Friday, September 20, 2013

9x18 In Your Eyes recap

Peter is roleplaying with Riley in his anger management group. Peter asks Riley if he’s talked to the councilor about his other little issue….namely the fact that he’s gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it just that it would help if he came out to someone else aside from just his friend. Anya comes into the room after the meeting is dismissed wanting to interview the school’s most eligible bachelor for the video yearbook….Riley.


Anya interviews Riley about what kind of girls he likes and what they need to do to catch his eye. She tells him he needs to say something because the interview is part of her communications grade.

KC is bombing Math and it’s too late in the semester to get a tutor. Clare tells him that he can study with her and he asks if it would be weird. Clare says no, they are just friends and besides she needs to review too though she has the ulterior motive of wanting to woo him back.

Riley’s in yoga club with Anya and he and he’s all smiley saying goodbye to Zane. Anya thanks him for inviting her to the club and she asks who he’s crushing on. He has something to tell her and he hopes she’s not freaked out…..yes he’s coming out to someone else.  Her reaction is What? Am I the first one you told? And then she asks if he’s crushing on Zane. She promises not to tell as she has her share of secrets.

Clare asks KC how he fell so far behind because he was always good with Math. KC tells her what Carson did and that how after that studying just fell by the wayside. He reminds her he’s with Jenna and she claims she’s cool and they are friends.

Anya has information…..Zane is gay too and Riley should ask him out.  Zane thanks Riley for wishing him luck on a brutal Bio exam and the invites Riley to coffee at the Dot. Anya watches and comes back to Riley all awe you’re first date. Riley is nervous and asks Zane if he wants to go someplace else.

Clare is helping KC some more and Jenna shows up. Clare walks off wanting to leave the two love birds alone and KC is more than willing to spend time with Jenna since he’s going to flunk anyway. Jenna encourages him to ask Clare for help. KC tells her that’s what they were doing though that’s not the HELP Jenna has in mind, she means to ask KC to cheat on Clare.

Riley takes Zane to the top of an under construction building where he sometimes goes to think. He calls it their secret club house….no girls aloud. He comes to contemplate about things and Zane realizes Riley’s gay. Before they can continue however a security guard kicks them out and Riley almost lets his anger get the better of him.

KC tells Clare to sit next to him so he can cheat and she lists off all the reasons they shouldn’t. He tells her it’s cool she always follows rules and she ends up sitting in front of him so he’s in her eye line anyway.

Riley apologizes for leaving Zane in a lurch but he admits he didn’t want his violence to get the better of him. He has anger issues and he’s getting help….the yoga club is part of it. Zane asks if he’s going to go to the LGBT mixer but Riley just can’t. Zane tells him he’s only going to bring loneliness upon himself.

KC is telling Jenna about the cheating when Clare arrives. He thanks her again and Clare is mad he’s telling the other girl. Jenna promises her lips are sealed since she’s the one that suggested it in the first place. Clare is miffed that first KC cheated ON her with Jenna and is now cheating OFF of her because of Jenna.

Riley goes to Yoga and back past the building before watching Zane bringing things toward Above The Dot for the mixer.

The Math class must be a split period or schedules are messed up cause of finals (which would explain why the juniors and seniors are on campus and the freshman are still in class) as Armstrong is now going over the exam or at least the questions that seem to be most troubling. KC raises his hand and admits he cheated….Clare didn’t know. Armstrong tells KC to go to the office.

Peter asks Riley to help him carry some of the drinks upstairs. Riley can’t but Peter tells him there are allot of strait allies up there and Riley can help him sell drinks. Zane sees that Riley came and he’s happy. Riley admits it’s all new for him and Zane tells him that it’s not like he came out in grade school and the duo soon dance.

Clare shows up at the Dot and KC tells her he took a zero and that he didn’t rat her out. He tells her that it seems like all the drama that happened in his life happened after they broke up. Clare comments that he can’t go blaming his issues on everyone else and she’ll see him in September.

Zane asks Riley how he enjoyed the mixer. A next time is mentioned because while there is awkwardness between them they had fun. Zane tells Riley he’s glad he came and Riley gives him a goodbye kiss.

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