maya she’s sorry and informs them about the vigil. Katie thinks Maya talking would be cathartic and that under the circumstances her audition can be rescheduled.  She asks Katie what to write and Katie has no clue. She steps out to get Maya a bottle of water as she re-watches the video Campbell sent her. Tori shows up asking if Maya needs help with her speech and Maya flips saying don’t think you can be my friend again now that Campbell is dead.

Dallas is drinking on the school roof all upset.

Dave asks Eli how the body looked like and wonders how a person could drive themselves to do what Campbell did. Eli asks how Dave’s cop of a father deals with what he sees and Dave says he guesses he just leaves it at the office when he goes home at night. Eli wishes he could turn it off that easily.

Fiona shows up on the roof and sees Dallas all mopy and drunk and she worries that he’s going to kill himself too. She asks if he’s okay and he’s not. He’s so messed up and he did think about jumping. He blames himself for what Campbell did because he kept pushing and pressuring. Dallas says nobody would miss him and Fiona tells him that’s not true….and comments that there has to be someone worth sticking around for…..this scene was unintentionally foreshadowing as at the time Annie and Demetrious didn’t yet know that Dallas was to have a kid. Fiona promises to help him out.

Eli’s surprised Jake didn’t go to the vigil and he says he just didn’t need to make things weird for Katie considering they are broken up. The skates are on so he’s clearly stoned yet again and it appears Eli might have lit up as well. Jake thanks Eli for finding the body cause it not it would have been him to find it. He asks Eli if the garden is going to be haunted and Eli assures him just he’ll be and they play video games.

Katie asks Maya if she’s going to be okay and tells her they found hoot. Zig sits next to her and Maya is glad someone will treat her normal….Zig clearly is all sad too and blames himself for him doing it cause he told Campbell to get out of his life. Maya just starts laughing as Katie and Marisol come back to get her to talk. Maya goes off about how it was his fault and that she’s not lighting any stupid candles and she is not going to cry and if he was as sick and messed up as people were saying he should have gotten help.

Dallas apologizes to Alli for blaming her and tells her sometimes anger is the only thing he has. He’s planning to talk to the grief counselor about things. Alli points out Spirit week is back on cause Fiona told Simpson it would be a good idea to keep moral up in these dark times.

Maya’s back at school the next day and tells Katie she’s going to be okay. Katie tells her she’s here if she needs and walks to her own class. Tori tells Maya she wanted to make up with her even before Campbell did what he did she just never was able to say it and they make up. The girls head to their own class and Maya pulls hoot out from her bag and hugs the owl close to her chest.

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