Friday, October 4, 2013

10x21/22 Purple Pills RECAP

Holly J is carrying her and Fiona’s midterm snack haul down the street and toward the condo as they plan on studying and in between having Fiona come up with an EPIC winter dance theme. As they arrive at the condo however they are greeted by Laura and the family lawyer. Laura informs Fiona that the case against Bobby is moving to trial and she needs to give a deposition and the only way to avoid it is to drop charges.

Fiona shows Laura the two outfits she’s deciding on wearing and after deciding on the black she sees a DVD on the counter. Laura tells her it’s Bobby’s deposition and she doesn’t need to see it. Curiosity kills the cat however and Fiona picks it up to watch. On the DVD Bobby is saying how unhinged Fiona was and how he felt sorry for her.

At the Dot, Adam is psyched to tell Eli what he’s ordered on Pay Per View for guy’s night. Eli comments he doesn’t watch that kind of thing with other guys and while Fitz teases how Adam would have to BE a guy to have guys night Adam soon tells Eli he’s ordered some MMA match. Eli has to take a pass however cause he has to take a rain check but what about Drew. Adam comments how Drew and Alli are attached at the hip and why do bros ditch bros the second they get a girl. Eli says he’s only ditching to study for midterms but he hopes Adam finds something to do.

Fiona’s meeting with her shrink and comments about her taking allot of notes. The shrink says there is just allot going on and Fiona brings up her deposition. The shrink talks about alternative methods to deal with her anxiety and prescribes Fiona with meds. She’s not crazy just stressed. Fiona ends up pouring water out of a bottle and filling it with liquor instead.
Zane and Riley must have went on their date because they are talking about how they had a good time the night before and Zane hopes there is a sequel. Riley says count on it and leaves as Anya walks over asking when the coming out party is and Riley says as soon as playoffs are over and then its Pride day but he wants to make a big gesture. Anya suggests running for King and King of the Winter Dance.

Speaking of said dance, Sav is having a meeting with Holly J and Fiona for theme ideas. Holly J suggests on looking back at past dances seeing what worked the best. Sav sighs thinking it’s more of the same boring thing when Fiona comments one of the best dances she’s attended was called ‘a night in Monaco’ guys in tuxes girls in cocktail dresses. Sav is a bit skeptic about gambling at school when Fiona says how the money went back to the school to fund future events and they made buckets of it. Sav was had at buckets of money and as he leaves to go study, Holly J and Fiona do some studying of their own….till Holly J finds Fiona’s prescription. Holly J asks why she’s using it as a bookmark and she promises to fill it if needed. Adam sees Eli at the Dot and comments how he thought Eli was studying….he is….with Clare and Adam is pissed he wasn’t honest and how he’s now the third wheel.

Fiona takes a sip of her ‘drink’ as Laura wants her to go over things with the lawyer. She sees the prescription and she takes it to fill. The lawyer asks her questions as she’s having flashbacks. Holly J asks how things went and Fiona comments how they put her sanity on trial but the good news is she’s ruined an ugly ass lamp. She asks how the dance is going and Holly J says it’s going…..though Simpson isn’t sure of the theme and is having them pitch it to the PTA.

Zane tells Riley how he’s saving the seat for royalty and how he’s made a bold move. Zane goes for a hug and Riley tells him not yet….Zane tells him that he’s already outed online on the dance court application. Riley’s worried about the team and Zane says he’s got his back.

Adam is looking for a place to sit at lunch and Fitz offers him a seat….no hard feelings. He asks if Adam and Eli had a lover’s quarrel at guys’ night and Adam says there wasn’t one and he and Fitz start poking fun of Eli.

Fiona’s done the research on other schools and their casino nights however the proposal is pushed up and Holly J doesn’t know if she’ll be off work in time….Fiona offers to take over.

Eli apologizes on blowing off guys’ night and Adam says what about tonight there is another fight and….Eli can’t because he’s going with Clare but the next day he’s free. Adam doesn’t want his pity and Eli says to not be such a girl realizing instantly those were the worst words to say considering Adam is physically still one. Adam says whatever he has other people to hang with. Eli says Fitz isn’t his friend and Adam says at least he’s not blowing him off for a girl.

Laura asks Fiona how the pitch is coming and asks how the new lamp looks. She just wants to focus on the pitch and Laura says it’ll be a breeze compared to the lawyers. She leaves to take the court suit to be pressed saying the right outfit makes all the difference. Fiona nods and ends up getting loaded on champagne her drug of choice.

Drew and one of the other players are talking about Riley being gay and one of the guys asks if it’s true. Riley says yea and the guy wants another guy to pay him ten bucks because he knew it. Drew then tells them to focus this is the final game and they need to win.

Fiona shows up to the pitch meeting with Simpson and the PTA totally smashed. She removes her trench coat to reveal a skimpy showgirl outfit. Holly J shows up in the nick of time to salvage the presentation and save the dance from being a wash.

The boys win the big game and Armstrong calls Riley over to meet with the recruiter of a major school’s program. Zane think this is great however Riley worries what college players will think of him being out.

