Sunday, September 22, 2013

Degrassi Takes Manhattan RECAP

I don’t know if this set of episodes/movie had an alternative title or not for what for all intents and purposes would have been episodes 20-23 however it’s interesting to note that while it’s packaged with the season nine DVD (wrapping up the seniors plots by showing the graduation of Danny, Peter, Jane…) it also served as the launch of the first of three summer ‘Novella’s’ that Degrassi had (mainly setting up Fiona’s arch for the first few episodes of season ten) The movie also brings up the ship that shant be named in the Degrassi fandom though like I said looking back at ‘Holiday Road’ maybe it wasn’t so WTF that came out of nowhere after all. And speaking of the ship that shant be named this movie (so far) is the last appearance of any of the season one student cast sans a season eleven webisode appearance of Paige.

The film opens on a deserted and messy hallway, it’s the last day of school and the seniors are returning books and getting ready to blow the school forever. Spinner closes down the Dot for an hour and Jane, and Danny are pulling Sav out of his final class wile Peter is setting up equipment outside on a stage. The final bell rings and the band is playing an impromptu show.
Declan and Holly J meanwhile are in the lab counting down until New York and generally making out.

Clare comments asking how Alli could fit all her skimpy school cloths in her locker (which aren’t all that bad like I’ve noted in the past….though definitely not what her parental would approve of) she mentions someone is coming and Clare gets all blushy saying goodbye to Declan. Holly teases him asking if she’s going to stalk him to the city and he just laughs it off.

WHATEVER IT TAKES (well a title card comes up)

Peter announces the band is going to playing above the Dot all summer long….but why does the fun have to end cause Sav will be a senior, Peter is going to TU and Spinner’s a perpetual townie….well Danny got into the Ivys, namely Cornell while valedictorian Jane looks like she’s got something to hide.

Laura says their transcripts are officially sent over for Vanderbilt in the fall. Declan still wishes he could stay in Toronto but hey…at least Holly J is going to be making her home at the penthouse…in the guest room that is. Fiona isn’t pleased though she tries to hide it claiming hey, at least there will be another female present for the summer. Laura tells the kids goodbye and to not get into too much trouble while she’s gone for a few weeks. With mom gone and a few days left at the mansion before the move Declan declares an end of Summer Pool Party.

For a graduation gift, Jane and Spinner are getting matching tattoos. Thankfully due to the progression of this episode it’s not names….. Spinner has a key and Jane has a lock. As they are getting inked Jane has something to tell Spinner. She got into Stanford on a full ride and she can’t pass it up. She knows it’s far but between vacation and holidays the most they’ll be together is two months. (And again Katie Matlin/Older Character Fanfic seems to write itself with Junior! Jane being freshman! Katie’s RA….oh well at least Paula (Jane) and Chloe (Katie) are filming a movie together though ten bucks says it will never see the light of a US day)

Graduation happens and Danny comments about Johnny being an honor student…Miss H talks for no more than one minute while Jane is commenting wondering where Spinner is.

Spinner meanwhile is at the Dot showing Jay the tattoo. He asks if it hurt and Spinner comments not as much as Jane breaking his heart by saying she’s moving to Cali. Sweetie moving to Cali is going to be the least of your worries. Jay says Cali is a fun booty call though Spinner points out Manny is home every few weeks. Jay says that absence makes the girls go Horney and Jay coaxes him to fight for Jane. Spinner leaves Holly J in charge of both the diner and interviewing for her replacement while he heads to the graduation hoping he’s not late.

