is driving Eli to school asking if he slept the night before. Eli said he was
up late doing revisions. Bullfrog asks how he’s doing emotionally and if Eli
needs to see someone to talk. Eli says it’s fine and it’s mostly due in part to
Bullfrog giving him the pills or so his dad thinks. As this conversation is
going on outside, Clare and Jake are acting all coupley out in the rain. As Eli
gets out and walks toward the school he spits his pill into a baggie filled
with more discarded ones.
and Jenna are in the apartment and it’s the night they are going to meet Ty’s
potential adoptive parents. Lisa tells KC that it’s what Jenna wants but what
does he want. Lisa asks who will take care of him and KC says he’ll drop out of
school but Lisa won’t let him. She wants both boys to have a better life. He
sees Jenna packing and says he didn’t mean it when he kicked her out…..she says
it’s for the best.
is freaking out that this close to opening night there are re-writes on every
page and a new end where ‘Ari and Clara’ live happily ever after as it should
be. Imogen is all awe, Chantey is already off book and Eli says ‘Fritz is now
Jack’ Fiona says open day is tomorrow and there is so much work to do.
spent the night couch surfing with Chloe, Bianca’s friend and her friendly
dealer. She asks why Anya hasn’t been with Owen and she says things went sour.
She sees Owen coming into the school and apologizes for fighting with him. He
asks what her lunch plans are and she says her mom is dragging her to a career
fair and asks if he’d be interested in initiation some personality quizzes.
calls Eli out on how he went from having him do tech to playing the villain and
now basing him off of him. Eli basically tells Jake that Clare loves HIM and
when they are driving around in his truck she’s just thinking about my big ….talent.
Jake then quits and Eli casts Riley.
is mad at Dave for letting her know about Marisol. Dave say she’s now living
with Alli however KC hoped once Ty was out of the picture he could patch it up.
gives Anya the lame quizzes as Pam pulls up. Anya asks if he can come to the
fair with them. She tells her mom he’s her boyfriend and says that someone else
needs career guidance. Owen however has a plan….he wants to get a coaching
degree so when he’s past his prime in playing he’ll have a fallback.
is trying to teach Riley the part in less than twenty four hours and is
starting to crack both under pressure and the fact that he’s pill less. He
needs it all to be perfect. Fiona shows up and asks what’s going on and where
is Jake. Eli says he fired him and Fiona’s had it and makes Dawes watch a rehearsal.
Imogen’s off book and Eli who is the WRITER is halfway there. For the play to
open the following evening you’d think people would have been off book long
before this though I guess with all of Eli’s sudden changes which director
Fiona is ranting about makes things had to move smoothly. He says he just
wanted to change the ending and asks what if Shakespeare had the courage to
edit Romeo and Juliette. Dawes comments how great the two of them (Eli/Fiona)
were collabing before and the show must go on. Imogen then calls Eli out about
still being off his meds as she thought that he was only off them to write. He
tells her to spread the word about my new end.
got Jenna flowers….if they are both at school who’s with Ty or was Lisa given
the green light to be with him alone for the time being. KC doesn’t want to
break up and Jenna admits she really only stayed with him for the baby.
goes to the Daily office asking her to make a last minute article about the
play and pleas for an interview with her ….seven…at the Dot…it’s a date.
and Anya are at the Breakroom and Anya is venting of finding nothing of
interest at the fair and how he made her look bad with his life all together.
and Jenna meet with the Powell’s about adopting Ty. As the interview goes on KC
admits that this isn’t what he wants.
all giddy cause he has a ‘date’ with Clare and Bullfrog asks if he’s tracking
his emotions in his journal even the happy ones as he gives him his evening
pull. Like the morning one it goes into his baggie.
comes back from taking a hit and Owen says he thought she was over it. He’s
seen a new side to her and he really doesn’t like it. He tells her she’s
pathetic and he walks out.
is trying to be professional and interview Eli however all he wants to do is
flirt. He buys her coffee, says she looks pretty and at the mention of Imogen
and how close they are he flips and says no she’s just an actress. Jake then
shows up because he and Clare have plans and Eli just loses his train of
thought and becomes rambly and erratic telling Clare that this interview was a
bad idea and to have fun on her date.
puking after a bad hit and is all upset in the bathroom and begins to vent to
Bianca asking why can’t she be like the women in the Military commercial on TV.
