Saturday, November 2, 2013

11x34/35 Can’t Tell Me Nothing—RECAP:

The episode opens as Katie is in a conditioning period for the under eighteen junior national soccer team. Soccer is her lifeblood, her passion; it’s to her what applause is to Tinkerbell she needs it to live….yea I know she told Adam of her journalism dreams last season however apparently that dream is a moot point. She ends up getting too physical and elbows one hard in the jaw. Katie feels bad and wants to apologize however Drew tells her she was just in the way and eyes on the prize if she wants to win.


Alli comments to Jenna who is now living with her remember about how she’s getting back into music….Jenna is…Alli was just observing. She’s glad that her friend is embracing her little miss sunshine past again cause after Dave and KC broke their hearts they need a silver lining to the gray cloud that is their lives. One problem….Jenna can’t find her songbook which has three years’ worth of lyrics. It’s most likely at KC’s and she really doesn’t want to go there but she secretly knows she needs to.

Katie’s calling around to see if other girls have heard from the team about making the next phase. Bethany a random unseen character got in and Katie feels like she failed. She totally outscores her in rec league and wonders if her hurting the girl has cost her. We also get to meet Katie’s mom Margaret (I don’t know if the name is stated in cannon or just through word of god and wiki I’ll keep you posted) She wheels into the kitchen and Katie is venting to her about her fears that because on this one transgression she won’t make the team and if she doesn’t make the team she won’t be recruited to a good college program which will in turn land her a plum spot on Team Canada in Rio 2016 and if she can’t go to Rio she might as well quit now and just spend her life knitting. Her mom says sometimes the universe has other plans and you need to adapt. Her mom comments on her attitude saying it’s due to her being a Taurus and to focus her mind on other things to distract from the waiting game.

Tori and Tristan are vlogging about West Drive because apparently that crappy teen melodrama has yet to die just like Degrassi. As they are vloging Zig is waiting for Tori and she tells Tristan she promised to watch Zig skate before class…..but they’ve been doing the vlog since season 5 and their fans expect them to be prompt with their commentary…….Tori says he can just finish….Zig’s her boyfriend and he wouldn’t understand.

Katie and Marisol are looking at proposals for events which kind of all suck. Marisol suggests they shuffle the schedule around however it would be a total disaster. Katie gets a call saying she made it to the next round and the tryout is after school. She leaves for field time so Marisol takes charge planning an event.

Jenna meets up with KC in an empty room between classes. He asks how her summer went and then gives her the songbook inside what I like to call JENNA’S BOX OF PAIN aka mementos of Ty and their relationship.

Owen’s in the gym working out with his jock friends when Tristan shows up. This is kind of off putting for Owen because he has a reputation to protect and having his gay niner brother acknowledge him isn’t cool. Tristan commented mom said and Owen finally says he’ll talk. Tristan wants to know how to break up a friend from her boyfriend and how all Tori wants to just hang out at the skate park with Zig. Owen tells him to hang out at the skate park cause that’s what normal people would do….. Normal as in his peers….not straight people Owen quickly adds. Tristan is still not keen on the idea and Owen says just tell Tori that Zig called her fat or something then ushers him out of the weight room.

Katie’s on the field for the next round of trials while Drew plays cheerleader. The girl who Katie hurt the other day is bitter saying how you need to play dirty to win and even with an apology from Katie, she knocks Katie over and she whacks her knee….the same one hit at the cabin. Marisol sees her icing after her trial and asks if she’s okay but Katie just wants to focus on event proposals. Marisol reads off one about a coffee house….she’s glad Katie said yes because she’s already made plans. She leaves as Drew comes with a knee brace however Katie claims she’s fine. She tries to kick and she gets a searing bout of pain. Deciding she’s now pro-brace Drew tells her she should get it checked because it could be serious and she could end up in a chair. This leads Katie to give him a death glare since her mom is in a chair as she was diagnosed with MS when she was a senior in High School which makes Katie more and more know that this is her one and only chance to be a pro athlete as while it’s not proven to be hereditary she’s scared none the less. Drew tells her his godfather is in sports medicine and he can get her a consult.