Miss H is calling out names and is nearing the end. Danny is crossing the stage and now Valedictorian Jane is called to get her diploma and give her speech. Freezing up and flashing a smile in Spinners direction. We never hear the rest of her speech as Miss H’s voice tells the graduates congratulations and they throw off the hats. It’s interesting to note that there is never a mention of the class year (which should be 2008…. It’s also interesting to note that the next class to graduate Aka Sav, Holly J… class of 2011)

Jenna is interviewing for the job and Spinner sighs looking at Jane asking if he can’t just put her on the payroll while Holly J’s away. She tells him she doesn’t need the cash…full ride remember…and that she plans to camp out for concert tickets all summer for them. Spinner then asks if she wants to go to Declan’s but she declines saying she doesn’t want to end up having some flake be hired. Emma then shows up at the Dot. She’s done some sole searching and has transferred home to TU in the fall.  And is interested to know if they are still hiring. She can do full time all summer, part in the fall and she knows her shit. Spinner tells her she can start ASAP as he and Jane head to Declan’s. As they leave they tell Emma no making hot sandwiches or using the fryer while he’s gone.

They are having a pool party at the Coynes and Jane and Holly J go to change. Spinner offers to take over grill duty from Declan and asks how Holly J likes her burgers; he has no clue and heads towards the changing area to ask her.

Manny arrives back in town and there are hugs all around between her, Manny, and Jay. Emma is swamped and asks Manny to help her make coffees.

Holly J comments about the tattoo and Jane says how it’s still raw and she doesn’t plan on taking any dips in Declan’s pool. Holly J then starts speaking innuendo saying how she’s been there/done that and how it’s a win win. Spinner never knew Jane cheated Holly J got the man and now the boys are being all friendly. However right now Spinner is actually listening in and the beans are all spilled.

The rush is over and Manny is looking at a bridal magazine while Jay wants a signature sandwich Spinner makes. Emma tells them no hot sandwiches but then is all what the hell.

Spinner confronts Jane at the party about Declan. She tells him how it was only for two weeks and it was months ago but she loves Jane. Spinner then sucker punches Declan and tells Jane good luck with the rest of her life and he’s glad it’s happening far away from him. He storms off while Jane is hysterically crying and apologizing to Declan and Holly J. She feels stupid and ashamed and she’s going to just go to California early. Holly J says no, she shouldn’t wallow and Declan and Holly J invite her to California.

The Dot is on fire because the sandwich maker blew up. Everyone is okay thank goodness but the building is destroyed.

And now we’re off to New York. I think they filmed some of this on location though I think most of it was done Via Toronto Backlot like LA was. The quad of the Twins, Jane and Holly J make their way up to the penthouse. Fiona just sits on the couch and is acting like it’s just another day while Holly J is in awe. She feels like she just stepped into ‘The Princess Diaries’ and is freaking out over the post luxe lifestyle the Coynes are accustomed to. Her awing doesn’t last too long as Jane comments about how Chantey just tweeted about the Dot fire. Jane wants to call Spinner about it but knows he doesn’t want to talk. Fiona then comments how she’s watching the show Holly J’s going to be interning at and commenting about how ‘Kristen’ is still hosting. META ALERT she’s about to interview Drake AKA Aubrey Graham AKA Jimmy Brooks but Fiona’s over it and turns off the TV. Declan then takes Jane and Holly J on a sightseeing trip though it seems they are doing less of sightseeing and more of going to 5th Ave and Time Square. They are in the park after their insane shopping trip and Holly J is commenting about her wicked heels but how she’s still a shorty. Jane suggests the happy couple take a romantic boat ride while she goes to check out the buskers panhandling for money.

Spinner apologizes about the Dot and asks if they plan to rebuild. The owner says it depends on their insurance settlement but even if they do it won’t re-open till the fall. Emma walks in commenting how she guesses she’ll need to find a new job and the boss asks who she is. He says nobody and he tells Emma he took the fall because he’s the manager. Emma asks if there is anything she can do and he says turn back time and not burn the Dot and to make Jane not cheat on him.

Jane is looking at the singers and is attempting to call Spinner when a stray dog starts to run over to her….it’s not intentional….Nash Brenan I mean George was trying to flirt with her. She mentions how she’s a singer and he asks her if she wants to try out to be the new lead singer. The bands called ‘Flashing Midnight’ and she should check the songs out on MySpace.