Bianca says to clean up her act and she can.
calls Imogen over to rehearse and he’s pretending she’s Clare and taking
advantage of her….TBC
opening day and Eli is on cloud nine. He had a great night last night and it’s
all thanks to his hour long make out session with Eli. It’s become clear and he
knows what to do once final dress is over…he’s going to get rid of Jake Martin
once and for all.
rushes home when she should be at school cause she needs to tell Pam some
exciting news…..she knows what she wants to do with her life….she’s going to
join the Army. Her mom says she wanted her to find a calling but the Army wasn’t
what she expected. She says it’s crazy
but Anya already signed up and she’s eighteen now so she can do what she wants/
tells Imogen that he’s going to stash his stash in Jake’s locker then tip
Simpson off so the drug dogs find them and Jake’s expelled. He’s a bit shaky
and Imogen tells him to take a pill. He can’t right now not when he’s so close
and he needs to get rid of the one keeping him and his love apart. Imogen gets
what he’s saying totally and tells him he should rest and she’ll get the blood
on her hands and plant the drugs on Jake.
tells KC that it was whack to sabotage the adoption meeting. KC says he wants
to bide his time and win Jenna back. Dave says is it really worth getting a kid
in the middle of things…and PS the Power Squad hates him.
drug dogs find Eli’s pills….in Clare’s locker not in Jakes. Clare gets sent to
the Principals office and Eli is freaking out. Clare’s never going to forgive
her now and it’s all Imogen’s fault. She’s to him what he is to Clare and he’s
NOTHING to her.
tells Jenna the Powell’s would be perfect and he’s talked to the agency and
they are still into the adoption despite the stunt. It’ll be the best for Ty
and it’ll make Jenna happy.
pleads her case to Simpson as Eli barges into the office. He tells him they are
his pills and Clare was just holding them for her because he was having
problems. Clare is dismissed however Eli, Simpson says he wants to talk to his
parents about it….after the play.
gets a call from the recruitment office. They felt she was a perfect recruit
however she failed the drug test and won’t be able to enlist.
interviewing Fiona as Eli breaks it up. He wants to set the record straight.
Jake was supposed to have the drugs planted on him because he needs to go.
Clare says that he needs to take a pill and he says he can’t. The pills make
him a listless zombie and not the guy she fell in love with. Clare reminds him
she broke up with that guy and declares WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER…..LIKE
EVER. I swear if I had a dollar for every time she or Eli said that to one
another I’d be able to buy…..maybe a full Taylor Swift Album on ITunes…..anyway
it ticks closer to curtain and as Eli flicks a lighter on and off Imogen is
MIA. Eli tells her he can’t do the play….his hearts not into it and besides
there is no Clara. Fiona says she’ll be Clara even if she has to be on book to
do it because she’s not producing a bomb. Jenna’s song plays and its showtime.
and Pam are heading to the school to see Riley’s theatrical debut when Pam
stops her. She asks why she’s not wearing her necklace and Anya declares she
took if off and must have dropped it somewhere. Pam however has it…complete
with the coke filled center of it. She asks how long it’s been and if she needs
rehab. Anya says she was just so lost and she didn’t know what to do which is
why she wanted to join the Army but because of the drugs she’s failed at that
KC , and Jenna have one last moment with Ty before they hand him off to the
social worker to bring to the Powell’s.
and Fiona are doing a scene and Fiona reads the wrong line and then Eli flips
saying how he just can’t write and re-write life and ends up flipping out and
breaking the fourth wall with a highly emotional monologue of a breakdown
saying how the mind plays tricks and there is no happy endings before taking
the script he’d grabbed from Fiona and setting it on fire. He gets a standing
ovation as no one is the wiser that he just had a mental breakdown and it wasn’t
a scripted scene.
Ty gone, Jenna thanks Lisa for her hospitality and tells KC she’ll see him
around at school before moving to live with the Bhandari’s. KC is all teary and
Lisa asks if he’ll be okay. He loved them but Lisa informs him sometimes love
isn’t enough.
commends Eli and tells his parents how he’s such a talented writer. As they are
talking and Simpson walks over to convey his concerns, Eli walks off and picks
up the burnt script from the stage before balling it up and tossing it. He’s
crying when his dad shows back up. He tells Eli he’s a hit but Eli says no he’s
a fraud. Bullfrog calls him out for dumping the meds and Eli tells him either
way Clare hates him. Eli tells his dad he wants to get better not for Clare but
for himself.
tells Pam she’s not giving up on the Army and there is a second chance thing.
While Pam isn’t too keen on the idea as long as Anya’s happy about her choices
she is.
looks at Clare’s review and asks how she liked the ending. Clare says he’ll
never be satisfied with it and now that the play is done she doesn’t have to
see him.
is pulling him out for a week of mental health days and says it’ll be good for
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