The freshman are in music and Miss Oh is having them pair up on a group assignment. Tori asks Tristan if he finished the blog and apologizes because Zig doesn’t like West Drive. Tristan then tells her she overheard Zig talking about her curves. Tori breaks down saying he thinks she’s fat and he’s going to dump her. Tristan can’t stand seeing her cry and tells her he was lying he just doesn’t like her spending all her time with him.

Jenna’s crying over her box of pain as Alli says she needs to turn her frown upside down and sing at the coffeehouse. Jenna doesn’t know how she can be happy with all these memories and so Alli takes the box of pain. She says you can make a dog happy by wagging their tail and making them think they are happy. Music is Jenna’s tail and Alli gives her a but slap.

Katie goes to the doctor who tells her that he’s pretty sure she’s tore her ACL and needs to be off her leg. Katie asks why she can’t just get a steroid shot or Oxy or something so she can play through the pain until she can get a proper MRI done. The doctor says to take some ibeprophin and if the pain persists don’t play.

Jenna’s playing her guitar trying to get back into the swing of things while Jake is working on building a stage for the coffeehouse. Jenna’s annoyed by his hammering and he’s annoyed by her attempt at happy singing. She asks him why he’s not making out with his step girlfriend and Jake tells her he and Clare are over. Jake comments how happy music seems forced post break up.

Zig and Tori both get notes to meet at the Dot from Tristan. He’s got an idea and suggests the three of them sing a song that Tristan and Tori wrote at Camp at the coffeehouse.

Katie’s in the kitchen surfing in the freezer. Maya comments someone’s hungry and Katie rolls her eyes. No, it’s not what her sister thinks she’s not on the road to relapse she’s looking for something and when she pulls out a bag of frozen peas to ice herself she points out no one binges on them. Maya nods as Margaret wheels in asking if Katie wants anything special for dinner to prep for the final tryout. Katie says whatever as her mom asks Katie to hand her pills to her. Katie does so as her mom is continuing on about how Katie’s been a kicker since the womb and it’s her destiny. Katie continues to hand her mom pills asking if she takes her pain pills daily and she’s told only when needed. Katie nods and when her mom wheels out to call her husband Katie pops some pills.

Jenna’s working on her music and is trying to be all edgy.

Katie shows up at the field after taking the pill to practice with Drew. He asks what’s up and she says there is a 50% chance that it’s nothing and how pain is just all in the head. She then dry swallows another pill and begins to shoot goals toward Drew. He asks how she’s feeling and she tells him better….much much better….TBC

Katie’s icing with peas the following morning at the breakfast table when she limps toward the medicine cabinet. Maya asks why she’s holding her mom’s pills. She says she’s filling them however Maya calls her out saying she just did. Katie admits she’s taking them to play through the pain since the sports doctor wouldn’t prescribe them for her. Maya rolls her eyes at the fact Katie is taking pills BECAUSE she was told not to but promises to keep it a secret from their parents and teases Katie to just not operate heavy machinery.


Jenna’s singing her new angsty song she wrote about KC in the music room as KC peeks his head and listens into her singing. Jake shows up cause he’s now supposed to wire the sound equipment and she asks what he thinks about the song. Jake says it’s less shiny and how he’s just glad that Clare doesn’t know how to play guitar to write a song about him because he knows it’s about KC.

Tori and Tristan are singing ‘Half Hearted’ to prep for the coffeehouse. Zig’s rolling his eyes at the song saying it’s a duet and he doesn’t see a place for him. Tori comments how it’s better as a duet and Tristan says the whole point of wanting to do this was so the three of them could hang. Tori suggests he write a new part for Zig and Tristan’s face lights up.

Katie’s a bit limpy and Drew asks what’s wrong. Katie comments asking if he had the chance to play in the NFL would he do anything for it and asks for an opinion on something. She shows him the pills she stole and says she took some before practice. He comments how they are addictive and she knows…. She only plans on taking them until the tryouts are over after school and then if she makes the team….well they don’t start until after Christmas so by then she should have whatever corrective surgery done and be good to go. Drew gives her a piggyback to class to keep pressure off her leg.

Jenna’s worried about singing her song as people are going to think it’s about KC. Alli tells her how Taylor Swift makes mucho bucks shaming her exes in song so why shouldn’t she. KC then gets up to read a poem about the evil ‘Grenna’ and Jenna now knows that yep….her song is meant for the stage.