The couple shows back up and Fiona was wondering where they were and what they want for Dinner however Declan and Holly J have reservations for two. Fiona asks if she’s supposed to be their third wheel all summer and Declan tells her she’ll find something to do.

Holly J is about to start the next day and runs into some guy outside the building. I guess he’s important in the entertainment world but I don’t know. Holly J meets with Kristen and the other interns. Her first job is to carry a banana because she has a thing for poeticism. Fiona shows up ….Declan told her to stay busy and so now she’s Kristen’s PERSONAL ASSISTAINT and the intern’s boss.

Jane shows up and auditions for the band. As she’s singing we get contrasting shots of Spinner boxing up all memories of her.

Holly J is venting about how Fiona just stepped in and took the internship from under her and how TVM was supposed to be HER thing this summer. Declan comments how perhaps it can be both their things as Jane arrives gushing about her gig as the new lead singer of Flashing Midnight. Holly J asks when she can see her and Jane is gushing how she’s going to be on the show.

The following day Holly J is getting ready to go to work (with Fiona) and Declan is commenting about how they are seeing an opera….Fiona isn’t pleased.

Back in Toronto Spinner is playing basketball at the school. Emma walks by saying she heard Jane left but Spinner doesn’t want to talk. She nods and insists she plays a game of Horse….

George asks Jane about her tattoo and she comments how she forgot it was even there…. Out of sight out of mind.

Kristen is at a pitch meeting with her interns. She’s talking about Flashing Midnight and how they have a new lead singer. Holly J comments…yea, Jane, my friend and Kristen rolls her eyes saying yea right she can’t be her friend too. Fiona says how she’s already told Kristen how she and Jane are ‘TOTES BFF’ and Kristen wants Fiona to do the on air interview with her while Holly J is to do all the research about the band thus having to skip out on the plans leading Declan to take Fiona instead.

Spinner’s wallowing at the loft watching one of those fishing reality shows and apparently he’s got a pet turtle…random….Jay, Emma, and Manny barge in and decide to kidnap him and take him to Niagara Falls to get him out of his funk.

Kristen calls Holly J to fetch Fiona and bring her to set. Fiona is raving about how she got home super late from the opera and demands coffee. Holly J rebuts saying she got home a full two hours later and Fiona can get it herself. Fiona comments how it was like old times with her and Declan….like pre-Holly J. Fiona tells her how she might have been the cock of the walk at Degrassi but New York is HER town…and besides girlfriends are fickle but sisters are forever and there is nothing Holly J can do about it. Holly J ends up locking Fiona in a copy room and comments ‘This is New York Holly J Bitch’. Holly J makes it to the set with her research and Kristen asks where Fiona is. Holly J says she doesn’t know but she knows all the information and Jane backs her up. Holly J gets to do the interview.

Emma, Spinner, Jay, and Manny are at a casino in Niagara and Emma is killing it at blackjack and being uber flirty to Spinner.

The band goes on to play as Fiona finally shows up in tears. Kristen doesn’t want to hear it and she’s fired all thanks to Holly J. Fiona pulls out her cell phone and makes a call.

Jay is glad that their cheer up mission was a success and soon Emma wins more money and Spinner ends up kissing her….she kisses right back.

Declan shows up for Fiona who is still in tears over Holly J. Holly J smiles glad he’s shown up however he’s pissed that she’d do what she did to Fiona.

The next morning liquor bottles and cloths are askew on a hotel room floor as Spinner wakes up in bed besides Emma who is wearing a ring and a veil. WTF just happened….yea says the whole fracking fandom. He asks what they did and she comments ‘robbed a jewelry store’ before seeing the photo of them saying ‘Just Married’. Jay and Manny show up because Emma wasn’t in her room. They show up and are all WOW….The quad ends up going back to the lobby wanting to know just went down last night. They were married alright and it was all legal.

Holly J wants to know if Declan is still mad at her and he is because Fiona is his sister…but Holly J is his girlfriend and he makes the two girls hug it out and start fresh. Fiona wants to welcome Holly J to the city in style with a party.