Holly J confronts Fiona about her outfit and about being drunk and Fiona says she’s under so much pressure. Holly J says she should take the prescribed pills instead of self-medicating with booze. Simpson informs them the dance is green lit….TBC

Fiona’s filling more water bottles with booze as Laura comments about how chipper she’s being for someone with a court date. Fiona comments how the dance was green lit and she’s happy and strong and doesn’t need the shrink or pills she’s bullet proof and ready to face the wolves.

Riley asks if Anya remembers how he was planning on being out and proud…..well he is close to getting recruited for Eastern and he doesn’t think the school will be too open to a gay QB so it’s back in the closet he goes. Anya pouts as Chantey comes over to commend him for what he did….run for co-kings with Zane….if they win it’ll be a school first. Anya comments how she guesses the closet has been bolted from the inside and Riley nods saying he guesses he’s out he just hopes it doesn’t mess up his interview.

Fiona meets Bobby’s lawyer Toni Stark and yes there is the obligatory Iron Man jokes. Miss Stark begins her line of questions however Fiona soon excuses herself to hydrate…er drink.

Adam is in the weight room and Fitz comments that he and the guys have business. They have a secret fight club and Adam is very much interested in fighting and Fitz says he’ll find him a sparring partner.

Fiona’s back with her water….well water bottle of booze and she’s being asked a line of question about her mental state. She calls Toni a bitch and walks out. Laura follows her and calls her out on the champagne in the water bottles. She says would you rather use a glass before walking out of the loft.

Riley meets with the recruit and Armstrong who really think he has potential to be their QB. The recruiter asks Riley why he’s so hesitant and Riley says how he’s gay. The Recruit says how Eastern is a progressive school and an openly gay QB may even boost their credit.

Adam’s punching a bad and Fitz says that he’s found her a perfect sparring partner….Bianca. There is a code…we don’t hit girls and while you’re a guy between the ears we don’t fight with brains.

Zane is pleased how they still liked Riley and comments how Eastern has a great engineering program so perhaps Riley will go to school having a friend. Zane then calls him a trail blazer like Harvey Milk. Riley asks what team he played for and Zane says how he was the first openly gay Senator back in the 70’s. Riley asks what he’s up to now and Zane says how he was assassinated which doesn’t bode well in Riley’s mind AT ALL. He was killed for being gay…not cool.

Holly J asks Fiona how the deposition goes and she says it went now let’s study for History. Holly J comments on her drunken eyes and Fiona doesn’t want to talk about that. She wants to focus on her midterm and the dance…not the trial because she’s dropping the charges….Bobby wins. Holly J is upset she’s giving up and asks what if Bobby is hurting other girls. Fiona just wants to be happy and Holly J comments if she’s so happy why is she drunk. Laura shows up to talk to Fiona.

Eli asks Adam how he did on his exam and asks if he’s waiting for someone and Adam says Fitz. Eli can’t believe Adam is still all BFF with Fitz. He’s not and Adam slugs him. Fitz says after school it’s on.

Fiona wants to drop the charges however Laura doesn’t want her to. She blames herself because she pushed her on Bobby. Fiona says but what if he never did anything….what if I just made it up haven’t you heard I’m crazy. Fiona just wants to go take her midterm and be normal.

Eli comes to the gym with Clare to talk him out of fighting Fitz. Adam doesn’t need their help and he leaves the room however Clare and Eli need to stop this from happening.

We get a great musical montage sequence now which ties together nicely the three sub plots. Fiona is taking another swig of her ‘water bottle’ and hazily going to take her midterm while Riley is searching about ‘Why There Aren’t Any Gay Pro Athletes’ and Adam is waiting outside for Fitz. According to Shazam the song playing is called Carjack My Heart by Dance Movie.

Fiona finishes her test and hands it to Mr. P before walking toward the other side of the gym and crashing. She wakes up in her loft and asks how long she’s been asleep. Holly J says she’s been asleep a half hour at school and another hour after she dragged her back. Holly J then makes her watch Bobby’s video again and again until she GETS IT. Holly J asks why she doesn’t want to fight back. Nobody deserves to be hit. She gives Fiona the anxiety meds saying she fished the prescription from the trash and had Laura fill it and she has a long meeting with Laura and her shrink in the AM.

Riley wants Armstrong to relay a message to the coach from Eastern and it’s not good. Armstrong says he gets that Riley is feeling the pressure about being the first openly gay player. He tells Riley he has a gift and he needs to figure out how much he wants it.

Eli tries to stop Adam but when he can’t stop him he says he’s going to stick up for him. Adam goes off like a manic on Fitz while Clare sets off a skink bomb causing the school to be evacuated. Adam and Eli run off as people head out.
Another musical montage this time it’s of Laura dumping all the champagne down the condo’s drain as Fiona is talking to her shrink and then Riley talking to the recruiter telling him yes and when he comes out of the office he gives Zane a very public kiss in the hall… Shazam says this song was   Believe by Moneen.

Fiona goes to give her deposition again only this time Holly J is in the room with her and her mom as well as Toni and the Coyne lawyer where she admits that he hit her.

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