Marisol is showing Katie the banner for the event. Katie mentions that Marisol misspelt coffee on the poster (it only has one F) as Fiona barges into the council room teed off that she submitted the idea for it and now they are having it without giving her any credit. Katie tells Fiona that Marisol still needs help and that she’s free to take charge of things. Fiona shakes her head. She’d rather not…. she’d rather watch Katie crash and burn so that she’ll be impeached and she can take over. Katie gets paranoid and decides that between the tryout and her bum leg she’s now going to fully take charge of the event and pops yet another pill.

Tristan shows Zig the new verse he wrote for the song however Zig wrote a new part too. Tristan rolls his eyes at his rap and says the song isn’t a joke it’s serious. Zig comments how people will laugh either way and the trio come to blows with the song. Tori says how the song rocked at Camp but for a high school show…..

Katie’s high as a kite as she heads into the guy to help Jake set things up. She decides to not wait for the janitor and to get on the scissor lift on her own despite not only being untrained but being like I said being on pain killers. It’s a humorous scene to be sure. She comes down and the next scene is Jake working as Jenna is reading a new draft saying how she wishes KC were dead. Jake heard about KCs poem blindside and warns her that she needs to be prepared for the fallout her song could cause.

Maya’s disappointed in her sister breaking the no heavy machinery vow she made. Katie feels bad and she’s got detention starting the next day so she doesn’t miss the try out. She tells Maya to keep her mouth shut and Maya will but she calls Katie crazy. Katie is not crazy…..this is her life, her dream….. Maya knows but she’s done research and this is dangerous. Katie throws back asking what if people told her she could never play at carnigee hall what would she do. She says she’d tell the haters to eat her bow. Katie says how it’s her shot at her dream and she’s going to not let anything stop her. Maya has the last word saying thankfully the house is wheelchair accessible for when Katie gets really hurt.

Tristan’s crying outside as Owen passes by. He stays back as his friends walk away and sits beside his brother. Owen asks what’s wrong and Tristan says how Zig is ruing everything. He wanted to add a stupid rap to the song and said he was all campy. Owen brings up how when Tristan was younger and he put on shows in the yard he personally threatened the neighboring kids to cheer. He tells his brother the world is full of sharks and unless you learn to adapt you’ll be eaten alive.

Katie’s looking up the consequences ok knee injuries in the council room when she gets a text from Marisol saying they have an emergency with the event. Katie goes to check it out however the REAL emergency is that she’s mia from said event leading Jake to step in and take over as MC and introduces Jenna to sing. She ends up singing the angsty song about KC. Tristan plans to go solo and Tori tells her he shouldn’t sing cause he’ll embarrass himself.

The ‘emergency’ is Drew and Marisol along with the spirit squad are holding an impromptu pep rally for Katie to wish her luck. Maya watches as the trio head off to the tryout a sad look on her face.

Tristan tries to sing halfhearted as a solo and is getting laughed at. Tori shakes her head and ends up joining in with him and they coax Zig to join in with the rap.

Katie’s getting ready and Marisol comments on how purple her knee is as Drew puts on her brace. Katie says how the pills are starting to wear off and Marisol comments saying what if the pain isn’t all in her head. Katie lists all the sacrifices she’s made and how she has basically spent all her vacations and holidays eating breathing and sleeping soccer and never having a normal childhood because of it. She stands up to stretch and ends up collapsing and she can hear a snap. She’s in tears saying she needs to go to the hospital and that it’s all over.

Jake asks Jenna if she needs backup talking to KC. Jenna goes solo and KC tells her the song was good and he deserved every word and he’s flattered she wrote a song about him. She brings up the poem and he laughs saying it was stupid and it’s going in the vault. Jake comments how the exchange was awkward and asks if she can write him a song for Clare.

Katie comes home with crutches and they are throwing her a party. Katie’s all bitter because she didn’t make the team and her mom comments how she can consider it a celebration on the start of her recovery and her road to a triumphant return. Katie wants to know what she can do until she can play. Her mom says it’s her senior year and she’s got council, her friends, Drew. Maya brings up rehab….physically for her knee she says though Katie knows she’s referring to the drugs. As Margaret is saying how she’s sure Katie will find something to fill the void, Katie eyes the pills and nods….yes…something indeed.

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