George and Jane are in the park and are looking at some of the street venders. George introduces Jane to someone who comments how it sucks about the last singer. George and her used to date and when they broke up it got messy and caused her to go solo. Jane comments how she gets it, she dated a drummer but they broke up and now she’s in New York. She was supposed to go off for school but now who knows.

They are back in Toronto and Jay comments how his uncle is a divorce lawyer. The newlyweds nod but then kick their friends out to corroborate their story. Spinner takes the wedding folder and brings it to the shrine he has on his bookcase of all the things that makes him tick….there is a photo of his dad, a photo of him and Paige circa season three….and Emma’s health food essay from ‘Weird Science’ AKA the boner episode. Emma knows that they got married cause they were shitfaced but she doesn’t want it to end….neither does he and they make out.

They are having the party and New York and Fiona is getting wasted on champagne her drug of choice which we will see more of in the next season. She’s already wasted and asks Declan where Holly J is. Holly J then descends downstairs making her grand entrance and Declan is speechless. Fiona complements how pretty Holly J looks and Holly J complements her back before introducing her to a group of girls who turn out to all be Declan’s exes. One of the girl’s comments how it sometimes seems like Fiona just wants him all to herself. George is showing Jane the skyline outside and is romancing her. Jane comments how fast things are moving and that Jane needs to stop planning and just go for it. A Ke$ha song starts to play and now it’s stuck in my head as Holly J comments about how the party is an ambush and how Fiona invited all his exes and things with the three of them under one roof just aren’t going to work. Declan shows her where his loyalty lies and kisses her. Fiona pulls Declan away saying their PDA is gross and Holly J says no, Fiona’s jealousy is gross and inappropriate….Inappropriate! Fiona will SHOW her inappropriate! And makes out with her TWIN BROTHER before passing out in his arms. Holly J is over playing second fiddle to Declan and leaves.

Emma wakes up the following morning in the loft while Spinner is making breakfast. As she’s looking for her cloths she finds the Jane box and decides to go cause she’s still in Spinner’s life and she’s the rebound and she’s calling the lawyer.

Declan is reading the paper about them while Fiona is wining about a migraine. Declan tells her that she’s being sent off the spend the summer with their aunt Kate (not to be confused with Ashley’s mom, Random CPR class girl, or the elder Matlin sister) and Fiona is crying cause she’s going to be BANISHED to the Hamptons….of cry me a river Fi. She tells Declan that he’s all she has and he tells her he’s scared that she’s become too attached and clingy to him and she needs to grow up and get a life. She has a hissy fit and tells him she hates him.

Holly J slept at the office and is thinking about resigning but Kristen says she’s resign when she says so….but first (said in my Wil Show Julie Chen impression voice) The Coyne Twinsest…and Declan’s on the phone…but not to talk about that….to try and make amends with Holly J before she leaves and it’s too late. She takes him back.

Emma’s at the divorce lawyer played by comedian Colin Mochrie who is real life uncle to actor Munro Chambers who is introduced as Eli Goldsworthy in episode 10x04 Breakaway Part 2 (Spoilers). Spinner shows up to the meeting. He’s sorry he’s late he had to just throw out a box. The lawyer asks if they are ready to have to check divorce every time they enter a contest….kidding…. he then asks them a few questions and when they say yes to being married while drunk they have an out. Spinner wants them to have a second to talk. He tells her what if Niagara was kismet….fate….Emma gets on her knee asking if she can pawn the tacky casino ring and use the money to throw a real party.

Jane shows up for practice and sees the old singer is back. She’s given him another chance and he owes it to her and the band to try and make it work. She tells Jane she’ll find another band.

Emma and Spinner are curled up watching a movie when Jane calls. She tells him all about how amazing New York is and he tells her how he and Emma are getting married and how he wanted her to hear it from him and not someone else. She congratulates him and hangs up.

Fiona’s packing to head to the Hamptons and Holly J and Declan are ready to go out and do couple things but first Jane needs to talk. Holly J asks how George and the band are and she tells them that his ex is back in as singer and how they need to get back to Toronto cause Spinner is with Emma. It’s a Holiday Weekend so there are no flights which is making me try to figure out timeline….it feels like it’d be too early for Labor Day and too late for Memorial Day so I’m guessing it’s some Canadian Holliday or July Fourth (though I wouldn’t think that would book up outbound flights) Whatever Holiday…Declan loads the girls into the car and they head up the coast to cross the border.

Emma is asking Manny what she thinks of her dress and she says there is still time to annul and asks if her parents know. She says they are still camping and while Manny points out how Emma gets crazy when it comes to her dependence on a man Emma rebuts saying not everyone can be big time stars. Manny just doesn’t want Emma to later regret things and then tells her she likes the dress.

The trio stop at a gas station and Jane is freaking out about things. Holly J tells Declan that Jane is stupid for wanting to crash the wedding and they vow to prolong the journey so that they don’t make it in time….starting with skipping across the street to buy strawberries from a roadside vender.

Emma goes to Spinner per Manny’s wishes asking him about if they should just one more time. She loves him and he loves her and why do they need to make a spectacle why can’t they just be happy together in secret…no rush…no pressure….yea….they are clearly making a mistake.

Declan and Holly J are at a batting cage and Jane tells them how she knows they are stalling and Holly J tries to talk sense into her. Spinner’s marrying someone else and there is nothing she can do. Jane agrees, it’s a mistake….lets go back to New York. She asks Declan for the keys to listen to the radio and wait however she steals the car.

Emma is breaking down to Manny. She can’t believe Spinner didn’t want to go through with things and he was so calm and rational. Her parents come home and Manny asks what they plan to tell them….nothing.

Spinner meanwhile is hacking up the burnt out diner as Peter shows up.  Peter asks if he’s okay and Spinner tells him he’s a looser and is going nowhere. That’s why Jane cheated on him, that’s why Emma wants a divorce….Divorcé…WHAT? The boss then shows up saying how the money went through and they are going to rebuild and sometimes good things happen from accidents. Spinner tells Peter to call Jay he has someplace to go as Spinner runs to Emma stealing houseplants along the way. He’s tells her in front of her and her parents and Manny he wants to marry her. Christine asks how pregnant is she….not at all. And in this moment I’m actually having feels for the ship that shant be named…. DAMN YOU RE-WATCH…..DAMN YOU TO HELL…..

The band shows up as well as others such as Liberty who is confused as to what kind of party this is. Spinner’s mom gives him her wedding band to give Emma saying how his dad would be proud of him. Jay shows up saying that as an online ordained minister he’s seen many a nerves groom but to not sweat it…he and Emma are perfect. He warns to run and Manny will castrate both of them.  Jane’s car pulls up and Jane shows up in the tent with Spinner. She starts telling him he has to stop it but she can’t. He looks happy and that’s all she wants for him and she gives him her blessing and begs for forgiveness for screwing Declan. He gives her a hug saying he forgives her. Manny walks in as she’s kissing him goodbye and starts to catfight her. As they are clawing at one another Sav and Danny are debating who should tell Spinner of Jane’s presence. Spinner and Jane tell Manny it was a goodbye kiss and Manny fixes her hair and leaves the tent followed by Spinner. Peter introduces everyone to Spinner and Emma’s post impulsive wedding commitment ceremony and it begins.

Holly J and Declan come to the beach and see Jane. Jane tells him that she kissed him….goodbye. Emma and Spinner see the trio on the dock and Spinner says Jane just wanted closure. Emma calls over to them inviting them to come to the party.  Manny starts to sing and the couple have their first dance.

Fiona heads to the Hamptons. Jane comments to Declan and Holly J about how crazy the start of summer has been and soon they head back into Declan’s car to drive back to the city while the camera pans out to the wedding crowd.

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